
Are You Really Happy, Or Just Content?

Ask yourself this question; 'If you were given a choice, would you choose to have $10 million but not be entirely happy or, to be incredibly happy all the time.'

Another question is; 'Would you rather fit in to society and be accepted as normal but be unhappy, perhaps even depressed or, would you rather be considered a bit nuts, and in general weird and strange, but be incredibly happy. Which would you choose?

People usually choose the material things they think will make them happy and to conform and fit in so they are not rejected. But yet, look how unhappy everyone is, even how suicide is increasing in scary numbers due to the constantly increasing unhappiness in our world.

I on the other hand, have chosen to be nuts. I talk to myself out loud even in public, sometimes even in a funny, childlike voice. It is such an incredibly happy feeling. Now the question is, am I nuts?

Do you know the difference between nuts and spiritual? Two people talk to themselves out loud, but the nut is talking to himself and the spiritual person is talking to God.

I talk to my invisible spiritual friends, and I am happy. I am alone, but I am so happy when I talk to them out loud, because then, I am not alone. Otherwise, I am alone and my thoughts role around in my own head, which is a dangerous place to leave your thoughts alone if you are lonely.

There is a Kabbalist (Jewish mystic) who said; "Speak to God as if He is a dear friend and in such a way that you expect Him to answer." So am I nuts or spiritually awakened by talking to 'myself.'

What is more important, to care about what people think, or for you to be deeply happy. Think about that, and then decide who you talk to or, ignore.

You can be a conformist and unhappy like most people, or be yourself, open, free uninhibited, dancing or skipping down the road, sing songs out loud, putting on a funny voice, whatever you feel like doing.

Toss convention out the window, let them think what they want, but let them see you always glowing in sincere happiness, and let them admire and be jealous of you for that.

A free animal doesn't mate well in captivity. There is no room for its spirit to roam free so it will not have the motivation to reproduce in its small cage. Then it takes Viagra to deliver what nature moves it to want.

Using this analogy, see how free you are to live your life. Not just your physical but also your emotional freedom, your emotional life, if you are living in the captivity of social conforms or parental control and emotional manipulation.

These things control adults as well as children, and continue if you allow it to continue. This places you in a cage, which is depressing. Left unchecked, life just passes and the cause of stress related illnesses has taken root as well and conflicts and difficulties in your relationships.

When you question why you are not really happy, or why you are depressed, you should be looking at the walls of the cage that you have chosen to remain within, and realize how that traps your spirit and is destroying your spark for life and motivation.

Reproduction and sexual passion is not just about having babies, it is about producing offsprings so to speak, of a spiritual or energetic nature as well.

There is a Kabbalistic (Jewish mysticism) teaching that says when two or more people get together and discuss the Kaballah, if they are pure of heart, they create angels with their discussion. But, if they are dark in their heart, then daemons are produced.

If you live a life controlled by political, social, religious or family traditions and restrictions, you may be dark in heart and the energy that you are exuding is dark. But, if you are free and willing and able to skip down the road, to just sing out loud, to talk to God or your invisible friends out loud, that freedom lets your spirit breath and your smile will be showering everyone who sees you with positive uplifting energy. You will then have a wonderful effect that you will notice like I do.

When I go into a coffee shop that I frequent, and the line is long, as I stand in line, I see the staff working away with the usual bored or serious face. As soon as they see me in line, they light up with big smiles and joy.

This 'nut' who talks to himself out loud and may get some strange looks, can light up the day for many people, even ones who do not show it, but can see there is one person walking this earth who seems to know a secret to happiness.,-Or-Just-Content?&id=9432454

Victim to Victor: An Amazing "Steam Punk" Shift in Focus

Woman Wearing Black Bra and White Tank Top Raising Both Hands on Top

The other day, a good friend of mine gave a talk in which he described how he overcame his addiction to alcohol, and it basically came down to this: he decided he had a choice. To ease the pain of life by drinking, or to choose happiness. To stop looking at everything that didn't work in his life, and deliberately look at what was working.

In other words, to shift his focus. Now, this wasn't a magic wand he was waving. His whole life didn't radically change from one day to the next, but what did change was how he felt about his life. As he persisted in paying more attention to what he liked about his life, about life generally speaking, he craved alcohol less, he felt better about himself and his life, and with that, his life circumstances got better.

His story reminded of a post I'd read earlier this year about Madelaine Cable, a 17 year old from Charlotte, North Carolina, who'd suffered a fractured T12 (essentially, broke her back) in a car accident, and had to wear a back brace continuously for a couple of months in order for her back to heal properly. The back brace was large and white; people would stare at it and give her weird looks. So Madelaine decided to transform her brace so as to feel proud of it, rather than ashamed and embarrassed by it.

With paint, stencils and a whirlwind of creativity, Madelaine and a friend "steam-punked" her brace into a symbol of victory, of triumph, of the "warrior-survivor" that she is, rather than the victim or "weird one" others saw her as.

What a marvelous shift in focus! What a life-giving, uplifting choice! Not just for Madelaine's sense of worth and self-esteem, but for the uplift others could feel from her courageous transformation of a pity-symbol into a victory-symbol.

Every moment in life is a choice point. Every second you can choose to feel good about something, or rotten about it. You can choose to focus on the downside, or do your darndest to find that silver lining. You can remember that optimists-those who focus on the upside, who are hopeful and confident about the future-thrive. As did my friend, the former alcoholic. Optimists do better at work, at school, and at sports, outperform their own talents, are happier and live longer than those who focus on the "ain't it awful" of life.

Whenever you are tempted to focus on what isn't working, to sink into that victim-mentality we are all prone to-remember Madelaine and "steam-punk" your way into a better choice. One for joy, happiness and success, always available just a shift in focus away.

Here Is 16 Empowering Actions That Can Change Your Life Today

Your experiences are shaped by your thinking. Even obstacles have a value when you can see it. You can develop convictions that will help you to feel happier and achieve more, regardless of the situation. Consider these empowering beliefs that you can start using today to transform your life through the power of positive thinking.

