
Overcoming Temptation: Why Is It So Difficult To Resist?

Few things are more demoralizing than failing to resist temptation. Failure in any endeavor in life doesn't come close to the guilt and remorse you feel when you give in to temptation. That's because you know in advance that it's wrong to be, have or do such a thing. But you do it anyway. Why? Is it weakness? Insanity? Perhaps immaturity in that, like a child, you want to test the limits of your freedom. See how far you can go without repercussion. Are you testing fate? Tempting fate? Fate is tempting you and you are tempting it back. It's like playing Russian Roulette with yourself. It's very exciting. Very alluring. -- And very addictive.

You sincerely want to do the right thing but are simply unable to. "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" accurately describes this human condition. Failure to resist temptation one time makes it easier to fail the next time. That's because you just know you're going to fail so don't put up much of a defense. It's a vicious cycle.

You've also come to accept giving in to temptation as perfectly "normal" because few others can resist it either. This rationalization somewhat relieves the sting but doesn't eliminate it. The residual guilt then makes you feel unworthy of success in other areas of your life. It's insidious. Confidence and self-esteem diminishes. No one likes to feel powerless over anything.

Temptation is ubiquitous. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of times a day, social and commercial media bombard you with sophisticated temptations and hypnotic suggestions to buy their product, service or idea. There's no end to the desire to possess your mind, your body or your money. And then there are those whose mind, body or money you are tempted to possess. And then there's all the other temptations beside lust. There are the temptations to anger or resentment; to get revenge; to laziness; to lie, steal, cheat, judge, hate, hurt, envy, be partial to or prejudiced against; to overeat, over drink, over spend. The list goes on.

Your first line of defense is your freedom of choice. But this power requires discipline and commitment. You don't have to react or respond to temptation. You don't have to resent it, fear it, judge it, or even comment on it in any way. Just notice it and let it go. Notice it and drop it at the same time. Don't indulge it or romanticize it for a moment. Don't even think about it, for your thoughts will tend to rationalize giving in. You'll think, "Hey, this opportunity may never come again!" or "Gee, I wouldn't want to discourage it completely!" Just immediately change the subject moving freely and serenely on to the next present moment. This is the definition of wisdom.

Remember, the law of detachment is to keep an appropriate and respectful distance from all experience -- all thought, feeling and desire, all the time. See all people, places and situations just as they are. Just in and of themselves. Don't personalize anything. That's the worst temptation of all. See a beautiful woman as just a beautiful woman -- without lust; see a rich and powerful man as just a rich and powerful man -- without intimidation; see your delicious and nutritious dinner as just a delicious and nutritious dinner -- not as a stress reliever. See a cigar as just a cigar. And so on. Whatever tempts you, owns you. Change the habit of giving in to your lower, personal self to giving in to your higher, conscious self. Nothing in life is more rewarding, fulfilling and powerful.

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