
3 Fast and Easy Ways to Improve Social Self-Confidence

Believing that you are unacceptable or unlikable socially can be painful. Lack of self-confidence can make you get afraid to interact socially. When in situations where you will be observed by others or where you need to speak in front of a crowd or to strangers you might feel anxious. This might cause you to act awkward. You might avoid eye contact and behave too cautiously. The idea that you are socially unacceptable might get reinforced to you when you feel that other people react strangely towards you.

As the result of the challenges you face you might end up avoiding social contact even though you know being in social places and interacting with others is a big part of any persons' life. We cannot always avoid social situations in living our daily lives. You might get invited to parties where friends are celebrating or by colleagues at work celebrating their birthdays. It is not always possible to avoid interacting socially.

So how do you improve social self-confidence when you do not have it? Before I tell you how, let me start by telling a little story about a rat.

When you have a rat in the house that eats up your tomatoes and messes up your fruits. To catch it, you would need to know how and when and where it operates. You would want to catch it when the house is quite with a piece of cheese in the mouse trap or place a rat poison in places where the rat is likely to hang around.

A similar approach is applicable to improving self-confidence. You need to understand how your mind operates and what patterns you go through so that you can interrupt those patterns and form new ones.

The first trigger is mentally, you get images of you doing something that will cause you embarrassment. What you think is what you feel. Your thoughts cause you to feel anxious. When feeling anxious you respond by avoiding interacting socially and the result is that you lack social self-confidence. To overcome social anxiety therefore you need to influence this pattern. Let's draw how the pattern looks like:

social situation (environment) - images of embarrassment (thought) - anxiety, fear (feelings)- avoidance (response)

We do know that we cannot change the external environment (sometimes you will be in a social situation whether you want to or not). We can only influence ourselves internally in terms of how we respond to the external environment. Constantly trying to avoid social situations may serve as a temporary solution. However, this cannot guarantee long-term success towards improving how you interact socially. What you can change is the thought process, your feelings as well as your responses.

Past failures might have conditioned you to view every social situation that you need to interact in as anxiety triggering. We are human after all human, once we are burned we never want to move near a lit candle. So to help you improve social self-confidence you might first need to forget past failures and try to change how you view social situations first. Here are the 3 ways that I have developed to help you overcome social anxiety and improve social interaction.

1. View social situations as opportunities by recalling past success

Some successful sport teams have a tradition in which they take players through past successes before a cup final. The players get shown previous cup finals before the match and get taken through all the trophies that the team has won before. The past success of the team helps players get motivated to win another cup final for the team. If you ever had past successes interacting socially use this as anchors for yourself. Remember how you successfully delivered a presentation in front of an audience and interacted very well with a stranger. Have you ever been in a situation where you delivered a public speech and did well despite your fear? This is the time to have these memories fresh in your mind. Remembering your past successes and celebrating past victories can help you believe in yourself and be able to overcome present anxiety feelings toward social interactions.

2. Use visualization to empower yourself for social situations

Access the power of your subconscious mind by constantly picturing yourself interacting well socially. This need not take long. Just spending 5 minutes seeing yourself approaching a stranger and having a pleasant conversation or picturing yourself delivering a great presentation publicly can help. Once our mind has been where we want to be, our bodies just need to support us in getting there. By mentally picturing yourself having social self-confidence, you will be able to give yourself better strength to play out your mental images in real life when the situations calls for it. Be careful though, visualization needs to be done before a social interaction. Doing this actively as you are interacting socially might be problematic because it will force you to think about what you are doing. When thinking about what you are doing you are more likely to get anxious. So visualize before social interactions and try as much as you can to remain natural when in social situations.

3. Make social interaction a challenging game of exposure

Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously and this does not help. Improving social anxiety requires you to occasionally have a playful attitude. Use a playful attitude to expose yourself socially. Exposure is scientifically proven to be very effective when it comes to improving social anxiety. I know this is the last thing that you might want to hear because when you are uncomfortable interacting socially the immediate response is to avoid social interaction. However, the more exposure you get interacting socially the better you will become. Aim to start a small conversation every time you are in a social situation with a stranger. This can be as simple as saying hallo to a cashier each time you pay for items in a store or when shopping. Just asking the cashier his/her name and thanking him/her for the service is enough to get you going.

Few of us remember to appreciate cashiers when shopping, you will make their day just showing appreciation and equally improve yourself. Try as much as you can to expose yourself.

Petrol attendants are also good people to interact with in a non-threatening environment to start a conversation. This is better done playfully so that you see it as a challenge instead of getting too serious and reading too much on the results. The more you bring it to your awareness to interact with others the better you will expose yourself and improve how you interact socially.

Spending time with a friend who is not afraid to interact socially might also help in this situation. Human beings learn by seeing also. If your anxiety is specific such as falling in a public place then get a friend to pretend falling in a public space so that you can visually see that the results are not as worse as you thought they would be. Expose yourself without emotional attachment. Use a playful attitude with any friend who is comfortable interacting socially and have fun doing so. Practice makes perfect, this is also true in getting rid of social anxiety.

The Science of Stress

How does stress harm both the body and the mind?

For many years now, medical doctors have been warning people of the dangers of poor stress management.

Many people still believe that stress doesn't affect the body and it's "just a state of mind." What the majority of stressed individuals do not know is that the body's natural stress response is mainly a physiological event.

This means that the effects of stress have never been limited to our minds. When a person is stressed, the whole body experiences it, too. So the idea that stress is essentially harmless because it's somehow limited to our imagination is actually a dangerous belief.

Why? Because a person who experiences chronic stress for many, many years has a much higher risk of making health conditions such as high blood pressure worse. So if you want to be physically healthier, you have to understand how stress actually affects the body.