Empowering Actions That Will Make You Happy

1. Understand your potential. You can achieve amazing results when you put your mind to it. Feel excited about reaching your true potential.

2. Count your blessings. List each thing that you have to be grateful for. Remember to include the smaller items, like warm socks or tart cranberries. Expressing your appreciation reminds you of how rich you are.

3. Live to learn from your mistakes. You can make setbacks work for you by focusing on the lessons that they contain. Flubbing one job interview can teach you how to ace the next one.

4. Always find meaning in adversity. Tough times can be the most rewarding phase of one's life. Know that you can emerge from any challenge with greater wisdom and courage. Look back at the obstacles you've already overcome, and reassure yourself that you can handle what's ahead.

5. Embrace change and remain focused. Accept that life is a series of changes. Focus on the present moment, and prepare yourself to adapt to whatever circumstances that come your way.

6. Dream big and follow-up. Expand your wish list. Setting demanding but attainable goals gives you adventures to look forward to each day.

7. Practice forgiveness. Lighten your load by clearing away any resentment you're holding onto from the past. Set reasonable boundaries while you respond with compassion when others disappoint you. Forgive yourself of past mistakes.

8. Be kind and give generously. Sharing your blessings makes you more powerful and joyful. Volunteer in your community and speak kindly to each person you meet every day of your life. Take your co-workers for tea break or give your sub-ordinate a gift.

Empowering Actions That Will Make You Grow

1. Take responsibility for your actions. You are in charge of your life. Hold yourself accountable for the outcomes you create. Celebrate the fact that you have the power to determine your own future.

2. Apply effort and don't look back. Figure out your definition of success so you know what is worth working for. Give yourself credit when you're making progress rather than comparing yourself to others.

3. Leverage your strengths. You have your own individual strengths that you can draw on. Figure out what you're good at and what you want to do. And let that knowledge guide your choices.

4. Always listen to feedback. Learn to ask for feedback so you can enhance your performance and show others that you respect their point of view. You can grow faster when you gather solid input that you can translate into action.

5. Ask for help when need arises. Expand your capabilities by building a sturdy support network. Carpool with other parents. Divide up household chores with your spouse and children.

6. Network with others. Moral support counts too. Surround yourself with loving and encouraging family, co-workers and friends. Participate actively in your faith community. Join a club with members who share your interest in business or sport.

7. Recognize opportunities. Stay alert for promising openings. You may meet a new friend while you're standing in line to buy your morning coffee and that might be the turning point of your journey to success.

8. Try new things. Be open to experimentation. Go Skiing one weekend instead of playing tennis. Bake your own bread or knit a scarf. You may discover hidden talents. An upbeat attitude increases your happiness and productivity. Question your old assumptions so you can replace them with a new sense of certainty about yourself and your future. Adopt empowering actions that build up your confidence and prepare you for greater success.

Start today. You'll be glad you did! Good luck!!

Steps To Use The Law of Attraction For Your Life

Brain, Thinking, Law, Attraction, Think, Imagination

People of all ages and backgrounds are starting to learn about the Law of Attraction. This is a beautiful thing when you start to look at how it can improve your daily world view. It all starts with pushing out negative energy, and reaching for the stars. When you reach past the negativity that plagues many people, you will start to see a manifestation of greatness, and that is something that will bring to you better relationships, more money, and so much more. Getting there is a difficult task at first glance, but it can be moved along with a few steps.

Focus On Meditation

The first thing that you should do is simple, learn to meditate. Meditation allows you to slow down the world for a few minutes at a time. You can start this by focusing on silence for at least 10 minutes. Spend time where your eyes are closed, you are breathing deeply, and you focus on energy alone. Don't let anything else plague your mind, just focus on silence.

Write Down What You Want Out of Life

The next thing that you will need to do is simple, focus on writing down what you want out of life. When you know what you want, you can start to make steps towards getting it. The universe around you will bring you the right elements, and your path will change if you focus on what you want. People don't usually reach their greatness because they don't really understand this step.

Request The Universe Deliver

As you meditate, focus your energy on getting what you want. Asking the universe is not a matter of deity, but rather focusing on the beauty of the world around you. Just imagine the greatness of achieving your goals, and focus on the positives. When you focus on the positives in your meditative state, you'll find that attraction will manifest in your life.

Showcase Gratitude Whenever You Can

The next big thing is simple, focus on being gracious. Show gratitude wherever you are, smile, and be joyous about what you're doing. Gratitude will allow your world to shift in a positive manner. Once you start pushing the world in a positive manner, you're going to end up with a huge jump going forward. Gracious thinking will help you enjoy your life a bit more, and will deliver on the attraction you need for success.

Trust That You'll Enjoy Greatness

The last thing that you need to remember is that you will need to be patient. Trust that good things are coming, and try to shove away any negative things. When you focus on the power of positivity, you will see great things manifest in your personal world. Be patient, and try not to stress out about the variables. Your goal is focus on the beauty of the world around you, and avoid allowing anything negative to fall into your lap. These steps will help you gain leverage in a new way. Just keep going forward and you'll see benefits amass over time.

10 Common Thoughts You May Be Dis-Empowering Yourself With

We were all born codependent. We relied on those close to us to survive and feel welcomed into this big, chaotic world. We needed that tender, motherly embrace to know we were safe and nurtured; to get the sense that each of us were the most important person in the Universe. We were connected to the flow of life and vibrated in pure love, expecting the same in return.

Unfortunately, those loving impressions don't usually last long (and for some are cut short right away), because no matter how well-intentioned, parents have egos and wounded emotional patterns that often prevent them from tuning into the needs of their children. Not because they don't love them, but because their love gets tainted and distorted with unresolved issues they themselves carry from childhood and aren't aware of.

I have yet to find a family that isn't dysfunctional in this overly masculine and sensory-oriented world where everyone is continuously trying to heal by seeking external validation, thus simply reproducing the codependency of childhood. It's very likely that your parents or caretakers weren't nurtured enough either and unconsciously expected you to help them heal. They weren't necessarily bad people; they were just passing on the prevalent dynamic of a world that values ego above all else and promotes fear and hatred more than compassion and love.

