
The Real Happiness in Life

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What is happiness? Where do we find it? How do we obtain it? I readily concede that it's important to have sufficient money for our needs, but beyond that, money has little to do with true happiness.

Happiness is the most intangible state we are seeking in our whole lives. In our pursuit of real happiness in life, we experienced too much pain and sacrifices.There are even times when we lose our own source of happiness. But, there are only a few who knew that real happiness lies within ourselves.

Happiness does not always require success, prosperity or attainment. Real happiness ever has its root in unselfishness-its blossom in love of some kind. The present is an age of pleasure-seeking, and men are losing their sanity in the mad rush for sensations that do but excite and disappoint. In this day of counterfeits, adulterations, and base imitations, the devil is busier than he has ever been in the course of human history, in the manufacture of pleasures, both old and new; and these he offers for sale in most attractive fashion, falsely labeled, 'Happiness.

What is happiness then? How does it differ from mere pleasure? Happiness leaves no bad aftertaste, it is followed by no depressing reaction; it calls for no repentance, brings no regret, entails no remorse; pleasure too often makes necessary repentance, contrition, and suffering; and, if indulged to the extreme, it brings degradation and destruction.

True happiness is lived over and over again in memory, always with a renewal of the original good; a moment of unholy pleasure may leave a barbed sting, which, like a thorn in the flesh, is an ever-present source of anguish. Happiness is not akin with levity, nor is it one with light-minded mirth.

It seems happiness is something we all desire but few find. Is it a career? Is happiness in our 'stuff'? Looking for happiness in things will never satisfy. In the end, we find ourselves just looking further.

Just don't take yourself too seriously. True perfection is really accepting your imperfections. In this way, you're not struggling with or rejecting yourself. Make friends with yourself. Never beat yourself down because of too many emotional issues. It is natural to feel everything, whatever it may be.

Try to meditate. There is an overwhelming amount of research showing how meditation changes the circuits in the part of the brain associated with contentment and happiness and stimulates the "feel-good" factor. Meditating on love and kindness makes you much, much happier! And the only way to know this is to try it, so don't hesitate. It has been proven that even as little as 10 minutes of meditation a day can lead to physical changes in the brain that improve concentration and focus, calm the nervous system, and help you to become more kind and compassionate, and even more humorous.

Let go of negativity. Learn to forgive and forget. See every challenge as an opportunity for further growth. Express gratitude for what you have. Don't worry about the little things. Take plenty of "worry vacations" where you train your mind not to worry for a certain length of time.

See the humor in life and in our experiences. Take life less seriously and learn to laugh at yourself. Serve and be kind to others. Treat everyone with kindness. Speak well of others. Truly listen to others. Support them without bringing yourself into it. Be careful with your words. Speak gentler, kinder, and wiser. Respect others and their free will. Put your trust in others and be trusted in return.

Work as part of a whole. See others as partners in your efforts. Practice generosity and giving without expecting anything in return. Live in the present. Don't replay negative events or worry about the future. Accept and celebrate impermanence. Be grateful for your life, for each moment of every day.

Observe yourself in the moment. Choose a healthy lifestyle. Keep a daily routine. Wake up at the same time every morning, preferably early. Get enough sleep. Don't overeat and try to practice healthy self-control. Exercise daily to the point of sweating.

Laugh more. Laughter is the best medicine. Practice deep breathing and yoga. The body and mind are connected. Take care of your spirit. Strive to always learn new things. Get creative.

Be inwardly free. Live minimally and simply. Often extravagant living brings more stress, not more satisfaction. De-clutter your home to de-clutter your mind. Feel good in your own home. Make it your sanctuary by keeping it clean, organized, and uplifting. Go without certain things you think you need.

Most people spend their lives waiting for happiness because they are misinformed. In order to find true happiness in life, you need to work on yourself and make a few adjustments to the way you live your life.

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