How does stress come about?

The modern stress model gives us a simple and clear explanation of how physiological stress is roused:

1st Phase: Mental and Emotional Triggers are Engaged. A person perceives an event, situation, action or idea as negative and stressful.

2nd Phase: Psychological Stress Engaged. If a person does not release their emotions and negative thinking, the present situation causes psychological stress.

3rd Phase: Physiological Stress or "Fight or Flight" Response. Unmitigated psychological stress often leads to actual, physiological stress.

When the instinctual "fight or flight" response comes into play, a person feels an immediate surge of adrenaline, which temporarily increases a person's speed, strength and stamina.

A person's breathing rate and pulse rate also increase in preparation for sudden, intense physical activity (e.g. running away from a real, physical danger).

Stress normally abates when the perceived threat or danger finally passes. Thousands of years ago, the instinctual "fight or flight" response was extremely useful for our hunter-gatherer ancestors as they had to battle wild animals, and each other, in pre-modern society.

Scientists believe that the stress adaptation came about because our ancestors were almost always exposed to threatening or dangerous situations.

What are the signs that a person is experiencing stress?

Below are some common physical symptoms that a person is experiencing stress:

  1. Inexplicable exhaustion or fatigue
  2. Acute headaches that have a tendency to disrupt work or chores at home
  3. Shallow chest breathing
  4. Increased heart rate even when the person is not performing strenuous or challenging physical activities
  5. Minor muscular pain
  6. Twitches
  7. Facial tics
  8. Hand and arm tremors
  9. A general feeling of nervousness and anxiety
  10. Insomnia
  11. Oversleeping
  12. Inexplicable perspiring of the hands and feet
  13. Turning to different substances such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and even recreational drugs

The list of symptoms doesn't stop there. Here is a breakdown of the mental symptoms associated with moderate to extreme stress:

  1. Short temper
  2. Feeling angry all the time
  3. Inexplicable mood swings
  4. Feeling of isolation and helplessness
  5. Short term memory problems
  6. General decrease in work productivity
  7. Lowered sexual desire
  8. Distracted thinking

The psychological signs of stress often manifest when a person has been under stress for a long period of time. These signs come about because the mind is trying to escape the stressful situation however it can.

This is one of the main reasons why stressed individuals are often less productive in the office.

Their minds are so sick of the prolonged stress response that their own thought patterns are preventing them from focusing on the things they have to do.

The same thing happens to university students who are overwhelmed with the nature and volume of work they have to complete to pass different course subjects.

How severe are stress-related symptoms in the general population?

In the United States alone, it is estimated that 90% of all physician visits are associated with symptoms related to chronic stress. It has also been estimated that on a monthly basis, 400 million people take medication to ease these symptoms.

Of course, we know now that medicating a stress-related symptom is a futile effort because you're not addressing the main cause of the symptom - you're just padding the symptom itself.

Now, it should be noted that the symptoms we discussed earlier may also be genuine signs of other health conditions (and not just stress). Consulting with your physician is still your best option if you experience symptoms such as racing heart rate or persistent headaches.

Difference between a "Rich" and "Poor" brain....

It's been a while now since I've been looking for help in improving my career and life. For the past few months I've been unhappy with my professional life. My main issue is the state of my job. I spend too much time at work that affects time spent with my family and friends.

On top of that, my job duties have increased over time but my salary has not. I felt mentally down and was struggling to think of ways I could improve the quality of my life. Something had to change.

When I came across The Millionaire's Brain Academy, I was in two minds. While I felt that the book could help me in my present situation, I wasn't sure if I could get much help out of it as I would like.  

But The Millionaire's Brain Academy seemed simple enough to digest and was more than  affordable- at least compared to the hundreds or even thousands you might fork out for some sort of "get rich quick" talks or schemes you see advertised everywhere.

And cut to present day after spending some time with The Millionaire's Brain Academy,  I am relieved to review that it is well worth the purchase!

As a whole, The Millionaire Brain Academy manual explores basic mind concepts that I have always found fascinating. Changing your actions, behaviors and thoughts might sound simple, but they are powerful tools to implement in your life.

I was particularly interested where they focus on training your brain to have a positive mindset towards money and wealth. Personally, money has always been hard to come by. And I realized that it was due to my negative feelings towards money. Fortunately, the book teaches you how to rewire your brain to have a positive mindset about money.

It really helps that the book explains the abilities of a person's brain and how it is programmed. I got to learn about neuroplasticity and how the brain can be changed and shaped throughout a person's life. Such information really instilled the confidence in me to make a list of goals and aim to achieve them.

Besides wealth, The Millionaire's Brain Academy also touches on other mental areas that is likely to affect you in life.

For instance, there is a chapter devoted to overcoming negativity and embracing positivity to overcome hardships. I'd like to point out that while such information might not be related to my main goal, I found it very helpful in evaluating myself  and my life choices so far.

Personally, I found myself re-reading the pointers on removing negative influence and adding more positivity to my life. I realized from reading these chapters that I needed to surround myself more with people who share similar goals and hobbies.

Initially, I was always focused on work and had no time for socializing which affected me emotionally. I now get that making positive changes is indeed just as important as working hard.

Another aspect I liked was the exercises present throughout the chapters that enabled me to understand the written content. They do not take up much of your time and at most, all you need is a pen and paper to get it done!

If you like to apply what you've learnt, The Millionaire's Brain Academy also comes with a Brain Optimizer workbook for you to practice on yourself to get the most out of what you've been reading.

To be frank, I generally take a long time to learn things and get them right. I was not looking forward to opening the Brain Optimizer workbook! But I'm glad I eventually did as the exercises were not difficult. While I have not completed all of the exercises as of yet, I did the find the meditative techniques relaxing and emotionally satisfying.

