
Change Your Future With Personal Development

This article is about how to achieve Success by Claiming Our Unlimited Potential through our own Personal Development.

Napoleon Hill has been one of the most famous messengers of this concept. He first published the "Law of Success" and later "Think and Grow Rich" in the early 1900's. The latter has probably been credited with creating more millionaires that any other book in history.

In her book, "The Secret", Rhonda Byrne also talks about the secret of Success which has been known for ages by the past achievers of our society!

The message is always the SAME and is very simple - CONCEIVE - BELIEVE - RECEIVE.

The premise is that: If we can THINK the Thought and also BELIEVE the Thought to a sufficient extent, then through the Law of Attraction the Universe will provide and we will RECEIVE that which we are Thinking about!

A simple and sensible concept! It should make as much sense to us as it has for those who have used the concept for ages to achieve their desired level of Success. There is, however, a factor involved which increases the difficulty for most of us.

Thinking of who we want to be or what we want to achieve is usually fairly simple. However, LEARNING or KNOWING how to create or possess a level of BELIEF sufficient for the process to work is another matter!

"The Secret" and many other books talk about different processes (i.e. - Visualization) available to use for generating that level of Belief, because in order to possess that sufficient level of Belief we must transfer our "Conscious" thoughts and desires into our "Subconscious" being.

I personally prefer the process of self-hypnosis because the processes of Auto-Suggestion and Self-Hypnosis combined with the proper structure, coaching support and reinforcement offer the FASTEST and most EFFICIENT method available for that level of BELIEF to occur!

Let's review the first 2 Steps of the "Secret". If we learn how to do the first two, the third will occur.

Step 1 - CONCEIVE - Thought is Creative!

Earl Nightingale talked about it in his million-dollar seller "The Strangest Secret in the World".

Napoleon Hill talked about it in his classic "Think and Grow Rich".

James Allen, in his short-but-powerful essay, "As a Man Thinketh", discussed the same thing.

"As a man (person) thinketh in his heart, so is he (are they)."

Now, this simply means that behind everything that happens or appears in our lives, there is a corresponding thought in our minds. In other words, the "facts" are a direct result of our thoughts and choices: not, as it may seem that the thoughts are simply conclusions or observations of what we see.

Self-hypnosis and/or Autosuggestion can and will reprogram the thoughts, habits and beliefs which currently exist in your Subconscious and make a positive difference in your life if you so desire!

Most courses or audios are uniquely designed to provide the most direct route possible to achieving your ambitions and desires in the Personal and Business areas of your life. You will begin to feel and experience change within the first few weeks. Improvements and accomplishments in your life will become more apparent with each successive week, month and year you continue with the process.

I personally used these concepts over 40 years ago to help change my life and future and have continued to utilize and share the concepts with others.

By utilizing these same concepts, I firmly believe that you can be a new, more successful person - happier, wiser, more confident and self-assured!

Here are some of the topics of personal development to be considered or addressed:

The relationship between Money and true Prosperity,

Fear of Success and how to overcome it,

Goal Setting

Problem Solving

How to Make a Decision

Fear of Failure and how to overcome it

Will Power

How to cultivate Creative Thinking abilities

Subconscious Sales Power in relationship to our profession

How to develop Enthusiasm

How to be more Self-Confident

The relationship between Money-Compensation

Utilizing these concepts will help you better plan your Personal and Business Life, your Finances, focus on your Goals, and be much happier on a daily basis. This process can also help you on track and focus on where you are and where you want to be.

Best to you always,

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