
You Are The Decision Maker For Your Life (By Kathryn Corbin)

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"Life is the sum of all your choices." - Albert Camus

You know, we can have the most enlightened beliefs about life and how life works but they can remain pretty much theoretical until we have an opportunity to practice our beliefs. [YAY Contrast?]

For example, I have for many years been aware of the power of choice. I have reminded myself on a daily basis that I get to choose. I have frequently tried to convince clients that they too get to choose. Perhaps this blog post will remind you of the awesome power of choice you possess.

Why is that important? Because we create our own reality through the choices we make.

So, the day before Thanksgiving 2015 I had an opportunity to take this understanding to a deeper level. My elderly mother had an accident at home and ended up spending a week in the hospital followed by six weeks in a rehab facility. I am her primary caretaker when she needs care and this situation was very difficult for me. For one thing, it broke my heart to see my sweet mother suffering and incapacitated. Second, I was called on to make her my priority and completely shift my schedule to tend to her needs. I'm in no way complaining; just explaining.

After three days I was exhausted both emotionally and physically and I felt like I was getting sick. In meditation that Saturday morning, something wonderful and much needed happened. Like a lightning bolt, I received the profound clarity that:

I Am the Decision Maker for My Life and I Get to Choose!

In that moment, I took my power back. I was once again on top of my game. I was empowered and committed to moving forward in a state of alignment. I felt transformed and was filled with appreciation for that amazing shift.

After meditation that morning, I asked myself, "OK, then, if I'm the Decision Maker for my Life, what do I choose in this situation?" This is the list I wrote that day:

*I choose to stay well.

*I choose to BE strong.

*I choose to move through this experience with ease and grace.

*I choose to trust that everything is unfolding perfectly.

*I choose to feel good even under these conditions.

And it worked! As I moved forward, whenever I started to feel sad or overwhelmed, I simply re-affirmed these choices and clicked back into my power.

I continue to have many opportunities to remind myself that I'm the decision maker for my life. And I can tell you that accepting the power and responsibility that come with truly being the decision maker for my life aligns me with bold, empowered choices as well as bold, empowered actions.

Since you're the Decision Maker for Your Life, what do you choose?

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