
Why Are So Many People Afraid to Quit Jobs That Make Them So Unhappy?

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Making the decision to walk away from a secure employment in tough economic times can be daunting even when you are not at all passionate about your job. Quitting a job inevitably leads to change, and to many people change can be scary.

Your desire to create a lifestyle of freedom MUST be bigger than the reason why you are still stuck in your current situation! Your willingness to free yourself has to be LAGER than your limiting beliefs.

So why would people get up every morning for 20,30 40 years and put up with the torture and torment of doing a job they absolutely dislike?

Fear: Fear of letting go of a steady pay check, fear of failure if they are to start something new, fear of being judged by family and friends if they decide to leave the current job, what if new venture doesn't work out if they decide to start a new venture, fear of going against the status quo!

Excuses: Not enough time, not enough money, no skills or experience to start something new.

Comfort Zone and familiarity: Many people are too comfortable in their comfort zones, not wanting to take risks and avoid anything that is not familiar. They say there's no magic in comfort zone but we still allow to be held back by our comfort zones.

The truth is that there will never be perfect conditions, the perfect day, the ideal time when the universe will align all the stars for you to take the leap of faith.

Start when you are not ready, feel the fear and do it anyway.

The fear holds and paralyze us.We fail to see anything past the fear.We cling onto this security so much that we allow ourselves to put up with anything.

We are conditioned to spend too much time analyzing the pro and cons, the whys and the how's instead of learning to fail fast, trusting our intuition and take the leap.

You could continue in your current corporate grind, working the long hours, living pay check to pay check, moving role to role for the next 20,30 years, earning a modest pay rise doing one performance review to the next, living for the weekends and playing the office politics day in day out.

OR you could explore a world of FREEDOM where you are in total control of your time, income and lifestyle.

They say nothing changes if nothing changes.You will realize that the short-term uncertainty is what we need to gain the long-term freedom!

The great news is you can take advantage of today's digital economy. Now that any other time in history is easier to design your own lifestyle!

There are more than 2.5 billion people online daily, which means you could have an unlimited customer base and build a location-independent, lifestyle based online business.

With little or no prior business experience you can use today's advancement in technology to acquire new skills and learn how to generate multiple income streams and become profitable.

And the good news is you can start a business venture part-time or as a side project while you are transiting to entrepreneurship

To create a new lifestyle of freedom you will need to challenge the way you currently think and change your current beliefs.

What does a lifestyle of freedom look like to you?

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