
Conquering Stumbling Blocks to Success


On the journey to success, there are numerous considerations with progressive movement. Many of us plan, set goals, and put in the work that is hoped to lead to accomplishment. However, when that work does not lead to accomplishment, we may become frustrated; especially when we don't see the fruit of our labor. Yet, at some point, we must consider the path taken to position ourselves for success as well as the obstacles. With that being said, let's consider a few obstacles and motivators:

• Preparation

With a bountiful harvest, a seed is planted, properly fertilized, and watered. When this happens, eventually there is growth. This is also true with the law of reaping and sewing. Now, while this topic might be controversial, depending on your beliefs or values, the personal satisfaction that comes with helping others attain what we would like to attain for ourselves is a significant consideration.

"The liberal soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered himself." (Proverbs 11:24-25)

While spiritual laws with success are major considerations, reflection on everyday influences are important as well. For example, what happens when the chosen career path is based on parental preference rather than on passion or personal interest? In this case, career path may be temporary.

There are also prerequisites with roles and responsibilities for the selected career path. For example, a student is in their first semester of college and finds that it is not at all what they expected. When this happens, some students drop out and others change career paths, wasting valuable time and money.

Another consideration is economy, the job market, and its role toward achieving goals. In this regard, it's important to research careers of preference that are high in demand, as well as expected salary, before selecting a career path.

What about the people that need to be nudged out of their comfort zone; especially, among those that are cared for by parents, family, or friends? If we become enablers to our loved ones, it may impede progress. Remember, the best support will challenge us to reach our potential!

• Circle of Friends

Let's consider our circle of friends. Sometimes we align ourselves with the wrong type of people. Consider a person once thought to be a friend, only to find out they were contributing to conversations that questioned your integrity. This is not only disappointing but may create an element of stress, impede progress, or sever important connections.

Then there are times when good advice is received, but we shun the very people that are trying to help us; yet, another obstacle impeding progress. So let's consider motivators:

Have we considered personality types and how this may impact our tolerance of others?

For example, Type A personalities are competitive high achievers, having a sense of time urgency, while Type B are more relaxed and laid back. Type C are very assertive and detail-oriented, while type D are very pessimistic, having more of negative outlook on life.

Needless to say, a person with Type D personality may find difficulty tolerating Type A and Type A may find difficulty tolerating Type B. Therefore, understanding your circle of friends and how they relate to your personality type can make a huge difference with achieving higher levels of tolerance. This may also serve to help better understand your triggers of stress.

Of course, with all types of personalities, there are no guarantees that relationships developed will be in agreement with our views, opinions, or goals. Yet, it is always important to have an open mind, be an active listener, and consider opinions before making final conclusions.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." (Proverbs 15:1)

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." (Ephesians 4:2)

• Network of Connections

We need to align ourselves with people that communicate positive change. Case and point, if you find yourself in a network where there are too many leaders and not enough people willing to resolve conflict or get the job done, seek an appropriate moderator. If one cannot be located, it's best to seek networks with goals more closely matched to your own.

Additionally, be cautious with networks that include groups that have similar interests while having agendas far removed from your own agenda; this can waste so much valuable time. Ensure that your connections are like-minded and that your plans lead to the same goal.

In closing, a career counselor is always a good resource for selecting your career path; however, it is also important to note where we are on our journey; especially, as it relates to obstacles and motivators with achieving success. If after careful review, obstacles are identified as impeding progress with attainment of goals, we must reposition ourselves and get back on the right track.

Consider as many variables that have direct bearing on achieving goals as possible including your faith, values, and beliefs. Write them down. Note, your personality type, identify your career path, sew into someone else's life, and continue to do the work. If at the end of the day, you find that you are still not in the place you thought you should be, consider that you may be in the place that God would have you to be based on the seeds that you have sewn and the work that you have completed.

"The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this." (2 Timothy 2: 6-7)

"For I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

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