
Your Face Pressed Up Against the Window Pane

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A child staring at a puppy, a young woman captivated by a magical wedding dress that will surely transform her to a princess, a young man gazing at his dream car in the showroom; these are fragments of our lives momentarily wondering free as we stare through the windows envisioning a new reality. This is life as it was intended to be lived. Standing transfixed; we wish, we hope and we dream. Something deep within is stirred. We mentally experience living our dream.

How long has it been since you pressed your face against a window pane allowing something to captivate you and invite you to dream? Children have an inner sense that keeping their time and energy focused on something they love is the path to receiving it. Their mind is filled with the vision of it becoming theirs. They talk incessantly about it and even demand it if they think it will prod their dream to reality. They understand the magic and innocence of dreaming; they are unafraid to demand their dream come true.

The detours and bumps in the roads we navigate in our life cause many to scoff at magic. They become practical, never demanding more than will fit into their budget. Their future is limited by a disparaging outlook on life. They are frozen on the ladder of life, their dreams never extending beyond the steps they can see. They would never dream of demanding more from life. They can't, because they don't believe in anything beyond what is before them and in their control. They have forgotten how to dream, how to demand their dream from life and how to believe in anything bigger than themselves.

When life loses its luster, it's time to take a walk past closed storefronts. Let your mind wander free and see what captivates you, what invites you to take a closer look and peer through the windowpane, your nose pressed close to see even better. It's time to invite the child within to come out and find joy in something, to find a hope and dream you will not discard. It's time to demand more from life and believe it will be!

Why is this so important? It forces us to envision something that matters as a part of a new reality. When we see the perfect car we mentally drive it. We mentally 'wear' the perfect outfit and dine in the restaurant we dream of eating in. An open house with the perfect home allows us to walk through and imagine living in it. It allows us to rekindle desire and longing back into our lives, reminding us to dream again. The mental exercise of envisioning the reality forces us to focus again. The whole process restarts the engine to receiving good back into our life. So simple a child can do it; so important adults must never forget it! This process ignites our inner perception that guides us to success in life.

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