The Money Code is another bonus content that comes with The Millionaire's Brain Academy. If you are more interested in achieving financial success, this report would be most beneficial to you. It serves as a worthy extension from The Millionaire's Brain Academy plus I found it cool how it teaches you to draw out ideas from the creative side of your mind.

You also receive some audio guidance known as The Millionaire Mindset Suite. I was recommended to listen to the audios consistently for at least four weeks. I initially found it tough to commit to such a schedule due to work so I listened to each session individually daily, which has been working well so far.

This is a unique aspect when I got The Millionaire's Brain Academy: Compared to most products today- you don't just get one wordy, measly book, you get the works! As I mentioned above, I had more options in my hand with a workbook, an audio guide and an additional report. I appreciate that TheMillionaire's Brain Academy book doesn't hold back, it gives the user a variety of stuff to work with!

I am very appreciative of what The Millionaire's Brain Academy is doing. I feel that the author Winter has put together a well thought out and informative book that can help just about the everyday Joe who want to financially prosper.

It certainly has helped in making me believe that you don't really have to work day and night to achieve wealth and prosperity in your life! And now that I'm taking control of my own destiny, the future has never looked better!

Time Management Tips for Working Mothers

Working mothers truly juggle with a lot of balls at the same time. Being a working individual, the women already has to deal with so many things like and when kids get added to the family it may seem as if you have taken up another job, a job which is supposed to be done round the clock, 24/7.

Shopping for kids, dealing with their problems at school and otherwise too, spending quality time with them; there is a possibility that you may miss out on something or the other due to your own tight schedule.

More importantly, working mothers hardly have any time for themselves. Here are some ways to manage your time well.

Be Organized

It is important for the working mothers to get organized but most of them end up becoming control freaks. The idea is to have a systematic approach to life and follow the same schedule every day.

You may use a small notebook to keep track of what needs to be done for the day. Use mobile alarms to remind you about parent-teacher meetings or any other important events of your child.

Tell Kids you Need their Help

Even though they are your kids and you want to pamper and spoil them you must let them know that you need their help sometimes to keep things running smoothly.

Teach them to pack their school bag, place dirty clothes separately, brush their own teeth, dress up for school, etc. Whatever task you believe that your child is capable of doing, as per their age, ask them to do it.

If they become too dependent on you then it will only increase your burden. By division of labor you will be able to churn out some time for other errands.

Stay Away from Procrastination

Try to cut down spending time on gossip and stuff you know well doing which is a total waste of time. Stay away from procrastination by getting into a habit of doing things now.

Instant Healthy Foods

One thing every mother is worried about is that their child should eat a nutritious diet. The hectic lifestyle of today leaves no room for cooking full meals. A lot of urban population relies on ready-to-eat meals.

If you are not able to cook proper meals for your child then choose quick healthy recipes over lengthy preparations. Muesli, rice flakes, corn flakes and similar types of foods can be used to serve out quick and healthy dishes which hardly take any time.

No Harm in taking a little Assistance

Whether you are doing it together with your spouse or you are a single parent, taking a little assistance from your own parents is not going to make you look like a looser.

If the grandparents of the children are willing to do baby-sitting while you are preparing a presentation for the next day at office; there in no harm in it.

Try not to bring work to Home

This is the most common issue with working mothers. Your ambition may tempt you to bring work home and get it done before the next day. But this is the time that you need to spend with your family.

Develop such an attitude that your boss does not ask you to take work home and learn to say no when asked.

You should be proud that you have the courage to manage both your child and your work. Do not see it as a disadvantage at any point of time.

Is Introversion Main Stream at Last? (By Lynette Crane)

The topic of introversion has now entered the mainstream. How can I tell? This topic, which I have championed for so many years (full disclosure: I am an introvert), has now appeared in one of my favorite comic strips, and I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry.

In the Dilbert strip of July 23, an introvert appears and utters all of the stereotypes about introverts being despairing, lonely, and avoidant of conversation. Introversion has become part of the workplace diversity conversation, and that's a good thing. Picking up on that trend, Dilbert, which satirizes workplace behavior, has now made this contribution, and I know it's satire; nevertheless, I seem to have lost my sense of humor.

You see, I also know that introverts, no matter how skilled or intelligent, tend to be the last-hired. I know, from studies such as that done by Ones and Dilchert (Industrial & Organizational Psych, 2009), that introverts constitute only 12% of supervisors, and that percentage decreases as you go up the managerial levels, dwindling to a scant 2% at the very top. At the same time, the presence of extreme extroverts rises to 60% at the top.

This is only natural, right? Well, no, actually introverts can make extremely fine leaders, especially for groups of people who have good ideas. The introvert leader will allow others speaking time, listen carefully, and be willing to integrate other people's ideas into the overall scheme. How do we know this? Besides assertions by people such as Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, a study of companies and the leaders who went from being merely good to great, research studies such as the one reported by Adam Grant et al. affirms this.

The problem? Well, the title of that research article for one thing. "Leadership Tip: Hire the Quiet Neurotic, Not the Impressive Extrovert" (Forbes Magazine, 2013). Neurotic? The opposite of extrovert is neurotic?

Bendersky & Shah (Acad. Mgmt. J. 2013) reassure us that introverts not only make good team members, but that eventually their excellent contributions are recognized over the chatter of more outspoken but sometimes less thoughtful people. I'm glad to hear this; my only objection is their title: "The Downfall of Extroverts and the Rise of Neurotics."

Corporations are just now beginning to recognize introversion, which is based on a neurological difference, as being an appropriate and even necessary topic for inclusion in their diversity programs.

