
Message From the Universe: Do Not Bother With the "How's", That's MY Problem!

"Pssst... it's me again.

You deserve more, you know, much more.

And I just happen to have "some." Imagine.

Try this. STOP trying to predict, and therefore limit, where it's going to come from. Just know it's going to come and let me figure out the rest.

The Universe"

By taking care of generating the good thoughts in your mind and taking action, the rest is really up to the Universe. We tend to go a bit further with predicting how things will go if we take certain action, which is a pretty common approach. Our thoughts are commingled with our desire to predict how things might turn out, without solely relying on the outcome of our prediction. I guess it is fun to think or hope what can happen, but for many, disappointment can set in if things do not turn out the way they expected. How about trying this option? Stop predicting and let the Universe take care of the rest of the process.

I know it can be hard to do but just see how that goes for once. You know the old adage: "Insanity is doing the same exact things over and over again and expecting different results", so if your past actions didn't turn out the way you expected, why do you think it will work now? I admire your persistence but this is not the way to approach certain things in life. We all want to accomplish great things in life, be recognized for our efforts, work diligently to make changes for ourselves and our environment, and allow ourselves to become better people. You need to learn and realize a few things that will make your life much easier and happier.

*Never compare your life to others. You have no clue what they are going through. So appreciate what you have.

*Stop wanting to control everything, and live your life for TODAY, and NOT tomorrow, as you have no clue what might happen.

*Stop doing too much at once, understand and accept your limitations.

*Stop envying what others have, learn to be happy with what you already have.

*Stop focusing too much on the past, and do not let past mistakes guide your present day. It will eventually ruin your desire to live.

*Stop hating others, there is no much more to get from life than hatred.

*No one is responsible for your happiness, it is all on YOU.

*You don't need to win every arguments. It is OK to both agree to disagree on certain things.

*Get rid of the things you don't need and maximize the use of the things that matter the most.

*Dealing with a bad situation is inevitable, but the good thing is that it will always change for the better.

*No matter how sad you feel, always get up, get dressed, and tackle the world. These feelings of sadness will change.

*Greatest is waiting for you and shall come when you least expect it.

*When you wake up, always be thankful and appreciative. Many do not have the things you have.,-Thats-MY-Problem!&id=9465479

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