
All Is Already Yours, Now: Action

Keep in mind a 3-part system to help YOU REALIZE All is Already Yours, Now:

Part 1 INTENTION: Clarity about what it is you seek

Part 2 ACTION: Deliberate steps forward realize what you seek

Part 3 BEST LIFE: Embracing all that is ALREADY YOURS, NOW

When you clearly set your INTENTION you amplify your desired outcome.

In summary, using the F.A.S.T. technique you choose to Feel, Act, Speak and Think AS IF you've achieved your desired outcome. What we choose to focus on is exactly what we get more of. In other words, by telling the universe (and yourSELF) exactly what you want you WILL attract more of 'what you want' immediately in your life.

For example, if I feel resentment, continually check my bank balance, talk about the lack of my financial resources with friends and think this is never going to change - I will most likely create more resentment, see my bank balance dwindle, struggle with a lack of financial resources and block opportunities that may create wealth. If, however, I feel abundant and grateful, write a large check to myself and tape it to my mirror, tell friends about a vacation I am looking forward to and think about what charities I could serve, I will most likely create more feelings of abundance and gratitude, receive gifts from unexpected sources, be invited on a getaway and so on...

In either case, what we choose to focus on... will be CORRECT.

Sometimes even with the best INTENTIONS we can feel stuck and unsure of what our next steps should be. This is completely understandable because this uncertainty is always and in ALL WAYS due to fear. So before we move from INTENTION to ACTION it is important to highlight and address that the biggest barrier is often that we are fearful. We may or may not even be aware fear is blocking our success to our Best Life NOW. The reasons why we are so fearFULL and how to shift that is grist for another article.

Let's just suffice to say that we may be:

  • fearFULL to make a mistake
  • fearFULL to make ourselves a priority
  • fearFULL to fail
  • fearFULL to succeed
  • fearFULL of the unknown
  • fearFULL about what others may think
  • fearFULL that I am a phony, too young, too old, not deserving, not smart enough, not important enough and so on...

Which of these do you relate to? Acknowledge the fear and do it anyway!

Often we do not know which action to take. So let me assure you that when you choose to amplify your INTENTION (such as with F.A.S.T.) your intuition is heightened. You will have a finely tuned awareness, an ability to truly notice things in your life. You will attract opportunities to you. These opportunities may not look like your desired outcome but truly, they are your road map. They may be opportunities to network, to learn, to be of service, etc. Saying "YES" to these opportunities is your ACTION plan.

All you desire is already yours, right NOW.


As your energy about your INTENTION amplifies so does your intuition and your opportunities.

Acknowledge your fears. Explore their origins. Challenge them.

Often what we seek is sent to us in the form of opportunities to take ACTION by simply... saying 'yes'.

For example, as stated before, if I feel abundant and grateful, write a large check to myself and tape it to my mirror, tell friends about a vacation I am looking forward to and think about what charities I could serve, I will most likely create more feelings of abundance and gratitude, receive gifts from unexpected sources, be invited on a getaway and so on--

I acknowledge I am fearFULL that I am too old to make any real changes in my life as this financial pattern has gone on too long. I've bought into a lot of misinformation about when my 'success expiration date' is and listened to naysayers and other fearful people. This does not have to be so. I am not only deserving but capable of huge financial windfalls___

I receive an email about taking an online course an introduction to Art Therapy. This field is intriguing to me. I follow-up with a fact-finding phone call to learn more about the course, the cost and the opportunities. *

When we get out of our comfort zone by setting our INTENTION, acknowledging our fear, and taking forward ACTION by saying "yes" to the opportunities that NOW present themselves we create our Best Life, NOW. I would love to hear what you notice and what opportunities you say "yes" to.

I remind you that your happiness does not need to wait another minute. It is yours to embrace today, in this very moment. It is already yours, right NOW. The fact that you are reading this article is no coincidence. You ARE ready and more importantly, deserving, NOW.

*These general examples are used to help illustrate the process, however, it can be successful for most transformational situations.,-Now:-Action&id=9378023

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