So I wonder if you could replace introverts in that comic strip with another group that is marginalized in our society and just on the edge of being understood and valued. Would it work and still be funny? I don't know. I would welcome your reactions.

I just wish that our group, introverts, hadn't leaped from being marginalized as "peculiar" to the mainstream with no stops in between.

Letting Go of Shame

There is no such thing as shame. It is just an artificially inculcated thought, forcing us to wrongly believe that not disappointing others is more important than not disappointing ourselves. It is time to let this unuseful belief go.

According to the hierarchy of people around you, you should be at the top. Your own happiness is the most important one.

You can't make others happy unless you are happy with yourself.

That´s a simple fact.

Because your own happiness is the source of the happiness of others around you. Therefore, your own happiness is simply the most important thing in your life, which you need to take care of.

And shame is not part of happiness at all. It simply doesn't belong to it. It never did and never will.

Shame is just a toxic and totally useless feeling that has been implanted in you, "saying" that you have done something that you were "not supposed to", or that you haven't pleased somebody you were "supposed to", in the way she/he expected from you. Shame is a feeling that has been imposed on you, then not consciously chosen by you. Why on earth would you freely choose a feeling, which is one of the obstacles to your happiness?

And who would know, better than you, what you are supposed or not supposed to anyway?

Who would know the path towards your own happiness, better than you?

Shame has always been a great way for others (including institution, government, and many religions) to manipulate you. For example, it is in the highest interest of institutions like government to foster and increase the feeling of shame in you, so you can be easily manipulated and controlled.

It is time to let go of shame, and mainly of the thought of shame itself.

It is time to be free again.

Shame never helps you; shame only prevents you from becoming better, stronger and happier.

Shame is not meant to be part of your life and happiness. It never was and never will be.

The good news is that shame is just a feeling. And, because any kind of negative feeling (shame is one of the most negative feelings) can be let go, the same applies for shame.

I can't express strongly enough what a dramatic impact letting go of shame has on life. I can refer to my own experience. Once the feeling of shame vanishes, you immediately feel lighter, more relaxed and happier. It is very difficult to be controlled by others, because simply there is not any "leverage" that could allow them to control you anymore. It is difficult not to be happy when there is no feeling of shame and guilt anymore. And remember, it is just a feeling - we already know that any negative feeling can be let go, once and forever.

In general, shame has got many faces and we usually have so many different kinds of thoughts and memories connected to shame that might also be suppressed deeply in our bodies (it is one of the most suppressed feelings in general), which quite often requires many letting go sessions. But, it's worth every penny and the long term impact is life changing once we learn how to let go of the feelings of shame.

One of the best ways to start letting go of shame is letting go of the feeling of having shame because of feeling shame (it might sound a bit confusing at first glance, but when you really think of it, you will realize that this is the most common kind of shame - feeling guilt and shame because we feel ashamed).

All of that can, and should be, let go.

Here is the letting go process for shame:

1. Find a quiet place, where nobody can disturb you. Shame is a very intimately perceived feeling and it is important to be just with yourself when letting go of shame for the first time.

2. Close your eyes and bring up any recent feeling of shame, or feeling of being ashamed.

3. Start embracing and experiencing these feelings fully.

4. Sometimes, this can be really hard and unpleasant, but it is only for a while. It is important to continue. Also, there can be some stronger immediate emotional expressions as shame is being released. Dont block anything; it will last only a small moment.

5. Start surrendering yourself to these feelings; let them express themselves fully all over your body (or any other part where you feel them most intensively). Don't push them back; don't block them or act on them either. Just let them be in their natural way and instead, be an independent observer of them, as if they weren't even yours. Be an observer and let any emotions come out, as they want to.

6. Try not to connect these feelings to any stories or circumstances; try not to rationalize them. Try not to think about them at all. Just look at them as pure emotion, which want to be expressed and released. Don't judge them; don't push them back; just observe.

7. After a while, make a decision about letting the feeling of shame go once and forever, and then let it actually go and disappear.

8. Because the amount of negative feelings related to shame can be quite often pretty intense and deep, you will probably need to repeat steps 1-5 several times. Also, make this a daily practice if any kind of other feelings of shame come up anytime soon. Shame sometimes requires some time (weeks and months) to be completely let go.

Top 5 Reasons Why I Am Enough (By Carolyn J Carpenter)

Do you ever get sick of yourself? Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try you'll always fail? Do you ever feel like you've made so many wrong decisions and so many bad choices that digging yourself out will never erase how disappointed you feel? Do you ever look at the crap happening in your life and think, "What am I doing wrong?" Do you ever compare yourself to others and marvel at how easy success seems to come to them? Or how happy they manage to be even when their life is a massive pile of dung?

I never do these things. I always feel like I have it all together. Really. Hahahahahahahahaha.

This morning, as my meditation crumbles into a cesspool of self-pity, I swirl around in the muck and acknowledge how true these feelings are. How real and painful they seem. I beat myself up. Then I beat myself up for beating myself up. I can't shake the feeling that I am a loser because I haven't accomplished all the dreams I had as a child. I haven't experienced all of the things I said I would do... be... have. I actually sob, letting the disappointment of what I deem to be multiple failures swallow my heart. And as always. As always, always, always. A little, teeny-tiny, pipsqueak of a voice squeaks out from the back of my mind, "Hey wait." But the big booming voice of defeat stomps it out. Triumphant. But the little guy chimes back, "I'm here and I love you." And the deep song of failure tells the little voice to shut up. And the little voice says, "You don't own me." And the big, booming voice of failure... laughs. Ah-ha! The little pipsqueak is winning. The little pipsqueak says, "I am tiny and insignificant, but I have it over you." And this little voice inspires me to pick up my lap top. To come up with the five reasons why the bully in my head won't win. Five reasons why I am not a failure. Five reasons why I am enough. I don't know what the top five reason are that I am enough. But I am gong to take a stab.

