
Five Simple Tips to Make Your Day More Productive

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why we call it The Present"

I'm pretty sure you might have encountered the feeling of getting frustrated with your routine at one point or another. Ever wondered why does that happen? I mean no one has forced you to follow it. In fact, you own the whole sole responsibility of taking that on your own. When you wish to do everything, the only thing that can fail you is improper time management.

The expanding scope of growth makes settling harder and therefore, our greed of achieving more exceeds and trust me there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, the will to achieve is something that drives us towards success.

When our free mind opens its door to ideas and we let them settle in, our wish is to grow with them. But while doing this, there comes a stage when the heap of ideas grows too large and it becomes harder to figure out where to start or more importantly how to do that. But it's not as complex as it sounds, is it?

I often struggle with the same problem and get stuck at a point of choosing between these ideas. But facing the situation, again, and again made me look out for the bigger picture and that's when I understood-

All you need for 100% productivity is a foolproof process

In order to get all the right things done at the right time, I've listed out some effective points from my personal experience which are as follows -

  • Begin with small things - Ideas are always useful. No matter how small they are, they demand to be worked upon. Whenever the light bulb in your mind blinks, make sure you catch the light in the moment itself. Pen down your latest ideas or thoughts every day, mind it- every single day.
  • Move on step-by-step - A list is worthless unless it is re-read and revised. Pre-planning is the key here. The list of ideas should be sorted and made ready for application by the end of the day. Once you complete working on your list of today, you can secure your tomorrow for it. Also, if something can be addressed in the moment; there's no harm in it. You have to figure out what fits best for you.
  • Do not settle for less - You might pick only two best ideas from yesterday's list but make sure you give your heart and soul to them today. The level of perfection of your mind should match the level of satisfaction of your heart. That's the whole point of successfully moving forward with the plan. Till then just work, work and work.
  • Learn time hacks - When it comes to you, there's no one else to help you organize your time. You need to utilize both hard work and smart work. Consume your energy timely and give yourself the freedom of short-breaks too. Shift on to something interesting during these times like reading, exercise, meditation or anything that is capable of changing your mood. For me of course, writing steals the show.
  • Don't kill your creativity - While doing your job, you might want to dive in with the deepest sincerity but sometimes when you take all the workload on your shoulders it kills the enthusiasm after a while. There's a solution for this too! Along with your basic work you should also look in for gaps and fill them with your inner creativity. For instance, if you are a technical writer, for a change, try writing a funny story sometime. Allow yourself to fit in but don't forget to explore what's outside.

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