
Follow Your Life in Bliss - Be Blessed in the Process in Excellence Accomplish Your Works With Ease

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**Has anybody told you lately just how amazing you are? Then, I will: You are truly, truly amazing, there's nobody else like you, even your fingers and toes are special! Why did I say fingers and toes are special? I'll tell ya., everyone's fingerprint is special and unique to only them! Wanna be even more special? You already are, though here's something remarkable about you that you may not think too much about... Your gaze, your smile for miles, your soft voice inflection, your affinity and ability to succeed in Your chosen discipline, it's all YOU! ~

Everyone was placed on Earth to capitalize on their strengths and to lead by life example through how they live, so others will put forth the same time, determination attention and effort like you do! Wow, that's a mouthful!.. It's true, if you are a fluid swimmer, excellent linguist, master planner, or best domestic engineer on the planet, you have assuredly aced your discipline and you have great cause to celebrate your talent and efforts in your area of expertise. Get introspective and make it a plan to chase after the career, hobby, joy or discipline that brings you the most joy by being able to do it with ease. When you can accomplish your feat with ease and are enjoying yourself then you know that you are doing what your heart enjoys doing or accomplishing the most. Serving your life purpose will fill your heart with joy!

*** There's no losing when you follow your drive and passion and it drives you to succeed in your chosen discipline or industry. Decide you want to shine by fulfilling your life purpose and you will! May your life shine like the taste of fine wine savored throughout the course of life in perfect harmony with what the universe needs, always in perfect timing. Follow your life in bliss and be blessed in the process by your excellence in accomplishing your tasks, works or assignments with beauty and ease!~

How many of us have come across people who do something so well that we just can't help but marvel at their innate tenacity? They readily have the ability to excel and be number #1 at what they contribute to the Universe in every one of their efforts?

I know a few really excellent people that can bake anything and make it their own and their ability to texture, layer and flavor their baked goods is outstanding, to say the least.

Well then, that gives you and me pause to want to excel at what we do extremely well,bring joy back to our hearts and possibly even love into our soul!

I am in awe of people who can paint and create something life-like and beautiful with nothing more than a canvas, paint, brush and their creative minds at work.

How about those master engineers who can do complicated mathematical calculations in their head, sans a calculator, awesome, simply flabbergasting!

Singers that sing, on key, every time, really touches my heartstrings and makes me want to sing along with them, though, since I can't do that on this particular forum, your ears are safe, for now anyway...

Jugglers of all sorts, we are all jugglers in one capacity or another, of course in our ability to manage personal and career life, I could use some juggling tips from you!

Lawyers who can cite the law, even in their sleep, wow, that's someone who knows and hones their skill in a deep, intense sense.

You know what my meaning is without a doubt, right? The point is that whatever your choice of skill or discipline, do it like it's never been done before and watch your life soar with more joy, peace and content to sleep at night in ease. May your life and mine shine by realizing our life purpose while we are living and of course, before we die. May we be happy and content until the hour of our long sleep in route to Heaven!

***I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!~

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