5. I take the time to explore these feeling. I listen, cajole, admonish, plead. I don't bury these feeling and thoughts. I don't let them determine who I am.

4. I realize I am not alone. As I pay attention to this voice of doubt and frustration, anger and pain... I also realize that I see it in others. It pops out of daily conversation in the oddest, most subtle, of ways. I am grateful that at least I am aware of the voice. At least I can accept that it is part of me. At least I don't pretend it's not there. Because I believe if you deny the bully a place at the table, it will crawl under your chair and stab your toes.

3. I am happy that I want to share my experience. Literally in the middle of sobbing, my little pipsqueak voice started working out how I might inspire others by sharing this experience. What I was going to post on my Morning Walk Adventure site today. How I might use these feelings of not-enough-ness to make others feel they are more.

2. I can choose gratitude. Being enough is an intangible idea. It is a slice of banana cream pie in the sky. And choosing gratitude is as the way to dive into the banana-y whipped cream. Gratitude is the pulley to a better place.

1. I have the choice to characterize my not enough-ness. I can write about it. I can laugh about it. I can give the pipsqueak voice the image of that unstoppable mouse in Tom and Jerry. I can realize why people love that cartoon. Because in this moment it represents the constant battle to be enough. I can reduce my bully into a cartoon character and give a giant hammer to the pipsqueak. My little voice can shake its fist and say, "I may be a small, squeeky wheel, but I will get the oil!"

So there you have it. Imperfect. Perhaps a bit whiny and pathetic. Look at that. There is even judgement in my summary of what I just wrote. Sigh. The bully is alive and well. But we all know that bullies are bullies because deep down they feel powerless and bullying is a way to take a step toward power. So the little pipsqueak can take the hand of the big bully and say, "It's okay. It will aaaalllll be okay. I will guide you. I've got your back. Frickin relax" And that's all there is. That's all that matters. That is enough.

How To Increase Confidence In Men

Confidence is the key to dating success. As strange as it might seem to guys, what you do for a living, what your interests are and even how you look are all secondary considerations for women. What women really want is a man who is comfortable in his own skin, a man who's happy, capable and self-assured. Self-confidence is extremely sexy to a woman. So how do you show a woman that you're confident?

Don't show off:

Nothing turns a woman off faster than a man gloating about how much money he makes. Bragging about things you own; cars, houses, clothes, and so on, will make you seem self-conscious.

Clean yourself up:

You don't want to be stressed out about body odor when you're talking to a woman. Try out different body washes, antiperspirants and body sprays until you find the right combination that works for you.
Research has backed up the notion that simply smelling great can make men "look" more attractive to women.

Don't talk too much:

Stop trying to top everyone all the time. Instead, ask a lot of questions. This allows you to remain in control and steer the conversation. Needing to dominate every conversation or present oneself as the authority on every subject is a clear sign of insecurity.

Compliment others:

A lot of guys think projecting confidence means drawing attention to themselves and away from others. complimenting others on their appearance, not only indicates that you're a gentleman, but it also subtly communicates that you are in a position to evaluate others.

Maintain eye contact:

When meeting a new person, your eyes say at least as much as your mouth.

Looking someone in the eye comes naturally when you're feeling comfortable and confident,.

Speak clearly:

Don't talk over people or interrupt them, but whenever you're speaking, speak a little louder than you normally would.

Don't be mean:

The first positive thing people typically say after meeting a new person is, "He seems nice. Nice is the first checkpoint you have to pass on the road to friendship, partnership or romance.

Have a sense of humour:

A great sense of humor is the most instant, obvious, magnetic force that makes a woman sense a man's confidence, and therefore feel the first sparks of attraction for him.

By focusing on these steps, the kind of women you want to meet will start sensing that you just might be "Mr. Right."

7 Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem Fast

Not everyone is self-confident, self-trusting or self-loving.

One of the major reasons is because they have not fully developed or nurtured their self-esteem.

Today, let me give you 7 easy tips on how you can boost your self-esteem fast!

Tip #1 Understand What Self-Esteem Is

Self-esteem is nothing more than having a clear understanding of your own strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes and being able to move your life forward with this level of self-knowledge.

It's about accepting your flaws and loving yourself anyway.
It's about focusing on things you can control, instead of things outside your influence.
It's about living in the present and being hopeful for the future, instead of dwelling on the past that cannot be undone.

Tip #2 The Major Cause of Poor Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem occurs when you attach too much of your personal value to the external materialistic things like money, fame, status, cars, mansions etc.

These things are nice to have, but never measure your own self of worthiness against these kinds of Hollywood-portrayed lifestyle.

Other things like health, skills, interpersonal relationships, life experiences, love and passion are also crucial to your well-being.

Tip #3 Remind Yourself What You're Already Good At

You're likely to already have 5, 10 or 20 years of solid experience where you've learnt some major life lessons.

Take 10-15 minutes to write down everything you know how to do. Do not judge whatever you write.

It can be things like playing piano, climbing trees, fishing, playing as the basketball captain in high school, repairing the toilet well etc.

It might sound silly, but remind yourself of the instructions, the stories and the lessons that had strengthened you as a human being.

Tip #4 Daily Night Journaling

Every night before you sleep, you should take just 5 minutes to write down the Top 3-5 Wins of the day.

You need to develop a habit of reminding yourself the mini achievements so that you know you're making progress every day.

Tip #5 Plan Your Tomorrow The Night Before

At the same time, you should plan your next day while doing your night-journaling.

List out your Big 3 things you must dominate in order to make your tomorrow awesome, so that you wake up automatically productive and know exactly what to execute on.

