
Law of Attraction - Believe it or Not, it Leads to A Positive Mental State

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In a post "The Secret" age, most people are aware of the "New Age" idea of the law of attraction. The mere act of changing your thoughts that can in no time change your life and take you from a dismal job to your dream job paying 3X more than anyone else. But, is it legitimate?

One logical aspect of implementing a mindset in the way of acknowledging the law of attraction is that it is a conscious effort to change mentally your thinking and change the ruminating thoughts that fill our minds perpetually.

Whether that be the idea of, "I wish I could get a raise," to acknowledging that thought, but then immediately changing it to, "I am so thankful I got that raise!" It is a conscious effort to recognize our thoughts and monitor them and when thoughts are in a negative light doing an 180-degree turn with them and change the entire concept.

The idea of the "Law of Attraction" and that by changing our pure thoughts in the depth of our minds it suddenly lets off electronic waves that perpetuate into the universe all around us and changes the course of events is still up for debate. But one thing is for sure, and that is the case that there is a self-check aspect that is healthy mentally in keeping yourself on the up-and-up.

Indeed, instead of praying a prayer similar to, "Dear God, please take away these bills," which books such as The Secret explains the Universe does not hear the words "take away." Instead, make the primary words of, "God - Please - Bills," causing no change to happen. Instead, it would be a prayer such as, "God, Thank you for letting me end those financial worries!" It is all positive.

Whether it truly does make a difference, there is one factor that does, and that is that you change your mental thoughts and are so conscious of them they do not get going on their spiraling into a worry instead of being positive. It begins a practice of being mentally aware of the thoughts you consciously and subconsciously know. And that method has been scientifically proven to have an impact on your life and mental health.

Following are three great exercises to begin working on your mental processes in the coming days.

1 -- I am...

"I am blessed and excited to have paid that last bill!" And many things could be slipped in that place to get the same effect. And instead of a perpetual way of praying such as, "Please help... " and "If you can... " and instead becomes a declaration that also boosts your mental moral. It causes you to be more positive and have a feeling of accomplishment than direr and needing with an overarching underlying thought of need, begging, and pleading. It is instead declaring with confidence that it has already happened.

2 -- Pre-Conclusion Thanks

"Thank you for... " is a simple three words that would be followed by a need you need help make happen. Instead of focusing on the tiring act of begging, instead, you are already praying like it has happened. Do not feel like this is being pushy with God or your higher power. No, it is only moving a mentality to a much more active place. And, it lets God know that you fully trust in him and are already declaring that he will do what is in your best interest.

3 -- Dream Board

One aspect of the law of Attraction is the importance of visual stimuli and reminders. In multiple writings and books on the topic no matter who the author or contributors are they have a consensus of the idea of a "Dream Board." The bigger, the better and begin finding your dreams and putting them on the board. Not with the mentality that, "At least I can see what I know I can't afford." No, not in the least. Instead, it is viewed as a look into the future. Watching the house you think, "I cannot believe I own such an amazing residence!" Or of a vehicle, "I am so blessed to be able to have this vehicle with room to help the neighbors get the kids to and from school and soccer practice!"

It isn't a board to look at and get a "Woe is me" attitude. It is there to be a reminder that, "Oh, don't forget that this is right around the corner, just as soon as the universal energies matches up to bring your ideas hurtling to you!"

You could be a huge believer in the law of attraction or someone who thinks it is a bunch of woo-woo stuff. Either way, here is the reality.

By practicing these ways of mentally thinking, the worry is all but eradicated, and a focus on joy and gratitude persist in your everyday life that scientifically is proven to boost moral no matter what!,-it-Leads-to-A-Positive-Mental-State&id=9371505

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