You may be unaware of your emotional patterns and the beliefs you inherited from the figures in your life as you were growing up, but they shape your self-perception, which in turn creates your reality and colors your relationships. As a result, you may be unconsciously doing things that dis-empower you or make you feel less important than others, and you treat yourself like those who couldn't make you feel like the most important person in the Universe when you really needed it.

Now, you're probably thinking, "Hold on, I'm not the most important person in the Universe, and thinking so is self-centered and egotistic. I'm supposed to be generous and loving and selfless." But here's the thing: you should be the most important person in your Universe. Not because you're better than others, but because you need to reconnect to that flow of love and life that is your true nature and only you can express in your unique way. You were one with it when you were born and hadn't yet formed an ego, but now you have to make the effort to look within and break free from those self-defeating thoughts and dynamics that fashioned your ego.

You Are the Most Important Person In Your Life

It is from your perception that everything takes shape around you as you interpret it as an individual experience. In other words, you are the producer, director, and main character of your life-movie, and it all gets projected on the screen of your mind. So if you unknowingly place yourself below others or hide behind situations or people, chances are you remain disconnected from yourself without accomplishing or expressing what you want, or you 'go through the motions' without feeling fully present in your own life or truly enjoying it.

Placing yourself at the center of life doesn't mean you don't care about other people, although to remain centered you do need to care less about what they think and judge in you and more about what YOU want, because that's how your attention and your energy get pulled in different directions. Living from your center means not excluding yourself from the equation of love as you interact in the world and taking spiritual responsibility to invest your energy in the life you want to create and experience.

To achieve this Sacred Selfishness, where you honor everything you are to get to the infinite, loving core of your soul, you need to recognize how you may be self-sabotaging and self-effacing, and let go of what no longer serves you. Here are 10 simple examples to get you started:

  1. You see others as more important (or beautiful, intelligent, valuable, creative, etc.) than you.
  2. You feel guilty (or lost) if you don't please or take care of other people.
  3. You believe giving as much as possible makes you "good" or "spiritual," but you don't give yourself what you need.
  4. You tend to take all the responsibility for your relationships.
  5. You are ashamed or afraid to express who you really are and what you really want.
  6. You tend to focus on what's wrong or missing and neglect to take care of yourself and do things you enjoy.
  7. You let fear, judgment, doubt or a sense of obligation dictate the choices you make.
  8. You doubt or disbelieve your talents and gifts, and rely on external validation to feel good.
  9. You believe that if you invest in what you truly want others won't love you.
  10. You are generous with others but stingy with yourself.

Be radically honest as you go through that list, and please share in the comments below other self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors you have identified. The more you recognize the beliefs that feed your dis-empowering self-perception, it's easier to dismiss them and discover your true value, to place yourself at the center of your life. But be ready to ride the wave of discomfort (guilt and fear) that comes with any transformation!

How to Attract More Happiness?


Have you ever sometimes pondered how a few individuals seem to have everything going for them? What's the reason they are so fortunate and you are definitely not? The one thing that could possibly be isolating you from them is they know how to attract happiness through their thoughts.

The law of attraction is principally taking into account the way of thinking that whatever you focus on you will attract from the universe. Implying that whatever is overwhelming in your thoughts, actions and in some cases sometimes your subconscious is what you will draw directly into your life. Albeit all of us know we have a lot of brain prattle going on. You may be most likely asking by what method would be able to teach our mind to focus on what we want and attract the happiness we wish for?

Happy individuals attract more things to make them happy.

Here are ways on how to be happy:

1. Learn To Let things go. Practice Forgive and forget.

Happy individuals forgive and never look back. They let it go. Truly they do. A number of people do not hold grudges and they regard men and ladies as though literally nothing ever happened. They really do this so that the individuals who might have "wronged them" are discharged and will no more have any vitality over them. As you might see, it is a liberating component. It liberates a man up to have more in your own life. All Universal Laws will deal with balancing out everything anyway, so simply let it go.

2. Be benevolent and treat others as they would want to be treated.

Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that being benevolent makes you happier and more content? Each and every time you perform a selfless act, your brain produces serotonin, a hormone that facilitates strain and lifts your spirits. In addition, recall the Universal Laws in what goes around comes around, so how you treat others is how you will be treated.

3. Challenges are basically opportunities in disguise.

Happy people would not think in terms of "problems", "issues". They will trust as far as situations and what should be done next. Where are we as of right now? Where do we want to be? What do we do alongside to get from here to there? See, that is the means happy people think. Anything that comes up is just a situation to do something with, no more, no less.

4. Be open-minded.

Now and then opportunities might emerge which you didn't consider before, but they will get you closer to your goal. Be open-minded to this as new opportunities for your happiness and satisfaction can originate from unexpected places.

5. Believe you can accomplish the objectives and goals you set.

If you doubt yourself, the universe sees that as you're not prepared for it yet and thus it won't permit you to achieve your goal. However, if you believe in yourself, you're much more mindful of the opportunities that the universe will toss at you to get you closer to your goal.

6. Remember to concentrate on what you want (not on what you don't want).

Whatever your mind concentrates on is what you'll attract. So concentrate on the positive want or need. For example, think "I want to find an occupation that is significant and fun" instead of "I hate my employment since it's exhausting and doesn't mean anything to me." Be consistent in your thoughts with positivity. It's not an over the night, fast fix. It's a mind-set attitude you practice for life.

7. Be genuinely thankful for what you have.

Notwithstanding if happy people are super rich, moderate or even on the lower financial scale, they feel exceptionally thankful and blessed for whatever they have. This is the reason you will discover happy poor people and a few times, very unhappy rich people, and you will find happy rich people, as well. They are the ones who knew all along that what makes them happy was not "the thing".

8. Do not compare yourself to others.

The only comparison Happy People make is from how they were before. They comprehend that everybody has distinctive gifts and capacities. They also comprehend that individuals have their own speed and strategy of accomplishing things. They do what they do well and are always want to improve themselves.

