
How To Feed And Care For Your Subconscious

It's hard to truly comprehend the full power of our subconscious mind. But it's always there, always doing its job, no matter if we pay attention or not.

Much of the time it's easy to forget that it's even there. Most of us are so busy wrestling with the thoughts running through our minds, it's hard to believe there's anything but the thoughts we're thinking.

But it's there. The subconscious is always doing its job. Collecting the information we feed it, listening to what we think and feel. And then it gives it all back to us, over, and over, and over again.

Our habitual patterns. Our habitual beliefs. Our habitual actions. Our habitual experiences. All come directly from our subconscious. All are the direct result of the thoughts, beliefs, and experiences we've fed our subconscious throughout our lives.

In the beginning, before age 6, our subconscious mind is in its full power. Like soft, fertile soil, it easily receives and accepts whatever comes to it though its environment. It's a time of super-learning. And a time of formulation of long-lasting beliefs.

Just like any garden, it's from this fertile soil that our life unfolds, and grows. And the ideas, thoughts, and beliefs which are continually reinforced, will grow the fastest, the strongest, and the deepest. Before long, they will grow into what feels like indisputable, undeniable, facts.

To truly understand, or begin to understand, the power of our subconscious mind, is to finally understand the power that is within all of us. Dorothy's ruby slippers were always on her feet, but she didn't understand, or trust, her power, until, of course, she finally did.

The power of your subconscious is in the soil And, just like any soil, it can be fertilized, nurtured, turned, weeded, watered, and fed. Overgrowth can be weeded out, and anything can be planted and grown within the right circumstances and environmental factors.

Here are some tips to feed and care for your subconscious - your inner power.

Weeding -- Weed out negative thoughts and beliefs, daily. Be mindful of what you're consistently thinking. When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, or reacting to distressing beliefs - pause. By mindfully observing your thought process, you begin to disempower the negative spin. You can also direct your mind to think something completely opposite - such as a positive affirmation. In addition, EFT Tapping is a powerful tool to help weed out the negative feelings associated with your thoughts. Regular weeding will enable you to free up valuable space within your fertile subconscious mind.

Planting - Decide exactly what you want to grow in your garden. You can grow anything you like. What would you like to believe about yourself? How would you like to feel? What would you like to experience? Make a list of the beliefs, thoughts, and experiences you want to cultivate. For example you can decide to plant Courage, Strength, Joy, Persistence, Discipline, Success, Creativity. You can also plant the visions of experiences you'll enjoy as a result of new beliefs and qualities.

Nourishment - Once you decide what to grow in your subconscious, you've got to nourish regularly. If, for example, you decide to grow courage, you could nourish its grow by thinking strengthening, empowering thoughts, or visualizing yourself accomplishing courageous feats. Action-oriented experience is like a power-food for your subconscious - so taking inspired action is crucial. Remember repetition is key. By repeatedly, and consistently, feeding the feeling of courage, and it will grow within your subconscious, until it feels like an indisputable fact.

Environment - Plant grows best within specific environmental circumstances, and so do our beliefs. Be mindful of your surroundings, your media choices, your chosen activities, the people around you. Do they nourish or deplete your garden? What do you need more of? What can you let go of? Remember, you're in control of the care and feeding of your powerful subconscious. Be vigilant what you allow to enter it.

I'm continually amazed by the power of my own subconscious to help me heal, grow, and transform. And I feel incredibly grateful to be a guide for my clients as they access their own power.

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