
What Makes an Energy Healer Powerful?

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The quality of her consciousness.

A healer is powerful when he or she:

  • Is a clear open channel for healing energies.
  • Has clearly focused intention.
  • Is grounded.
  • Is open to infinite possibilities.
  • Is heart-centered.
  • Is filled with integrity.
Let's explore these qualities together.

A powerful healer is a clear open channel for healing energies.
To be a "clear open channel" requires that a healer continually works on herself to raise her consciousness and maintain her openness to receive and work with the highest frequencies possible.

This means that the person is committed to her own spiritual path and to their service as a healer. Working on oneself includes, but is not limited to these activities.

  1. Eliminates limited thinking and beliefs that can interfere with bringing through healing energies.
  2. Knows how to manage her own emotions so that they don't get "dumped" onto the one receiving the healing.
  3. Clears one's own channels daily so that more energy and a wider variety of frequencies can be channeled for purposes of healing.
  4. Begins each session with a prayer asking to be a "clear channel" and ends each session by clearing herself, the healing space, and everyone in that space.
A powerful healer has clearly focused intention.
For a healer, a clear, focused intention requires three things:

  • Knowing what your own intentions are as a healer.
  • Asking the one receiving the healing to tell you their intentions
  • Making sure that your intentions and your client's intentions are aligned.
Aligning your intention as a healer with the intention of your client is very important because:

  1. Putting your own intentions over those of the one receiving the healing violates higher law and creates karma for the healer.
  2. Setting intentions that do not align with the life path and higher purpose of the one receiving the healing can cause problems for that being down the road.
  3. Muddled intention leads to muddled results.
A powerful healer is grounded.
To heal, you must be grounded, meaning that your consciousness must be present in all parts of your own physical body and connected to the Earth!

  1. A healer cannot heal issues in the lower parts of their own body unless she is willing to be fully present with therein.
  2. To fully experience your life path, you have to be fully in all your energy bodies.
  3. A powerful healer is grounded so she can assist her clients to also become grounded.
  4. A powerful healer is Open to Infinite Possibilities.
Being open to infinite possibilities opens the door for miracles.

By setting that intention, the healer gets him/herself out of the way so that healing can happen.

A powerful healer is heart centered.
Being consciously heart centered means you are more likely to offer Divine Love and Compassion to your clients, and that is the basis for powerful healing.

A powerful healer is filled with integrity.
"Integrity" means having coherence within yourself because all your "parts" are fully integrated.

"Integrity" means that you say what you mean, mean what you say, and follow through with your commitments.

"Integrity" means telling yourself the truth about yourself. "To thine own self be true." Only when you do that, can you be honest with others.

"Integrity" is necessary for trust. If you have integrity, all parts of you trust yourself, and others can trust you, too. To be a powerful healer, you must be trustworthy.

How to decide if a healer is the best match for you.

When seeking an energy healer, you can determine to what degree someone meets these criteria by asking your body to help you sense or feel whether the person is a good match for you, your animal, or another family member.
  • You can use muscle testing, a pendulum, or just tune into your own body.
  • Think of the healer you are considering contacting.
  • Go through the list of characteristics and ask, in each case, to what degree you feel this person meets the criteria.

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