9. Have gigantic dreams

The individuals who have constantly dreamed big are very happy. They are happy while they are dreaming. Indeed, they are regularly more content during the time spent making it more than when they really accomplish the final result. Once an objective is accomplished, they will promptly set another much bigger one.

10. Do not seek the approval of others.

Happy people couldn't care less what others consider them. They follow their own hearts without giving naysayers a chance to demoralize them. They comprehend that it's impossible to please everybody. Listen to what individuals have to say, but never seek anybody's approval but your own.

11. Find good things in other individuals.

Happy people rarely gossip and when they are around it, they don't feel good. They will discover great things to say in regard to pretty much anything. It just feels better to do as such.

12. Take full responsibility for your life.

Happy people don't make excuses. They realize that they made or if nothing else co-made everything in their life and manage it.

13. Be in the present moment.

Happy people know that the only real moment we ever have is right now - this moment. They invest no energy considering the past, not even the past of yesterday. They are generally in the now and making arrangements for a splendid future.

14. Sleep well and wake well.

Happy people have a steady pattern and live within the cadence of their own bodies. They sleep well and deep and as much as they needed. They wake up revived and refreshed and well rested, prepared for another day.

15. Surround yourself with happy people. Try to stay away from Negative one.

People are most like those they surround themselves with. Happy people surround themselves with other happy people. They permit others to fade harmoniously away.

16. Take some time each day to calm your minds.

Call it contemplation, meditation, prayer or whatever you like, happy people take time to do this daily in order to connect with an Inner Voice or Source or God.

17. Eat food that is Healthy and Move your Body.

Happy people are attracted to astounding nourishment that looks and tastes great as well as that are beneficial for them. This is great nourishment that is prepared well. This food has a high Life Force. They likewise get regular exercise because they want to. It is a good time for them. It feels great. Furthermore, in doing this, it makes them even happier because exercise increases "happy" hormones in the body and raises your vibration.

18. Choose your own destiny.

Happy people decide what they want and then make it happen. Follow your intuition. Your gut is more regularly right than not. Figure out how to hear it out.

19. Change what you can and acknowledge what you can't change.

Whether they know it or not, happy people live by the Serenity Prayer: "God grant me the serenity to acknowledge the things I can't change, bravery to change the things I can and shrewdness to know the difference."

Your exercise is to pick as many of these things that you can and begin to do them as much as you could be expected under the circumstances beginning right now and for whatever remains of the month.

You will discover as you continue adding these activities to your life, it will start to enhance and the vast majority never go back to where they were before.

Be happy! It is no big surprise that the happiest people are also the most successful people.

The Simple Truth That Transforms the Law of Attraction

What if the entire universe, all of it, is but a reflection of limitless consciousness?

And what if every possible outcome is unfolding simultaneously? What if we could select, as if from a mind-boggling buffet, any moments we choose to cooperate with in order to experience it?

What if we are choosing each moment in order to understand who we are in relationship to that experience or circumstance?

What if we are all ONE mind simply playing different parts?

What if time is not real and all events and all possible events are actually occurring right NOW? In other words, what if now, this moment, is all there is, although we experience it as linear time?

Choosing to experience a state of being, simply by 'being' it, creates a cascade of new probable events, one that backfills, as it were, the past to construct the NOW in the most logical path in our memory.

We remember the event as having transpired, as if cause and effect happened, but in reality, the NOW event actually caused the effect, or rather path that it traveled and not the other way around.

What if a state of openness, gratitude and joy could mold the experience we have in our construct of time?

Results would be instantaneous, although they would seem as if they were separated by time and space (from our perspective).

The Law of Attraction then would simply be a vehicle of expression of the eternal moment, one of many outcomes, all changing simultaneously as we choose and thereby create whatever it is we are experiencing.

And what if, our vast minds, being part of a living consciousness that permeates all things, indeed is all things, is also experiencing our choices and non-choices in each moment so that in order to experience itself, in relation to, every other aspect of itself?

And, if we were eternal, playing a vast game and interacting with others, we do so to "live out "the adventure of the game.

That would mean that everyone that comes into your life, however briefly, is chosen in advance (or agreed upon in some way) so that you to react/respond/experience that meeting or interaction and be whoever you are in relation to it.

It would also mean that you are not 'stuck" on any given path. All outcomes are possible in each moment. You simply have to select them. ( You choose by your emotional response.)

By embracing life and seeking love and joy in all circumstances, the game is "re-set" to change the path, the outcome and even the players themselves.

Ego, greed and fear however, destroy the game. As does worry, the stepchild of fear of lack. (Again, the game responds to your emotional state rather than your words.)

The great challenge of the game is then to get what you need without allowing it to become your identity. Chasing material things is a false purpose and creates fear.

Your body is only a vehicle that allows you to experience physical life.

It is easy to forget that you are not here to pursue wealth or fame, although those things may come. Your real purpose is to experience life and in so doing, create joy.

Your ultimate purpose is to be love in action, kindness in motion and to remind others of the same.

You are here to express love (and have fun). So go do that.

Finding Meaning in Everyday Life

Clients come to my office for a number of reasons. For example, when they're feeling depressed, when they're feeling anxious, and when they are experiencing conflict in their relationships, but also when they've become bored with their lives.

For these people, meaning and engagement in life seemed to have disappeared without conscious awareness, and not all of a sudden. Instead, it seemed to filter out slowly and they just woke up one day and experienced an emptiness that wasn't previously there.

The sort of passion, energy, and curiosity they once had about life had slipped away, and in the absence of it, they felt lost, unmotivated, and not at all certain about how to get it back.

Sound like you?

So when I'm faced with clients who live a 'ho hum' existence that offers them little opportunity to stretch their wings so they can discover who they are, and what they're capable of, some of the questions I usually ask is what, in years gone by, were they curious about?

What made them laugh?

What caused them to experience excitement and challenge in their life?

Was there a time when they couldn't wait to get out of bed so they could engage in whatever made them feel truly alive?

