
3 Keys in Being Able to Use the Power of the Mind

When we first get a sense that our minds can have a significant impact on our lives, it is hard to believe. We can get curious about it and read up on it, but there's nothing like seeing proof in our own lives. At that point, we can still be confused about this power which is why we need to learn how to put it into perspective.

First, we need to look for evidence to understand the power of the mind and by making connections with our own experiences. There is certainly a reason behind all this and it is fascinating to search for our own answers. Second, when we apply this principle, we can grow exponentially by changing what's in our minds versus exhausting ourselves at changing our environment. Third, because we live in a universe where everything is connected, there's a proper way to do this.

1. Put a certain section of your life under a scope and look for patterns

We are conditioned to see things happen in our lives at random. However, if we look for a relationship between our personal growth and our experiences, we will start to see an organized purpose. The next step will be to ask questions to why events happened the way they did. Or what if they happened differently?

It may not be obvious at first but as soon as we start asking these questions, we open our minds to get new answers. They will come through insights, not necessarily through the analytical process. It is really important to be patient with this.

What we are really looking for is how the events in our lives are aligned with our state of minds. How were our thoughts, our perspectives, our emotions, our feelings? Well, what we perceive is our minds but everything really is coming from our subconscious minds. Then we may wonder if all our events, if not our reality have been created by the state of our subconscious minds.

2. Instead of working hard to change your environment change your perspectives

Most of us are conditioned to work hard at making the best out of our lives. In doing so, we do our best in taking the necessary steps towards our goals through the time and energy we have available. But at some point, we may feel that there are limitations. No matter what we do, there are things outside our control that block us. Then we are also limited by the time and energy we have, we often wish we had more. There's a way of letting our lives work for us, versus working hard in our lives.

The entire purpose of working hard at achieving our goals is to learn our lessons. However, this is a much slower process than what is available. When we develop the ability to find meaning in our life events, we change our perspectives. Much has to do with changing our beliefs. Understanding this gives us the power to manifest things in our lives much more quickly. In the process, we get deeper in touch with how the universe responds to our subconscious minds. At this point, the real challenge is to get better in letting ourselves take responsibility for our beliefs.

We are conditioned to have pride in what we believe. Our beliefs may have served us during the times we created them, especially if they acted as defense mechanisms. But as our lives change, we can let them go. We mostly forget what they are, until we realize that our lives are a reflection of them. This also means our lives can become reflections of the new perspectives we work on attaining. From here, we get to see evidence that there is a law of attraction. It doesn't mean we have the free will to create whatever perspective we want to get what we think we want. There are universal laws at work.

3. If you want to manifest things, they have to be in alignment with your purpose

Once we learn about the power of changing our perspectives, we will be tempted to manipulate our thoughts to want to manifest new things into our lives. I say manipulate because we could be mistaking our thoughts for our perspectives. We have the free will to change our thoughts, but our perspectives change when we come to deeper understandings derived from our life experiences.

Much of the law of attraction movement was about getting what we wanted based on the thoughts we were putting out. If it worked and was that easy it would be like everyone winning the lottery. What does work is when we remind ourselves of what we really want deep inside. Achieving wealth could be one of our common desires. However, I understand now that there is much maturity that has to be learned first before we can manifest it. Maybe it's part of the divine plan because something needs to change on how we collectively view money. The current model is becoming less and less sustainable.

Manifesting becomes more frequent and powerful as we become more aligned with understanding what perspective we ultimately want to achieve. I would say what we want to achieve is more presence and living in the moment. When doing so we learn to become more in touch with our feelings which results in a much deeper experience of happiness. It also means living less in the ego, but using the ego as service versus it running the show. The reason it is important to see through ego manipulation is because it will take us away from where we ultimately want to be.

Developing an increasingly deeper understanding of the power of the mind can lead us to an incredible journey of self-discovery and happiness. Let's be honest, what we really desire in terms of financial success is financial freedom, not a bunch of material possessions. They are just benefits. The easiest way to get there is to change our perspectives through becoming the best version of ourselves.

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