
Ten Ways You Know You Are Prosperous

Girl, Hair, Field, Wheat, Abundance, Harvest, View

I don't know whether it's an age thing or not but I am now finding myself at a stage in life where I'm actually, honest-to-goodness, really, truly working on my prosperity.

No longer am I just "talking the talk;" I'm "walking the walk." I signed up for a class about prosperity consciousness. I even joined an investment club where we take real dollars, do actual research, and make genuine investments. We're like grown ups!

Don't misunderstand; I have no interest in gaudy bling, driving a Lamborghini Veneno, using $100 bills to ignite "King of Denmark" cigars, and vacationing at the Mantangi Private Island Resort in Fiji. It's not like that at all.

Actually, according to Eric Butterworth, author of the popular book, Spiritual Economics, "prosperity" is derived from the Latin root, which translates: "according to hope" or "to go forward hopefully." Therefore, instead of assuming the dark cloud will push its way out from behind the silver lining, I'm changing my expectations from those of lack to beliefs that everything is going to turn out the way I need it when I do.

This is not like switching on a light.

One doesn't go from Winnie the Pooh's Eeyore to Inside Out's Joy overnight. Years of trudging down a worried road have left well-defined ruts in my consciousness. I must actively work it; especially when things don't seem to be heading in what I would describe as a "hopeful" direction. You know, the roof leaks. (Ka-ching!) You need to take out a second mortgage just to buy groceries. (Ka-ching!) One of your largest, more regular clients decides to go in "another direction." (Ka-ching!) Each time I get hit, it can throw me back on my heels. After all, it's hard to feel "prosperous" when you're robbing Peter to pay Paul.

So, I'm learning to expand my definition of what actually is prosperity. For example, you have more money than a Sheik, but if your health is preventing you from enjoying life, your personality is a toxic waste dump, and you come home to an empty - albeit well furnished - home at day's end, I think we'd all put down money saying you're not prosperous. Like so much in life, it's not about what you have, but about your attitude about what you have.

Therefore, in the interest of lightening attitudes, and reminding us that prosperity comes in many forms - including humor - I put forth Ten Ways You Didn't Even Know You Were Already Prosperous.

#10) You accidentally drive into the full service bay at the gas station and you don't move to self serve.

#9) Your soy sauce at home is poured out of a store-bought bottle; not from one of a collection of small packets you've brought home from Chinese restaurants.

#8) The cost of the item is $8.95 and you don't wait for the nickel change.

#7) You're in the shower and that last tiny, sliver of soap falls and you don't search around on the bottom of the tub for it - nor do you feel guilty that you didn't stick it to the new bar of soap so it wouldn't be wasted.

#6) You no longer have a collecting of "almost empty" ketchup and salad dressing bottles upside down in the refrigerator.

#5) You get a letter with a stamp that didn't get canceled and you don't try and steam it off nor cut it off.

#4) You stop at a coffee shop for a cup of Joe and you don't fill your pockets with packets of sugar to take home for later.

#3) You get a big flat birthday present with pretty new wrapping paper and you tear it open without regard for whether or not you can use the paper next time.

#2) The monthly interest on your savings account is MORE than its service charge.

And the number one way in which you know you're prosperous is you find yourself smiling, grateful for the moment.

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