And if so, what were they doing at the time that caused them to feel that way?

In other words, what elements existed then that no longer do? What made their view of life change, such that they no longer experience it in the same way?

Part of the problem, I've come to believe, is that people who search for meaning in their lives often bypass the simpler, and more every day, experiences that usually make up the larger meaning of one's life.

In other words, rather than searching for the one and only thing that will help them understand why they were put on this earth, or a hunt down a singular way to make an everlasting and profound difference to the larger society, we sometimes forget to seek out answers to life's meaning that might be discovered down several different avenues closer to home.

For example, learning a new language, or taking up one that had been started at one time and later dropped; becoming a volunteer in an organization that holds personal meaning for whatever reason; adopting a new kitten or puppy; taking a university or college course; beginning a new fitness program that involves others with similar interests; consider changing jobs, or even professions; or reacquainting oneself with friendships that perhaps had slipped away over time.

These are only a few ideas, but it's important to remember that we can find multiple meanings in our lives. I previously mentioned, there isn't just one justification for our existence; there are an unlimited number of ways to experience engagement in one's life, and ways that might not stay the same over time.

In fact, what was meaningful to us at one point in life, may no longer seem as compelling now.

I believe that as we change, and even as we age, our definition of what's meaningful changes with us. So if we lose the 'thread' of what it used to be, we need to rediscover how we might define it today.

And if you're bored to death with your life, don't fret. Know that the boredom you're experiencing is a vital tool for pushing you out of the places where life has become routine and stale, and toward a direction of internal and external revitalization.

On my fridge, I have a reminder of one of the necessary ingredients of my emotional and mental well-being, and it's played a huge part in my life for well over three decades.

The quote simply states that: "[t]he greatest happiness is curiosity", and I know it to be true; the lack of curiosity often leads to a dull, unchallenging, and boring life for many of us, and if it's not addressed, depression can often follow closely behind.

And when we get to that point, it becomes tremendously difficult to break out of the inertness that has slowly swallowed us, but break out of it we must or life will seem increasingly meaningless.

So take some time to discover what you may find curious now - listening to a TED Talk once a day might help - and you gain a curiosity about things you may never have considered interesting before.

The idea is to stretch yourself to look at life from different perspectives - especially if you've lost your own - and in the end, you'll likely trigger a spark of curiosity and interest that results in fostering far greater meaning for your life on a daily basis.

What can you start doing today to get out of your feeling of boredom?

Happiness: A Matter of Choice

The pursuit of happiness is a matter of choice. It doesn't really matter what type of circumstances we have in our life. We still have a choice to live an unhappy life or we can choose to live a happy life.

Our level of happiness has nothing to do with the things that other people say or do. Happiness is not something that we gain from the affirmation of others; rather it comes from within. It has something to do with our mindset. No matter how critical our situation is, we can still be happy.

Happiness is also an attitude of mind. We can start to be happy at any time we want. All we need to do is to make a decision. Once we decide to be a happy person, then we need to do whatever it takes to be happy because happiness is a journey.

If we choose to live a happy life, no matter what life can present to us, we have to stick to it. Once we have understood and accepted that happiness comes from within, it is not impossible to be happy even during the toughest of times of life because we already know how we should hold on to those good times by seeing the world in a different light.

Happiness relates to how we feel. We are emotional human beings. We experience a wide range of feelings on a daily basis. We feel fear and anger. We also feel positive emotions such as enjoyment and hope to help us build our capacity to cope when things go wrong.

Trying to live a happy life is not about denying negative emotions or pretending to feel joyful all the time. We have to embrace the fact that we all encounter adversity and it's completely natural for us to feel anger, sadness, frustration and other negative emotions as a result.

Happiness is not just about being able to cope the most of the good times but also to cope effectively with the inevitable bad times. Happiness is in fact a key to success because happy people are also less likely to engage in risky behavior. Happy people are even more financially responsible because they save more and have more control over their expenditures.

Happy people still get sick and lose loved ones. As a matter of fact, not all happy people are efficient, creative or generous. Happy people are less anxious, less depressed and less stressed. They are more optimistic and confident. They have a deeper sense of well-being, have more passion and zest for life, have a stronger sense of meaning and purpose and see the world as essentially a friendly place filled with good people and plenty of opportunity.

Happy people simply love and enjoy life much more than their sadder counterparts.

Message From the Universe: Never Giving Up on Your Dreams!

One of the most comforting thoughts of all is knowing that all roads lead "home.

Even more comforting is understanding that you never left.

From all of us "back" home,
The Universe

Why leave a place where you can explore your full potential and reach your ultimate happiness? All of what you do today will be a reflection of what will happen in the future. You need to work your butt off day in and day out to get what you want out of life. You can't allow negativity to sink into your mind and pollute your thoughts. It is difficult to think outside the box as it can be scary to leave your comfort zone. This is where most people struggle. It is hard to deny the challenges we will face when starting something new. We want to stay in a cozy area where we know and feel comfortable with our surroundings. However, if you start looking at everything in your life this way, you won't be able to do much about your life. Fear will consume your full potential, it will create more uncertainties as you try to ignore it, and it will probably make you feel incompetent through the process. Many will try to stop you from excelling in what you do because they are also afraid of your success. They see how determined you are but will do everything they can to bring you down to their level.

Sticking to being comfortable will just allow you to live a life, but getting out of your shell and risking it will allow you to live the time of your life. The worst that can happen is failure, a bit of disappointment but enough energy to bring you back up and move forward, no matter what. I understand that it can be tough to move through hurdles where you have put in so much work and effort and nothing panned out. You have to be inhuman to not feel anything when dealing with these kind of challenges. So the only thing you can do is get up on your feet, look at where you made mistakes, and learn from your lessons to do things better next time around. Anything that represents too much comfort doesn't necessarily means it's good for you. The greatest success happened during difficult times, where the person had everything to lose but still moved forward and accepted whatever outcome. Walk with your head held high and know that you will prevail and will succeed far beyond your imagination. Just DO NOT GIVE UP!&id=9417072

Mistakes To Avoid When Working With The Law of Attraction

Wallet, Coins, Magnet, Shop

No matter what you try to learn, or do in this life, you're going to be met with opposition. That includes going after your dreams with the notion of the Law of Attraction. Millions of people are pursuing their dreams with this, but they are not seeing results. The main reason is that they are making mistakes. When you are pushing forward to something great, you will need to do more than just test things out timidly. Often times, people push the boundaries of something new and give up fast. The reason why people give up fast is because they don't have a realistic view of what they are doing. Consider the following mistakes that you should avoid when working on something positive in your life.