Tip #6 Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Never compare your hard, boring, tough back stage of work with other people's glamorous, successful, enjoyable front stage of victory.

It's plainly unfair to both of you.

You don't know the complete story of rags-to-riches. You didn't witness the excruciating times of theirs. You had no idea how much they had gone through.

What you see is just a snapshot of their peak winning moment. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat are creating a false image of ideal reality that does not exist.

Stop comparing and start focusing on making consistent daily improvements of your own life.

Tip #7 Be Grateful

No matter what happens, understand that everything happens for a reason and it serves you.

Your life is exactly where you should be. Trust the process and trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future.

Sit down, close your eyes, and remind yourself what 5 things you STILL have in life that you're grateful for.

Smile at them and keep going.

5 Myths About Introverts

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Barack Obama, Emma Watson, Christina Aguilera, and J.K Rowling. What do these people have in common? Besides from being world-renowned and successful? They are all self-proclaimed introverts.

Introversion is a termed popularized by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist who formulated the theory of temperament. It lies on the opposite side of extroversion in the personality continuum scale. Wherein, ambiversion is in the middle. Introverted person tends to be called as a shy, reticent person which is far from the truth. That is why they are easily misunderstood in our extraverted world.

The difference between two extreme temperaments relies on how their brains work. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the control of your pleasure and reward centers. In a MRI scan, you can see that the response of dopamine to stimuli is long and complicated in an introvert brain. While in extroverts, the pathway is shorter. Flooding of dopamine through overstimulation makes an introvert exhausted during social gathering making them look like they are not a people person. Here are some of the common myths about introverts that we need to know and understand.

1. They are shy.

Being shy is different from being an introvert. Shy people avoid social interaction due to fear of social judgment. Introverts are not afraid being social. It is just too much for them. They need to have a reason to interact.

2. They do not like people or talking to them.

They do not want a lot of small talks from many people. Chattiness is full-force when they are interested on the topic. They also value true and long-lasting friendship even if they only have a few.

3. They always want to be alone.

Introverts loves daydreaming and thinking things through. They are very dependent. They do not like sharing their thoughts to everyone but only to the ones close to them.

4. They are weird.

Unlike extroverts, they do not conform to the bandwagon. They do not follow the fashion trends because of their great sense of individuality.

5. They do not know how to relax and have fun.

Reading and staying at home are fun for them. And parties! But not as long as extroverts would stand. They do not seek high stimulating situation because it is important for them to recharge and reenergize to process everything in.

Introverts are not difficult to be with. Knowing the facts about introverts will be easy for many of us to take care of them. Here are some tips straight from introverts themselves on how to deal with them.

1. Respect their need for privacy.
2. Never embarrass them in public.
3. Let them observe first in new situations.
4. Give them time to think. Do not demand right away for answers.
5. Don't interrupt them.
6. Give them advance notice of expected changes in our lives.
7. Give them 15-minute warnings to finish whatever they are doing.
8. Reprimand them privately.
9. Teach them new skills privately.
10. Enable them to find one best friend who has similar interests and abilities.
11. Don't push and to make lots of friends.
12. Respect their introversion. They cannot be fix to be extroverts.

If many people are aware how most introverts make smarter decisions and better leaders, those myths will be gone for good. The world will know how to treat them well without discrimination, with due respect and a lot time for them just to be themselves same goes with the extroverts and ambiverts.

Find Out for FREE The REAL Reason Why the Rich Stay Rich and you Keep Struggling

When The Millionaire’s Brain Academy was placed on my desk, I groaned inwardly, “Oh no, not one of THOSE again,” and I almost pulled my hair out in frustration. I have readers who actually write in and ask how I can review such books.

But after going through it, The Millionaire’s Brain Academy turned out to be one of those rare gems that actually work for once.

Since this is after all a self-help guide, the content is more or less the same, but The Millionaire’s Brain Academy seeks to be different from the rest of the pack by everything else.

While other products just provide textbook write-ups about what’s going on, The Millionaire’s Brain Academy goes a step further, which I’ll explain more as I go along.

To gain success in this very competitive world, it is just not sufficient if you have talent, or a dream.

If you don’t know how to work it, you won’t get it.

Chapter 1 “Master Your Destiny” explores the concept of responsibility. Responsibility is central to the belief of the success mindset. With responsibility, you know that your choice matters in the long run.

In order to kick-start the whole process, we need to begin from the brain. The brain structure is the canvas for us to work the magic of the mindset. Continuing on that analogy, one of the methods is to keep painting on it i.e. to keep telling the brain to do specific things or inculcate particular behaviors. Only with the constant painting and re-shaping, will the positive behavior be wired into our brain and manifest automatically into our action.

One of the most doable strategies outlined here is the strategy of not watching TV programs – Because they are too mindless!

Come to think of it, watching those mechanical and bland TV programs does nothing to infuse your own destiny into the brain. There are absolutely no benefits at all.

Next on the palette, belief and ideology are critical ingredients as the underlying foundation to the great artwork of success mindset. You have to believe that the next millionaire is you.

There is no second way about it.

A strong and unwavering belief aligns with the powerful law of attraction and hands you the keys to infinite wealth. It is really that simple.

In addition, to strengthen your success mindset, you may need to give up something.

Not your soul, don’t worry.

It is something very close and intimate to the heart, something which you may have told yourself on occasions, or something which you heard from others.

Now, I won’t be revealing those 2 words here, you’ll be amazed what it is when you come to that section in the ebook. Once you know what those words are, a simple reversal spins the wheel of fortune directly to your way.

It's worth mentioning fear.

Fear is always the stumbling stone in any ambitious plan of success. Because one takes a fearful step back, everything literally comes to naught – everything from planning, to resource-gathering, to execution of the plan.

