
How To Be Happy and Create Happiness

Standing Woman Smiling Wearing Floral Blouse


It is funny that I cannot stop laughing at myself for the stupid idiosyncrasy I participate in.

There are things we try to learn and others we strive to unlearn. Moreover, in spite of our failure, we continue fighting this losing battle.

Let me ask you the following questions, be sincere with your answers:

1) Who taught you how to be happy? 
2) What is his name, who told you when to be sad? 
3) Can you remember her face, who told you there is nothing pleasurable as being in love; killing like being betrayed and ditched? 
4) Do you remember their address, those who taught you how to cry? 
5) Who his teacher was, he who taught you good and bad?

Doubt anyone can have an answer except 'NO' to any of the above questions. None of these were learned: Happiness, Sorrow, Sadness, Love, Passion, Hatred and Desire - why try to unlearn what you did not learn - trying to fix what was not spoilt. They are innate! Everything is in you, like the application on your phone; you do not need to instruct it how to run, just launch it.

You are sad and do not know how to be happy? You need to ask the person who taught you how to be sad to teach you how to be happy. If he does not know, he should be able to refer you. If you were not taught how to be sad, what are you waiting for before you become happy? It is in you! Nobody can hurt you, make you sad or make you happy; they can only make you hurt yourself, make yourself sad or make yourself happy. Counsellors, Therapists, Doctors, Motivational Speakers, Motivational books and Yoga guru charge and do nothing other than make you make yourself happy. Yes! I repeat, they MAKE YOU MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY. Why? Because they cannot make you happy, simple! Only you can!

These are things that cannot be taught, so cannot be unlearned. They are all innate as stated earlier. You are in control, you determine the emotion to launch in your life. As for me and myself, I had rather remain happy than being sad. Happiness is the most expensive thing to buy - only few people know it is free.

Happiness is a decision. Displayed emotions are nothing but a performance of their actors/actresses script (decision).

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