Listening To The Skeptics

If you are going to do anything great in this life, you cannot adhere to what the skeptics will say. They are going to be pushing you in the wrong direction. Seriously, test out something new and chase the notion of improvement for your life and you're going to see that things can end up falling short in a lot of different areas. Listening to the skeptics out there is easy, and that's not going to help you get anywhere in your life. You'll need to silence them by moving forward away from what they are saying, and thinking out loud.

Giving Up Fast

Give something a week, and you may see results. But give things months on end and you will definitely see a positive result. The thing about life is that you cannot expect change to occur in 24 hours. Too often people work within the Law of Attraction and assume that they are going to see a huge jump in their life within a short span of time. That's not how this works. This is not a "fast" paced solution to changing your life. Instead, it's a long term plan for success in all things. If you want to see your world change, you're going to have to give it an ample amount of time to manifest. The more time you give it, the better the rewards are going to become.

Allowing Negativity To Reign

People that are trying to make a positive change in their lives will be met with negativity. Whether is' friends, family, coworkers, or just self-anguish, it's not a good thing. If you let negativity manifest in your life, you will end up with a huge drop off in success. There are no two ways about this, if you push this forward in the wrong area, you will see a drop in the results that you get. Negative reactions, commentary, and the pursuit of anything but a silver lining, will mess up your forward progress, guaranteed.

At the end of the day, remember that you control a lot about your life. You can control the way that you see things, the way you react, and the way that you can build on the right elements overall. Take your time building positivity and you will engage the Law of Attraction in all new ways

A Path to the Self - Three Ways to Claim Your Personal Power

The true purpose of power is to transform yourself and your world. A sense of empowerment renews your life purpose. Shame is the demon. It takes away your joy. The healing process involves letting go of shame that who you are and what you do is not good enough.

As a society, we have been raised into obedience and trained for cooperation. We think of power as "power over," based on struggle and opposition. We have lost the sense of our own divine nature and personal power. To change our concept of power, we need to move away from struggle and toward transformation. We must move toward a power that inspires and strengthens us without diminishing others.

Accept yourself as a unique individual and take responsibility for your life.

Before you can engage with the world, you must have a clear sense of yourself as a separate individual. You are willing to be unique and risk disapproval for the integrity of your own truth. To claim your personal power, you must first be your true self. By blaming others you remain passive and irresponsible. Personal autonomy requires that you let go of blame and accept responsibility for your life.

You cannot create change in yourself and the world unless you accept yourself for who you really are. Otherwise you remain trapped in the expectations that society and others have for you. To be a unique individual you must overcome unconscious habits that define you. You must take responsibility for your life and truly claim your personal power. In the process of becoming your own person, you allow the unfolding of your unique journey on Earth.

Look within to know what you really want and need.

Determining the course of your life requires a strong will. You must pay conscious attention to your desires and their expression in the world. The desires of your heart provide fuel for your will. They give it strength and direction. You act with clear intention and not only from whim. You move steadily toward your future and make choices that honor who you really are. You align with your true Self and release your personal power.

During quiet time alone you make contact with your true Self. You discover the longings of your heart. You know your deepest thoughts and feelings. In the midst of life's busyness, quiet time alone may seem an impossible goal. But solitude is not a luxury. It is essential for your well-being. You pay an enormous price for ignoring your inner needs. Desires come from deep within. By following them you access the power of your inner Genius.

Use your mistakes to grow and develop a sense of personal power.

To be thankful for the gift of each new day requires self-esteem. You are willing to meet daily challenges with a sense of trust in yourself. You face life's uncertainties and accept that mistakes will happen along the way. You learn that it is not the mistake but how you respond that matters. Mistakes help you grow in confidence and develop your sense of personal power.

As your power grows, you are able to change and transform yourself. Power exists to help you become who you really are. It is a process not a thing. It allows you to escape the narrow limitations you place on yourself. You transition from past to future. Power expresses the presence of the divine within you. As your power grows, you find your own unique path and create a joyful life experience.

Having a healthy sense of power allows you to approach life with vitality, joy and confidence. You choose a plan of action and move forward to accomplish your goals. Each moment is full of possibilities until you make a choice. Having a life vision guides you in making wise choices. It serves as a catalyst for change. It helps you stay focused on what matters the most to you. You become the powerful creator of a happier, more purposeful life.

Let's Change The World

Woman Wearing Pink Floral Sleeveless Romper Sitting on Gray Concrete Holding Earth Globe
The world is changing and the speed of changes is increasing every day. With the enormous flow of information and spread of knowledge is changing our society and our lives in an amazing way. Governments and organizations can no longer thrive in secrecy. Today everything is visible and everything can come to the light of day.

In today's society we have more opportunities and possibilities than ever before and our presence, knowledge and influences can have such an amazing impact on the world. Today we can share our knowledge and experience in so many ways. We can easily share it on social media, through status updates, articles, videos and more. We can so easily start a blog, a website, have newsletters and webinars to educate the world.

We can all become a role model for others and having a role model is very important. Having a role model, guide or a mentor that can show us the way to learn new things, how to improve our lives and how to become all that we could ever want to become. Success lies in education, learning new ways to be and do things. Some traditions are good but some are old and outdated. We often need to learn a new way to think to be able to grow into the person we want to be.

We all have the power to change and we all have the power to make an enormous impact on the world. Becoming a good role model and helping others achieve their dreams, helping others make their desire become a reality is something we should all strive for. We all have some unique experience that can help others see a new possibility.

