
Message From the Universe: Knowing How Much It Takes to Succeed

"Some folks, not having lived perhaps as much as you, endured as much, or loved as much, simply cannot see the truth of a situation, disagreement, or relationship as clearly as you.

And so, it's wise to keep in mind, that it's not their fault.

Can you see this? 
The Universe"

Here is the scenario: You work your butt off, years after years, where you struggle, sacrifice, lose out on your social life, miss family events (I wouldn't recommend that as family always comes first) and at the end, you make it big. However, during your difficult journey, you see your friends enjoying life, living paycheck by paycheck, without any worries about life. They make fun of you because of how dedicated you are to your success, some will even try to convince you that your idea might not be as great as you see it. Your mind is stronger to what your ears hear on a daily basis, which is mostly negative comments towards your dreams. No one really knows how much you endured throughout your challenges and obstacles. To be honest, it is not their fault and you can't accuse them of not understanding you. You might see them come to you for financial help after you have reach ultimate success, and they might take you for granted for all the new found fortune you've been blessed with. They don't realize what it took for you to get to where you are TODAY. For them, you are the new BANK that was just built in the corner of the street.

Because no one did what you did to accomplish your dreams, they will never know the value of hard work. They may be working very hard at the office, but not remotely close to what you did for your business. They are too afraid to do what you did and do not realize or comprehend how your hard work did all of what you see today. Sometimes, you can't even realize it as it becomes so distant to you as well. We seem to forget how much work it required because time has passed, and even though you know everything in life requires work, time and patience, you tend to forget all of what was required for you to make it as big as you did. It's important to help others as well, as you been blessed with not just material wealth, but mental wealth as well. You can redo all of what you see in a heartbeat, including all of the struggling to be successful again. No one can really know what you went though unless they lived with you 24/7. Do not even waste your time in trying to explain that to someone who needs financial help. The amount that you give is really up to you, but make sure you are clear with them that you are not their LOCAL bank where they can withdraw money whenever it's needed. You need to help others help themselves. Just like the old adage: "You can buy a fish to someone and feed them for a day, of you can teach them to fish and feed them for life". Your knowledge is worth way more than how much you have in your bank account.

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