
Changing for Good Is Shocking for the Mind

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Feeling well in this world is fake these days. Today, real happiness seems completely toxic like a sugar in a jar.

But, I am sure, it would be great to experience real happiness living as a human.

What does it mean? People don't see that perspective of living to the fullest.

Me either... I am still working on changing my thoughts, removing it from my system for good.

But what if our existence kills our soul every day? It creates a serious havoc in our minds. If you take over the pain of the planet, culture, religion, bad habits, it will pain you even more.

It drains energetic and emotional darkness to our hearts. Living by humans is hypnotic trance like where we are drowning to millions of lies and false agendas. 
It is the automatic way of living in a closed box of illusions of imprisoned mind.

The mind doesn't want to break those patterns and become free. This is a game of illusions. It stops humanity to exist and expand their true self-empowerment, inner strength.

The energy is gone from our heart center and the body as well. 
It is so toxic so it literally kills you.

Unfortunately, your mind accepted too many false ideas. It is impossible to become true authentic self because you believed in lies.

You might be free to do what you want from a physical perspective. But you experienced some bad stories from the past called traumas.

There is a connection to the same egoistic system of beliefs and thoughts. More drama, more powerful pain appears.

Instead of positivity, you became a negative individual who holds toxic programs and suffers.

If you remove all toxicity, you will become independent. You will detach yourself from the world of illusionary dreams. You will just experience real freedom, happiness, and self-awareness.

You do not have to find help of other people, beg them for forgiveness. There is no guilt, shame nor depression which leads to the death of the soul.

This is how it should always be.

It is like the competition. You win or fail the race and the price is huge.

If you do nothing, you will pay consequences for your ignorance.

You ignore if you wish, it is your choice. But be sure you will stay imprisoned for good. This is the highest price, humanity pays these days.

Anyone tells you that you are not free. It is miserable to look how humanity lost the drive to be real humans without their real hearts and real souls.

So remember, the only person you can find help and answer your questions is - you.

But what about the soul?

The soul is the combination of different factors, essences of your being. It contains your beautiful attributes like strength, freedom, happiness and enlightenment of your individualism.

You can become a better human, who can expand his self-awareness.

Then, your true self- becomes effortless.

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