
Elegant Tips for Learning How to Be More Organized

Are you an organized person or the opposite? Whatever category you fall in, this article gives you tips on how to get more organized both at home and office. Read on to find out.

Home Environment:

· Your children's stock of old books are probably occupying a whole lot of space in your home. They may have grown or already left for college. It's time to declutter them and contact places where old books are collected in your locality.

· Your own wardrobe is full of clothes that you no longer need or wear. Get rid of them and donate them to old clothes' home. Buy completely a new wardrobe of clothes. You will look good, feel good and feel confident.

· Your kitchen is a mess full of old tea pots, cups, saucers, cookers, frying pans etc. Again it's time to stop hoarding them and let go of them. Sure, they might contain lots of valuable memories, but how long will you hoard them? Simply let go, declutter and donate them away to the needy people in your area.

Doing the above three steps, you make space in your home. There is good aura and energy flow all around your home. You are able to do all the household work more mindfully, happily and even sleep better.

Work Environment:

· Keep your office desk neat and clean. Do not pile up books and paper clutter on your desk. Use the paper basket in your office to throw away all the paper clutter that you do not need and are unnecessarily occupying space on your desk.

· Keep your shelves organized with books. If you need one or two books to read, take them out from the shelf. Do not hoard them on you desk for too long. After one or two weeks, when you are done with them, put them back to their places in the shelf.

· Your locker is where you put your personal things like an extra pair of shoes, an extra set of clothes, umbrella etc. There may be several partitions inside and you may choose to put paper files on the top partitions. Keep these files updated with the stuff that are important and you need to refer. Otherwise old and useless documents can be thrown away. Ask somebody's help in this case if you are not sure of something.

Just like your home, your office is now organized with a good sense of aura and good energy flow. You are able to do your tasks more freely, prospectively and fruitfully.

Summing up, these are my tips to get organized at home and office so that your productivity is maximum, with you rising up to your full potential.

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