
When Does Forgiveness Become A Necessity?

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What if holding on to the belief that "someone did you wrong" continues to hurt no one but you? What if that judgement prevents you from receiving and accepting your abundance? And... what if all those things you have wanted have been pushed away by you because of your refusal to forgive?

How do you do forgiveness? To forgive does not mean to forget. It does mean to let go of any resentments, judgements and rejecting feelings you hold against the one whom you feel wronged you. Since everything is energy, when you hold disapproving feelings in your heart like unforgiveness, you block joy from coming to you. You literally build an energetic thick wall of grievances, block by block with each unforgiveness.

So... when does forgiveness become a necessity - uh, NOW, if you want your life to change into more abundance - abundance of joy, peace, freedom, fulfilment, health, money, loving relationships, and harmonious work experiences. Forgiveness starts with self, as all things do. As an energetic being, like attracts like. We attract the things needed for our soul growth - experiences mirror our beliefs to us.

You know you haven't forgiven when you obsess about how you wish someone had treated you differently. Could you begin now by forgiving yourself for the following ways you treated you:

1. Believing yourself to be the "black sheep" or "hero" in your family. (What if both required expending a lot of energy on your part in playing out that role.)

2. Getting that divorce or multiple divorces. (What if when the energies no longer match, they end - there is no right or wrong to an ending; it simply is.)

3. Being unable to get pregnant. (What if a child would have held you down from completing your life's divine purpose.)

4. Getting fired from that job. (What if you had outgrown it and it was time to move on to something more suited?)

5. Living in poverty. (What if you needed to learn compassion?)

6. Ruining your life with drugs, alcohol and other addictions. (What if you learned through opposites and needed to experience who you were not so you could get in touch with who you really are?)

7. Your house foreclosure. (What if you increased your knowledge about money by going through loss?)

8. Being abused in some way - emotionally, physically, sexually. (What if you gained insight that you are worthwhile and deserve improvement?)

9. Seemingly trapped in a bad relationship. (What if you learned that you have choices?)

10. Hating being fat, skinny, ugly. (What if you realized and accepted that you are the only one to change those beliefs and make different choices?)

11. Feeling guilty for someone's death. (What if each individual chooses the time for his/her own death and you cannot be responsible for another's choices?)

Once you forgive yourself, it becomes easier to forgive others since you now understand that you can let go of judgement whenever you want. Judgement has only been a misguided belief about something or someone which limits you, not them.

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