
Are You Happy In Your Career? (By KV Gautam)

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The reality is that our success will depend a lot on the kind of field we choose. Many people keep working hard in a wrong profession and make no progress. It's important that you understand the importance of working in a right field to show your skill and achieve success. For example, in India all professions or careers are not well rewarding. Choose a career that has potential for growth and fulfillment.

You should not assume that I am suggesting that you don't follow your passion or interest and just go for a job everyone is going after. I am saying that you should choose a career which is both satisfying as well as meets your interest criteria.

Choose a career or profession that rewards you well. If all things are equal choose a career which is more rewarding than others. I don't mean to say that choose a career just due to its earning potential, but you should chose a field which rewards you handsomely, in terms of satisfaction and even money. The sad reality is that India is not a developed nation and several industries are not well developed. Many professions are pathetic in terms of satisfaction and remuneration. Avoid those careers. Otherwise you will repent later.

In the real world if you are exceptional then you can get satisfaction and money in any profession. If you are passionate about a career which is not rewarding then come up with a way to make it more fruitful. For example, if farming is indeed your passion then you can come up with ways to make it more profitable. You can use better tools and products to make it far more profitable. However, doing so will require hard work and passion.

If you get satisfaction out of your career then you are in a good job. Many times we get stuck doing a thankless job. If the job is not satisfying then you may have made a bad career choice. Move on. Find another job that may satisfy you.

A better career can also be judged by level of compensation. If your job pays you well then it is a good job. However, money cannot be the only motive of doing a job. If you are in a job just because of its earning potential then you will be bored very soon. To be able to hold on to a job you should be satisfied with your profession.

Some jobs are highly fulfilling. One of my friends, Raja Basu, was interested in a job in an NGO, as he was passionate about social causes. One fine day he got a job in a leading NGO. He was very happy as he could see how his activities were directly impacting lives of many people. Doing something for the disadvantaged sections of society can make you feel wonderful. For him, it was a great job and he was happy about it.

If you have found a job which gives you a similar kind of satisfaction then you are in the right job.

Many careers give you no chance to grow. If you are involved in a job which has no career growth opportunity then it would be a bad choice for you. Change that kind of job. The career growth is not only about an opportunity for better compensation. It's also about potential for learning new skill sets that may help you in the future.

A better career does not always mean a well paying job. It should be judged also on the base of your happiness level. If your job makes you feel happy then it's good for you. On the other hand, if you have to drag yourself to the office then it means you are stuck in a bad job.

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