
Taking 100% Responsibility (By Mandy Buchanan)

A couple of years ago I read Jack Canfield's "Success Principles" book and the first principle he mentioned was taking responsibility. Now at the time I was just busy working through an abusive relationship where a lot of people may have told me "It's not your fault", "you did nothing wrong" and yes there were lots of things I was not responsible for - I was the one being abused not the abuser; but one thing I realized through reading this book is that unless we take responsibility for our lives and our actions, no matter what the circumstances then we will always be the victim and never get where we want to go in life.

Taking Responsibility No Matter What

Now, you may have been through a similar relationship as me, you might even be in it right now and you say "it wasn't my fault he hit me", "it wasn't my fault he tried to kill me", and no these things weren't your fault but you do need to take responsibility for getting into the relationship in the first place, for choosing to stay with them despite the abuse, and you need to take responsibility for getting out of the situation and getting healed. I know, I've been there and today I really am out of it and a happy and healthy person who feels like those things almost happened to somebody else because I chose to take responsibility no matter what and turn my life around. No matter what you are going through you have to take responsibility for your decisions and your actions or inaction or you will forever be the victim.

Taking Responsibility for Your Success

Perhaps you have led a fairly 'normal' life - no abuse, no dramatic negative events but are you still taking responsibility for your success? Beyond taking responsibility for turning around negative circumstances and getting healing we all need to take responsibility for our own success. Our success is based on our actions, inactions, and even our thoughts. We can't blame anyone else if things don't turn out the way we planned. We need to take responsibility for our part in our success. Even when things do go wrong beyond our ability to control we still have the responsibility of choosing how we will react to those events and how we react will often ultimately lead to our success or failure. No matter how many times things go wrong beyond our control we still have the choice to get back up and carry on and refuse to quit.

No matter what point you are at in your life unless you take full responsibility for where you are and where you are going then you will not get there. Today I choose to let go of negative things that happened in my past and I choose to make my life what I want it to be. It is my responsibility just like your life is your responsibility, nobody can do it for you. No matter what you have been through life can still be exactly what you want it to be if you are prepared to take responsibility and make the choices that will get you there.

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