
Do You Want A Lifestyle Change? Are You Willing To Do What It Takes? (By Patricia A Gaines)

Writing stories about the life experiences of other people is an energy healing for me. Perhaps this is the reason I feel so passionate about writing. The MLM Business I am building is enriching my life more than I ever dreamed.

This is the story of Lee. I didn't personally recruit her into my business; one of my distributors recruited her. However, it has been my pleasure and honor to work with this young woman.

I want to share her story because she is an inspiration to my team members who know and work with her. It is my hope that sharing her story motivates you to work toward your dreams and goals.

Lee lives in a very poor third world country. Her dream is to have a better life for herself and her son. She actually signed-up as a free member and immediately began promoting her website affiliate link. It wasn't easy for her to get the activation fee, even though it's less than twenty dollars a month. But she wants to change her life circumstances.

The second month in the business she began to earn money. She promoted for hours every day. It's amazing to see Lee's commitment to becoming financially independent. Did I mention that she has no computer; she uses a phone?

Lee relentlessly contacts me daily to ask questions about the business, or just to say hello and ask how I am doing.

There is no get rich quit in the MLM world. Lee needed money, but she understood the business model and kept her vision alive. Soon I noticed that she could recruit better than anyone else in the team. It is mind-blowing to see her work ethic.

She has produced more in four months than most distributors produce in a year. I get messages from other members asking me how she has accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. The answer is that she works hard and smart. One day soon I hope to see her face light up when her dream becomes her reality.

How wonderful it would be if every one of us could give life to our dreams and goals. Lee has a very tough time with working an MLM business simply because it just does not produce money immediately. It takes building a base and creating a trust with other people.

How many of us would be willing to sacrifice the way she has at the age of twenty-nine years old? Perhaps we need to take a good introspective look at our life to change our circumstances.

MLM marketing is not for everyone. But dreams are for everyone, and everyone has a dream deep within their heart. What is your passion? What is your dream? What can you do to make your dream a reality in your life? Has Lee's story inspired you to take action?

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