Indeed, like what the author Winter expounds, talk is cheap. Action must be taken and fear tossed out to the wind. As compared to other products, this is something lacking. They usually come in an ebook, and just vaguely talk about this theory and that research finding.

Thankfully, it is not just all talk in The Millionaire’s Brain Academy. There are exercises throughout the ebook, to reinforce your understanding.

What is an advantageous plus about The Millionaire’s Brain Academy is that there is a Brain Optimizer Workbook to further underpin what you need to do.

Here, the brain optimizing exercises come in handy, which include affirmations, meditations, and many other little things you can implement effectively in your daily routine.

One of the bonuses, The Money Code, is rather intriguing because it focuses on financial success. Now it can be rather difficult for a layman to focus on financial details simply due to the technical jargon. But The Money Code is all straightforward and easy to understand on the concepts it seeks to code into the brain.

The other bonus is The Millionaire Mindset Suite. This is a package of brainwave entrainment audios which eases the mind and provides meditative music as you contemplate your mindset, its creation and affirmation to work to your favor.

I’ve read through countless self-help books in my time and I have to say that The Millionaire’s Brain Academy is quite possibly one of the best, if not the best, personal success development product out there.

It is unbelievably comprehensive and in-depth, yet the concepts taught are so easy to understand and can be readily put into practice and action.

If you look at those “Get-Rich Quick” seminars, what they’re asking is for you to keep on pumping in the capital to play the market, which may turn out to be quite risky. For The Millionaire’s Brain Academy, there is no such high risk involved. With The Millionaire’s Brain Academy, you have an iron-clad guarantee which protects your interests – you will never lose your investment.

And the best thing of The Millionaire’s Brain Academy?

It's affordable for guys like you and me. You know those same "Get Rich Quick" seminars I mentioned? 

Those cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for a 2 day weekend event. The Millionaire's Brain Academy is a mere fraction of that... and you get to learn everything in the program right in the comfort of your own home.

No travel required.

And get this, you can reap far MORE at the end of the day, not by the satiation of your stomach, but by the wealth which will ensure the future of you and your loved ones!

You’d be hard pressed to find any success products with such a reasonable pricing, AND with such a crystal-clear promise of a millionaire’s destiny.

Hence, I highly recommend Winter 's The Millionaire’s Brain Academy to you if you are determined about seeking the millionaire’s, or to be even more ambitious, the billionaire’s, success in your life!

Message From the Universe: You Are Loved by Many!

White and Red Plastic Heart Balloon on Sky during Daytime

"I had a dream last night that I was you. Doing all of your favorite things, with all of your favorite people, in all of your favorite places. I also dreamed that I was all of your favorite people.

Do you have any idea of how much each one of them loves you?

I didn't think so,
The Universe"

Imagine the Universe is choosing you as an example among the other 7.1 billion people living in this planet or even the other quadrillions living in parallel universes. I guess the Universe sees you as someone very very very special. You are walking in the right path, even though, at times, you may not feel like you are. You are working day and night, not sure if whatever you do will render the results you expect. The mystery is eating you up inside because of all the uncertainties you are facing every day. You know you have the skills and knowledge, but sometimes, it may not be enough to get to where you want to go. Every morning, you pray and feed your mind with positive thoughts so you can hopefully achieve your goals. You stay focused and not let anyone or anything stops you in your tracks. You have the right mind set to reach your dreams. Stay on this path, because it is the Universe who put you there.

There is NO question that you are being seen as someone with many talents. The Universe knows that and until you realize that by yourself, this is when you will experience hurdles and obstacles along the way. Know that you are capable of everything and if the Universe can see that in you, I am sure you can do the same. Many signs are around you, and it is up to you to open your eyes and understand the reasons as to why they are there. Even though it may seem too good to be true, it is important to NOT search for complicated reasons as to why these signs are there to guide you. Come to realization that they are there to bring you back to the path you were meant to be in and redirect you to where you need to go. Just stop looking for complicated ways to achieve things in life, and learn to simplify it by accepting things the way they are.!&id=9485318

Build Powerful Boundaries Using Deadlines - 3 Timely Tips

Deadlines don't sound very inviting, do they? But the word does grab our attention, so I suppose that's a good thing.

But while the word deadlines sounds daunting, I would argue that the best way to deal with deadlines is by embracing the reality that you are in charge (not them). Changing your relationship to your deadlines changes everything!

So when you feel stressed and on overload, step back and think about how to manage the pressures of multiple priorities, tasks, and goals. The skills you practice now will serve you well when you need them most.

To get the ball rolling, how about transforming your deadlines into rewarding exercises in productivity? Not only does this enhance your efficiency, it also builds your confidence, reduces your stress and offers you peace of mind, too.

Do this by re-framing your deadlines as a series of boundary challenges that you possess the power to manage. It is vital to be clear about the fact that you have the power to manage whatever deadline you are working with.

These are your deadlines; you are in charge of them.

Next, use the 3 Time Tips outlined below, knowing that as you practice these skills, you enhance your ability to achieve the goals you've set. This success generates enormous vitality and fundamentally changes the way you relate to deadlines. Doesn't that sound like a win-win proposition?

You and Your Deadlines: 3 Time Tips

1. Understand and respect your hard deadlines.

Hard deadlines are themselves time boundaries: something has to be done by a specific time and date.

These deadlines are non-negotiable and they offer you excellent opportunities to exercise focus and self-reference. That's because to successfully meet a hard deadline you need to set boundaries for yourself (and maybe also for others).

To enhance your self-reference regarding a hard boundary, identify the ways that meeting the deadline will benefit you. This empowers you as it connects you with the task more fully; you now have a personal investment in accomplishing it.

