
Don't Ever Let Yourself Feel Desperate

Seriously whatever the original problem is, it is just going to be made much worse if you allow yourself to feel desperate. People get into all kinds of horrible situations because they feel desperate. You are not thinking straight or being at all logical when you are feeling desperate. So of course your emotions will always get you in trouble without being just a bit logical enough at least to have some common sense.

There is a good quote by a veteran homicide cop on television and he says something to the effect that what makes human beings so dangerous is their emotions. That is one end of the spectrum on what leads to senseless violence 100 times a day. People do not think even to the extent that they may consider if it would be worth it to go to prison for life just to prove some stupid point. Because their emotions are at work rather than their brain, not to even mention having a conscience which most criminuts don't have.

Then the other end of the spectrum, all the way to romantic emotions. If you are desperate for someone to love, then you appear needy and that is not at all attractive to anyone normal. There is nothing wrong with being honest that you would like to be in a meaningful relationship; but if you act like you are going to die if you don't find someone - anyone - it's not much of a compliment. You have to be very careful what you ask for in this kind of situation.

'By the same token if you are able to fool someone into having a relationship with you and you try to control every moment of someone's life because of your needy insecurities, you are nothing but a loser. You are going to do nothing but drive that person away. Did you know many stalkers have this control problem? When they can't control or they are rejected they can't stand it and they sometimes become extremely dangerous, even murderous.

You are not born a loser and no matter what unfortunate situations your life may have had, there is never an excuse to be a loser. There is never a reason to feel so desperate that you lose your common sense. So from whatever perspective you want to look at desperation it just doesn't need to be a part of anyone's life for any reason.

Always stay proud of your accomplishments no matter how small you believe them to be. It is an important enough issue that even if you have to be proud of something really insignificant like you didn't burn the toast, then just do it. Conjure up something to make you feel good about yourself and so you will realize there is always a chance that things will improve. "God didn't make no junk".

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