
Motivation Manifesto: Proclaiming One's Personal Power

Motivation is the foundation of all power and success and the motivation manifesto is a declaration of claiming one's power to live life to the fullest in all its intentions of liberation, and independence overcoming the many hindrances harboured by self-doubt and negative vibes. It is a typical advance to victory, freeing oneself from fear, anger, and downing emotions.

Let us accept the fact that you and I have the power within us. It is but a matter of acknowledging that we have it, quickening and enlightening our inner power within ourselves. What do we get in return? - a life that is far different from what we have had. A life stimulated and motivated to respond positively, not shying away with our prejudices and misconceptions about ourselves, the people around us and blinded by our circumstances but going forward or upward in every possible way.

By all means let us try to learn some of the motivation principles by heart and leverage from the learning. There is that principle that says "the time to slay your demons is now". Absolutely right, but first we have to know these demons hidden and disguised in the name of fear, greed, envy, addiction, etc.) that tries to bring us down and disabled us to exploit our full potential. Then we are in the best position to fight and defend ourselves.

We need to slow down and cool ourselves from stress. When we are emotionally, mentally and spiritually ill, our response should be to surmount these recurring rhythms of downing syndromes. And we have to live vibrantly enjoying every meaningful moment along our journey in this life. Otherwise, these will take away our peace of mind, health and enjoyment or even cost us of our lives.

Happiness is the key to enjoy life. But if you want to be happy, always go back to your purpose in this life. It is our purpose, our true calling or our desire that determines our direction and reason for existence. If we have this built-in ourselves and nurtured that longing, there is no reason for you not to be happy. If you don't have one, then try designing and developing that document in your life now.

The motivation manifesto is a declaration that does not bring us enjoyment in the humanistic view or thinking. But it is about happiness that brings us always to love families, to take care of our relationships, to value our careers, to nurture our passion and appreciate the magic of our lives. The time is now. And the choices to enjoy freedom of time, emotion, social, financial and spiritual are ours to make.

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