
How to Appreciate Your Life - Writing Your Own Eulogy (By Rosina S Khan)

Everyone has dreams and aspirations. This is what keeps them going. Will challenges on the way deviate you from reaching the destination? Have you ever thought what your eulogy would be like? Wouldn't you like to see yourself as a winner of all dreams, materializing them to your heart's content and including how much you have appreciated all of that in your eulogy? What do you say? For further insights, read on.

For instance, I have had an amazing career, teaching students in a private university. I have appreciated every moment with them. Now wouldn't I like to include it in my eulogy? For sure, yes!

I have gone for higher studies abroad and kept myself in one piece, struggling through hurdles, making it a point to earn my higher degree. Surely, I would like to mention this in my eulogy as well, the experience being very invigorating.

I have made bonds with people all along. Some got lost and broken and some stayed. Wouldn't I like to include this in my eulogy, appreciating the strength and beauty of these bonds?

I have fallen ill and taken up writing as the prime way to spend time and express my thoughts and ideas. I have written fiction stories, self-help eBooks, blogs and articles. I have integrated all of these beautifully in a website. Am I not happy to include this in my eulogy?

I have further dreams and aspirations. So my eulogy doesn't end yet. I have a vision for further higher education and continuing my academic career abroad until I finally retire. I want to retain my writing passion as a hobby where I would continue to voice my thoughts, ideas and knowledge. For these dreams to come to fruition, I don't have to take anybody's permission because the question is not who is going to let me but who is going to stop me. Once I have achieved my dreams, they will joyfully be a part of my eulogy.

Last but not the least, I would like to donate to charity - an orphanage, an old home, a cancer hospital, or some other cause that would appeal to me before I retire. Having helped a good many people, I will find myself at peace and include it in my eulogy happily as well.

So it would be a life well lived which I would appreciate a lot. You can do similar stuff to appreciate your life and therefore, help yourself to write down a worthy and remarkable eulogy when the time feels right.

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