2. Use soft deadlines in combination with hard deadlines.

You can use soft deadlines to reduce the pressure of hard deadlines.

Soft deadlines are actually more like guidelines than deadlines. As necessary, they can be rescheduled to better manage hard deadlines. Just be sure they don't fall off your To Do List entirely!

A good example of a task where soft deadlines can work is raking leaves. You want to be sure to clean them up before the snow flies, but you can exercise some flexibility as to exactly when you do this.

Aim to create your soft deadline well in advance of the hard deadline so you have breathing room.

Another related time tool that can be helpful with hard deadlines is using the "Times-2 Rule" when creating your schedule. Building in extra time for each step positions you to meet your deadline (maybe even with time to spare)!

3. Create a "due date" master plan.

Life isn't simple, and we often have competing priorities. So it's very helpful to step back, scan your schedule and To-Do List to coordinate your various hard and soft deadlines.

And when you do this, be sure to include time to sustain your emotional and physical health. By focusing on your inner well-being, and releasing non-essentials, you shift from an outward-looking scarcity mentality to a self-referenced inner abundance mentality.

Shifting your energetic approach to boundaries and building your time management skills means that you see managing and meeting deadlines as really activating your power. As you build on your successes, you reinforce self-trust, generate more self-confidence, enjoy your productivity, and actually find more time!

Transform Your Time and Your Life One Small Change at a Time


How often have you heard that mantra? And how often have you actually acted on it?

It really is how change happens: - one-day-at-a-time. But we tend to forget that - either catastrophizing about missteps or getting complacent when we are doing well. And when we lose our one-day-at-a-time focus, we are very likely to lose our footing and lose ground.

Embracing a one-day-at-a-time perspective means, of necessity, starting and staying small. It's how you make this work for yourself. That's not to say you should not have big goals. More, it's to remember that big goals are brought to fruition by lots of small steps.

As Kyle Savikko wrote in a recent blog post, NOT staying small leads inevitably to disappointment.

It is then when we fall. We miss a day of working out. Forget to brush our teeth. Are too busy and get too distracted by the trials of life to write everyday... We miss the chance to fulfill our promise to ourselves to perform the habits.
One-day-at-a-time and your goals

So, how does this perspective work when you have really big goals?

Actually, it works quite well. You still have your goals - as big as your dreams. But you know, right down to your toes, that your path involves many incremental steps. If your goal is to create and sustain a new habit, you know that it takes a lot of repetition. Each step is important, but no one step makes or breaks things. Each link in the chain is vital but, honestly, in most situations, if you break the chain you can pick it up again and keep going.

There's a balance to maintain here. Each step is important, but it's a form of self-sabotage to make any single step into a make-or-break proposition. Encourage and energize yourself with your commitment to follow-through, but don't beat yourself up for a misstep. That will only distract you and get you stuck in self-criticism.

One-Day-at-a-Time Challenge

So, what's one change that you'll make in your life in the coming month, one-day-at-a-time.

For me, my commitment is to find time for meditation once a day - even if only for 5-minutes (but when I can, for longer). I know how this practice grounds and rejuvenates me - and it's one that I sometimes set aside when life feels hectic.

What small thing would you like to do, one-day-at-a-time, in the coming month? Remember, small steps are the stuff of important and transformational journeys.

We can all change our lives, one small change at a time.

Verbs Are Important - Find the Right One and Find Time!

Verbs are important! Who's the last person that uttered that phrase to you? I'm guessing it may have been a long-ago teacher, extolling the virtues of action verbs and encouraging you to make your writing more vivid and engaging.

Other than that late-elementary-school moment, I bet it's not a subject that has come up again, unless you write for a living. But I'm here to tell you that, when it comes to finding time, the words that we use are very important. And no words are more important than the verbs that we choose.

They shape our perspective and have a profound effect on our energy. So, it makes sense that choosing words (and especially verbs) consciously and wisely is an excellent way to empower ourselves.

As an example, I encourage you to think about your To-Do List. Have you considered that the way you describe the items on your list have an impact? It's not just the task itself, but the words you use to frame it that will shape how you feel about it - and how likely you are to follow through on it.

There are lots of ways to make your task lists more useful to you. For example, in the past, we've written quite a bit about chunking tasks down to make them more doable - and this is very important. But there's more you can do to help yourself!

Here's an example of the difference that a verb or two can make when you're working with your To-Do List:

Old, Vague, Passive Phrasing 
Translation to Active, Specific, More Detailed Wording

Work on Special Report 
Complete outline of special report and schedule next steps to move it into production.

Think about blog post ideas 
Draft and schedule 5 new blog posts, including brief reference notes and Evernote links.

Discuss future plans with team 
Meet with team. Produce work plan and specific task schedule for the next 3-months.

Verbs are Important!

So, notice how I've changed some key expressions, below:

Old Key Phrases 
New Action Verbs to Increase Specificity and Follow-Through

Work on 
Complete and schedule

Think about 
Draft and schedule

Meet and produce

The new verbs are much more specific and action-oriented.

And, importantly, they often point to the next step n the process (e.g. "Complete and schedule") When you finish the task at hand, you'll be adding the next step or steps to your To Do List and/or calendar.

This is an excellent way to keep things moving. Even as you think about what verbs to use in your To-Do List you are significantly changing the way that you look at your tasks. It's a shift in consciousness that brings with it greater efficiency and effectiveness.

And the final step, whenever you complete an item on your To-Do List is to always, always, always validate yourself for your accomplishment! There aren't many things you can do for yourself that will be more energizing.

Not only that, but your follow-through builds confidence and self-trust, meaning that you'll move ahead all the more powerfully and effectively.

To your time success...