
Keeping Your Chin Up - Despite What They Say, You Are Not a Loser

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Suppose you had a break up with your spouse or, you lost your regular job or something similar occurred in your life. Are you ready to call it quits and accept from others that you are an unlucky loser? No way! Why? Read on to find out.

You have inner divine power to turn things around. You do not need drugs or alcohol to relieve yourself. You just need to change your self-talk to positive. You need to be aware of your thoughts as well. Gradually change them to positive ones. And then you will thrive!

So you are estranged from your spouse. You can have some time by yourself to brood and remorse. But you need to get up and pick yourself up fast back to track. Spend time and talk with friends. Talk to your children, if you have any. Concentrate on your work. Gradually return to the dating world and find someone to love again. Love can break through walls and turn life around for the better. It is the strongest unknown force that exists in the world and will do everything to cure your pain. Everything will fall back to place. You will be happy again. Drugs and alcohol will only ruin you but your power to change your thoughts to positive ones is a great asset for you.

So you lost your regular job. It gives you the opportunity to rethink about your life and what you actually love to do. Make a list of the things that you enjoy doing. Gradually put the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of your life together. What you love to do and how you can convert that to a prospective living should be your target. Network with like-minded people and research the web. Gradually everything will fall on to your lap. You will know when your efforts will have paid off. You will definitely be earning a good living doing what you love and you will never have to work a single day again. So what happened did happen only for the very best. Trust the process and pace yourself. As I already said, yes you will thrive!!

So whenever disaster strikes, and people want to tell you that you are a loser, don't pay any attention. Take it as a challenge and prove to them that you are worthy and important. People will always judge you by what you have already done. You can judge yourself by telling yourself what you still can do. This is very important. So take a note of it and get started and eventually be on top of the world. You will have proved to the world, yes you are worthy and by no means, a loser.,-You-Are-Not-a-Loser&id=9550255

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