Teamwork is the key to a better society and a better world. When we have found our speciality we should do our best to share what we have, what we have learned from life. There are people who are looking for information and knowledge that can help them take life to the next level. They are searching for something but often do not know exactly what they are looking for.

If we are visible, if we go out there and tell the world what we have to offer, someone, somewhere will tune into what we have. There have been great leaders that have changed and created a new vision for the world. They have impacted and improved the lives of so many just by speaking their truth.

The old Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle that are still remembered and talked about today had something new to offer. In my childhood I looked up to people like Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Dalai Lama. The life and inventions of Nikola Tesla inspired me more than even I can imagine. They shaped me and affected me in so many ways. In more modern times I have gotten influence from Jim Rohn, Toni Robbins, Darren Hardy and other great speakers. We have Gary Vaynerchuk, a great leader who is sharing so much knowledge and helping people realise their own power.

They were all regular people like you and me. Still they believed and believe in something bigger. Their vision was so strong and there would be nothing that would stop them from speaking the truth. Galileo stated that the world was round and not flat, he could have withdrawn his claims to save his life but chose death instead. Speaking the truth may not always be popular but we need to speak the truth and we need to seek the truth. Some truths may not always be what we want to hear but the truth is always the best information we get for the long term.

For us who have found the truth or a truth, it does not matter how many people listen or believe what we are saying but we need to stay true to who we are and our vision of the world as we are all different individuals, there is someone out there who is looking for exactly what we are sharing.

We all have the power to improve and change the world. Many of us have been silenced and taught to obey, to speak and do what we were taught to speak and do. We all have our unique talents and vision. We all have something extraordinary to share with the world.

The question may arise that the world would become very loud if everybody would start sharing their own truth but that is and will not be the case. We know that as we are different individuals, there are leaders and there are followers. I am urging all humankind to follow their own truth and stay true to who they are but there will only be a certain few who will rise up in public to share the knowledge they have found.

We should support and urge the leaders in our midst to stand up and teach, preach. Then we have the followers who share their passion and will learn and apply it to their lives. The followers in their turn will lead a life that will impact the ones they are closest to. The leaders will create big ripples and the followers will create smaller ripples but every ripple is important.

We can see this as the world in whole. First we have our beautiful earth, then we have our continents. We have many countries in every continent and in every country we have many cities and towns. Some people will have the big role and their audience is maybe millions of people. Some have hundreds of thousands, some have tens of thousands, some have hundreds and some have a dozen.

We all have the power to impact the world in a positive way, we should all share the information we have gathered, share the knowledge we have learned to help others improve their way of life. Nothing is impossible and we are all extraordinary. As Dalai Lama said once "If you think you are too small to make an impact, try sleeping in a tent while there is a mosquito in there".

We should all rise to the occasion and be apart of this global change and help make the world a better place through teamwork.

Take care my beautiful friends and I am looking forward to hearing from you speaking and living in a way that has a positive impact on others.

How to Overcome Fear and Take Action

Man Wearing Gray Hoodie Jumping at Rock
Fear is a primary emotion that our survival can sometimes be dependent on. Thanks to fear we run away from danger. But it is also what keeps us stuck and can rob us of wonderful possibilities and experiences.

For instance, you are afraid to tell someone you need space because you don't want to hurt their feelings. And you are stuck in a situation of resentment or at the very least discomfort. Importantly, this situation isn't healthy for either party and requires action. But fear of confrontation has you paralysed and you keep avoiding taking action. Normally, you wait for the fear to go to then be able to take action. But get that: Fear doesn't go away before you take action. It goes away AS you take action. So when you are afraid, in order to overcome your fear you have to take action. You have a fear of saying No? Say it anyway and the fear will go away. If you never say No, your fear will stay with you forever.

So where does fear come from? Normally it comes from an assumption that you have made about the outcome of a certain situation. Interestingly enough, that assumption is often times wrong. Consider the fear of confrontation again. You may think that being honest with the other person will cause confrontation but you may be wrong. For example, I am a dancer (apart from being a BodyTalk practitioner). And I used to feel uncomfortable saying NO when people that I didn't want to dance with asked me for a dance. The result was countless horrible dances for me and for the people I didn't want to say NO to. Until one day I got the courage to "reject" someone, and he actually thanked me. He said there was so much freedom in the NO, both for me and for him, and that he'd much rather deal with what's so than go through fake motions.

Granted, the next time I "rejected" someone, I didn't get the same "highly spiritual" reaction. On the contrary, I needed to deal with someone's hurt, and my guilt for making them feel rejected. How arrogant of me to think that I can make anyone feel anything! It would be nice if we had that power but that's only an illusion. People feel whatever they feel not because we make them, but because of their beliefs and expectations. That's why the same behaviour on my part caused two different reactions in two different people. And neither reaction had anything whatsoever to do with me. I can't take the credit for the first positive response to me rejecting a person, and therefore I can't be blamed for the second, negative one either.

Everyone is responsible for their own behaviour but no one is to take credit or feel guilty for other people's feelings. The more you understand that you have little to do with your mum's, your partner's or your children's happiness (i.e. the less credit you take for it), the less fearful you will be that you may cause unhappiness and upset. Acting with integrity is the only thing you need to worry about. Making people happy is not your job, nor is it ever going to be in your power to do so.

Now, intellectualizing about how to deal with uncomfortable situations is all good, yet the conversations about fear don't always help us overcome it. Remember: taking action equals overcoming fear. It is important to understand that taking action is a muscle. The more you exercise it, the less fear comes up as an issue for you. You come to say to yourself: "I've done it before, I can do it again." Interestingly, for those who can't talk themselves into taking action, an alternative way to exercising this very important muscle is by performing physical activities that push you out of your comfort zone: tree climbing, sky jumping, abseiling, paragliding, etc. The physical and the mental always go together, therefore overcoming your fear of heights for instance will easily translate into overcoming fear of changing your job, fear of setting boundaries, fear of moving to another country, fear of investing money, etc.

