
Message From the Universe: Give It a Try

"People, when given a chance, smile, skip, and dance.

They create, play, and laugh.

They care, share, and love.

And the ones who don't, haven't yet realized that chances are something you give yourself.

Double dare you, 
The Universe"

You do not need permission to smile, skip or dance. You just go and do it. The same goes with playing, or laughing and loving others. You don't even think about it, it just happens. So if that is the case, why not ALWAYS do it. It doesn't cost you anything right? You will feel better about yourself, more relaxed, energized and ready to tackle the world. You are in control of your own feelings, so might as well control your actions as well. I see many live in the shadow of others, afraid of shocking them with their actions. They are like walking on eggshell, start living to make others happy at the expense of making themselves miserable. You need to work on forgetting what others are asking or telling you to do and focus on what you can do for yourself, and stop looking for others approval. It is your life to live, not theirs.

Because of social media and an increase lack of privacy (done voluntarily of course), people post their whole lives on Fb, or Ig, or LinkedIn or whatever else platforms offered on the net. One of the few posts I have seen that shocked the hell out of me is when someone shares that they found a new 9 to 5 stable job with a stable salary and will get 1000 likes. But when I see someone sharing his ambition and determination to starting and launching a new great idea and working to built a great business, they received a couple of likes. I find this to be pathetic. I guess it is because many feel threatened with the person who took action and isn't walking the same path as the 97% of the population and following their dreams while others are stuck in their miserable 9 to 5 job. The one who posted landing the new stable job with stable salary is someone walking the same path as the many out there who aren't taking risk in their lives, which in retrospect, getting lots of likes. It is human nature to like what others do because they do the same as you do. However, when someone is thinking outside the box, this is when all hell break loose and the Universe is losing its stable ground. Ouch, the world is ending!

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