
10 Tips To Boost Your Image

                    Zuzka 4

Everyone wishes to show their presence by projecting their qualifications and skills in their own ways. As there are no defined standards for reference to facilitate a person in shaping his/her image, a sincere attempt is made here to list them. The following are the practical tips for cultivating a positive personality.

Honesty as a way of life. Do not hide or twist the facts to suit or please the self or others. However, ensure firmness and pleasantness in communication, verbal and body language.

Originality counts. Do not copy or imitate the ideas and thoughts of another person to earn popularity or money. Many music composers lift some parts of the yesteryear tunes and tweak them here and there to claim the product as their own creation. When writing an article, shun the plagiarism and rely on own ideas and not others' to take credit for getting a promotion, fame or rewards.

Focus on the strengths. Identify your areas of interests and concentrate and develop the one in which you are strong. Do not waste your energy and time in trying to learn everything. Instead of being a jack of all, it is preferable to be the master of one.

Patience pays. Tolerance is a manifestation of patience. The ability to withstand any situation, but act quietly and effectively, wins many hearts.

Punctuality as a habit. Adherence to the time schedule unmindful of the status of the people or place involved will certainly invite others' faith in you.

Build credibility. Show concern and involvement in the welfare of others, but don't indulge. Keep up the promises and assurances made earlier. Make it a point to attend, if feasible, all the social functions and mingle with others. Raise genuine doubts to get noticed by all people.

Instil confidence. Any action or word spoken should be the outcome of decisive thoughts. Convince the people in every way to claim their strength and support. Sincerely appreciate the good works of others and don't forget to give the credit due to them.

Promote goodwill. Organize camps for social awareness and medical check-ups. Get involved in social activities and charities to spread happiness and harmony in the society. Forget and forgive the mistakes of others.

Synchronize with Nature. Do the routines like eating, sleeping, etc. on time to maintain good health and remain cheerful. Timeliness is essential to keep the body fit and put up a smile that infuses confidence in the atmosphere.

Courteous practices. Do not hesitate to express 'thanks' for others' help and say 'sorry' for the mistakes committed by you. Remember the people who contributed to your growth and be grateful to them.

Any person possessed of these attributes can be called a perfect person. It is easier said than to adopt these qualities. However, with sincere and determined efforts, one can follow them to enhance their image and self-confidence.

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