
Law Of Attraction - The Key To A Happy Life

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Surviving the ordeal, is how some people see their lives, whereas others, see it as an experience to be cherished. No matter who you are, what your background is, how much wealth do you have, the topic we are going to discuss, will affect each and every moment of your life. The only thing that your happiness depends on is you and your outlook.

Believe it or not, the world is governed by one simple law. This law talks about energies and vibrations around you and also opens doors on how to harness them. The very basic language that can explain the law is, you will become what you think. Have you ever wondered, why some people always stay healthy, happy and positive throughout their lives, whereas some people seem to be irritated, unhappy and negative. After all we live in the same world and face the same challenges everyday. You may argue about the money in people's pockets and use a logic saying more money means happiness and less of it means worry. But, what if I tell you that most of the sleepless nights are experienced by the rich and wealthy and the most peaceful sleepers are the ones with less or no money at all.

So, with this logic failed, what exactly is this mysterious law that brings happiness and positivity in your life. The three magic words that can make or break your inner strength are 'Law of Attraction'. I'm sure you might have heard of it somewhere or the other. But, have you ever wondered what is it and how does it work?

This law basically governs your life, completely. The definition is simple, it is what you attract will affect your life. If you attract positive energies with your thoughts, you change for good and if you do the opposite and attract negative energies, the results will be demotivating. The next question that arises is how to really attract these energies around? There are no special skills involved. Voluntarily or involuntarily, we are all doing it throughout our lives. From the first breath that we take to the last one, we are unknowingly being governed by this universal law.

Let us get into detail with an example. A common situation with today's youth is the job search. Something which haunts their parents as well. Now, let us take two friends A and B who have both graduated from college but could not make it into any company. Now, A is a happy go lucky person who believes in working hard and staying positive whereas B is a negative thinker and has a perception that something once gone wrong cannot be corrected. Who do you think has more chances of getting a job? The answer is obvious. This situation explains the basics of law of attraction.

Various other situations and circumstances present themselves in our lives. The only key to being successful is believing in a better tomorrow and never giving up. A world renowned comedian and motivational speak, Jim Carrey, said a very beautiful thing in one of his speeches. He asked people to have faith and not hope. He referred to hope as a beggar and faith as a believer. There was a time when he had nothing in his life, but he never gave up and one fine day, the movie Dumb and Dumber happened and changed his life forever. You too are just a few steps away from being the one you've always wanted to be.

Believe me when I say that while I write this article, I am facing one of the worst situations someone can face in life in their lifetime. The only thing giving me strength to stay positive and write this article is this universal truth. It is the law of attraction that helps me attract the positive from the universe. Just think of the good part and let it work it's spell on you. Problems are a part of everybody's life, what matters in the end is how you see it. Remember, there is light at the end of every tunnel, you just need to take a few more steps to be free.

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