
Lead Your Mind To Joy

Are you living your life the way you want to live it? Most people say that their daily lives are reactions to what happens to them. Even people who set out to reach a goal, plan to reach it, endure four or more years of education to earn it, and do their best to attain their goal, will say that events that drive their lives are beyond their control, and may be outside of their perception. In other words, they see their lives like a soldier who hunkers down in his foxhole to keep from being hit by incoming rounds. That is no way to live. But, what can you do about it? Plenty.

Whether your life is circumstantial or if you put yourself in such a setting, ask yourself this question: What effect do I want to achieve today? Answer the question in one word, a few, or (in no circumstance) more than one short sentence. Do that, and you can begin to craft boundless options on how you will achieve your daily goal. You have some control in your life.

There may be a problem. If the effect that you chose is to defeat someone or some thing that is shooting incoming rounds at you, you are not in your "happy place." You should determine if your setting is so wrong that you should consider the option to cut your losses to get out. Determine if the stress in your life is a natural outcome (not just affecting you) to the setting. There are bad people in this world. Also, there are uncaring people, self-centered people, folks who will withhold information that is critical to your success, and there are people who see themselves above their obligations. Do you encounter such people in your daily setting? Is your performance influenced by such people? Yes? I can give you hope. Stop being a pawn in their game. Plan your own game. Then make it come true.

Put morality in your game. My morality is to do no harm. Do not do anything illegal, immoral, unethical, or give an appearance that you do such things by your actions. I also add this: Do not tolerate those who commit immoral acts. Call them out. Distance yourself from them if they do not repent. Can you see an element of fun in this now? It is your game. You control your game. You have fun. Just that much gain should change your view of your life. The rest is little things.

See, decide (plan), observe the effect of what you did, revise, and repeat. This is how you change your habits. This is how you gain some control in your life. Measure the results of your new habits. Do they lead you toward achieving your effect? Caution: Do not discuss this change of habit with anyone. If you tell even one person, no matter what promise that you get from them, assume that ten people you don't know will know your plan within a week.

With a goal for the effect that you want, a workable plan, and the will to carry it out, you can chill out. Seek joy. When you wake up each morning to begin your routine, think about the happy things you will do today, little things like the company of a certain person, a cup of coffee, a piece of chocolate, your favorite music, the sunshine on your face. Determine how to weave little bits of joy into your daily routine, as if they are threads of gold woven into your favorite shirt. Do this to get the edge off of the implementation of your plan. You won't look so serious because you are laid back. Your blood pressure will be lower. You will be happier. Express your joy to others. Say hello, chat if it feels right. Share your happiness. Don't share your worries with others. Don't let someone else bury you with their worries.

Do you see it now? Your effect leads you to your goal. You have a plan. You control your plan, and you make it happen. People around you see the glow on your face. You are the person they know who is happy, the one they want to be like. Someone will ask you, "What is your secret?"

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