I recently did the Adrenaline Forest Adventure in Tauranga and the following day I was able to confront some big life changing decisions and push through the discomfort with unbelievable confidence. I definitely didn't possess the strength and the courage to deal with my challenging situation before I did this tree adventure. But while I was up in the trees trying to go through obstacles, confronted with fear time and again, I kept jumping ahead. And every time I took a leap in spite of my fear, the fear gave way to excitement and then confidence. When I finished the whole adventure, I thought to myself "If I could do this, I can do anything." And that very muscle kicked in the following day when I had to go through a decision making process that I had previously been fearful of.

While hopping through the trees in the Adrenal Forest, I came across a girl that was sitting up there, completely paralyzed and waiting for someone to rescue her. We were on course 4 and most of the tracks on course 4 are similar to those on course 3, except higher. So she had already gone through those obstacles once but now she couldn't do it again because of the perception that extra height adds extra difficulty. I moved forward (not exactly fearlessly, yet with determination) and yelled out that the track she was afraid of was in fact easier than some of the ones she had already done. But she had already made an assumption that it was going to be difficult and was too afraid to take action despite of what I was saying. She said she was scared that she might fall, completely forgetting the fact that she was wearing safety gear that wouldn't permit her to fall. And that's precisely what happens to most of us faced with fear. We forget that we are actually safe.

So, here are three things to take away today that may help you take action in order to overcome fear. Number one, if you are going to make assumptions about how people might react, assume the best (you get what you expect). Number two, review the worst case scenario and realize that you are actually not in REAL danger, you are safe. And lastly, remember that you can exercise the muscle of taking action by performing physically challenging activities and adventures. It works and it can be fun too!

Law Of Attraction And How to Use It!

Smiling Woman With Pigeon on Hand
We live in a world of laws, and it is the key law of the universe that I wish to tell you about today, and that is the Law Of Attraction. You see, the LoA states that whatever you think about most dominantly in your mind you will begin to attract into existence. For example, have you ever longed to see an old friend? I mean, thought about this person almost to the point of obsessing over them for days on end and out of the blue someone else begins to talk about that person, or even better, they call you up to talk out of the blue? Now, all that obsessing and thinking simply created that situation into happening. You, through the secret law of attraction brought that into your life.

Obviously, that may have gone way over your head if you haven't heard this before, I would ask that you stick with me through this article and I promise you will be in a happier mood than when you began this journey of personal growth.

Your thoughts put out frequencies into the world, these frequencies have vibrations (you've heard of good vibes?) which will begin to attract anything else of the same likeness, being that all things are in constant motion and vibrating matter. You can begin to feel happy and excitement and like a magnet you will begin to attract the things that you want in life, cars, homes, and health.Though, the opposite is true if you are thinking negative thoughts, say for instance, you are thinking bitter and angry thoughts of debt and incompetence, you will naturally attract more debt, being that you are putting all your focus and thought on the word, "debt."

What do you really want in life, where do you see yourself, what are you doing? I would ask that you write it down and visualize yourself already having the things that you want, that's right, see them in the present tense and in doing so you affirm it to yourself. The universe is like a catalog, endless and full, use it to your full advantage, this is your life we're talking about. Remember to feel excited and joyful when doing this exercise. Passion allows things to manifest even faster, being that you are revving up the vibrations.

3 Steps To Take:

Ask - You will attract like a magnet the things you need in life if you use a laser like focus to contemplate them day in and day out.
Believe - Know with unending faith that you will have this want, in the time that is perfect for you.
Receive - The last step is to receive the things you need with a wonderful and loving gratitude, being so joyful that you didn't get discouraged and had self-doubt.
Many pessimistic people like myself have a hard time with this at first, freaking themselves out by learning the power of the secret. Pessimist's know that their thoughts always run towards the negative realm of ideas and situations. Hope is around the corner in the fact that scientists have proven that a positive thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought, so, understand that when you train your mind to become an optimist (over time, through personal development) and you develop a passion for the things you desire it will manifest more quickly than if it were a negative thought and action. So, remember to give your positive thinking a tune-up if it has been on the back burner for a while.

Another good thing about the Law of Attraction is that the universe has a time delay switch for the thoughts that you put into it. That's to say that, not everything will manifest from your thoughts all at once, it would be terrible if you thought about flock of seagulls ruining your party and within seconds they appeared and started relieving themselves everywhere. If you think a bad thought here and there, don't be too alarmed.

With the hundreds of thousands of thoughts you have throughout the day, this may all seem overwhelming to you, are you wondering how to keep track of all those thoughts, and how to rid all the bad thoughts? Simply put, our thoughts give off feelings inside our minds and bodies, this is an easy way that the universe gave us to have an idea about what we are creating in our life and for our future, i.e. good results.

Good Feelings To Bring Good Things-

Excitement, Joy, Love, An Emotional High, Gratitude.

Bad Feelings That Bring Bad Things-

Depression, Anger, Self Doubt, Anxiety.

Remember, you get what you are feeling about, not what you are thinking about. Feeling comes from the core of your body and is a more accurate gauge on what will manifest. If you are feeling terrible, having a no good day, your day will continue to spiral downwards until guess what? Until you put a stop to that terrible feeling and shift your emotions more positively to create a wonderful change for your entire day.

Recommended Tasks To Help Get Out Of Your Bad Mood:

Turn on happy music.

Play with your family pet.

Go for a walk / run.


Write a list of all the things that you are grateful for.

Have fun with this, enjoy yourself, try different things. One of my favorite things to do is lay in bed at night and think of all the things I am grateful for and when I am emotionally high I think long and focused on the one thing I want most. Now, it is easier for some to start with small things, like, maybe more followers on your blog or subscribers, set a number and focus on it.

"Thoughts become things."!&id=9409745

Learn To Love Unconditionally & Set Yourself Free

Your life will start to change the moment you decide to shift your thoughts and the way you look at a circumstance or situation. We become more connected to people and build better relationships. We become more in tuned with our sensitivity to feel our own "gut" to know whats right or wrong for ourselves and start to make quick acute decisions.

We begin to stand on our own two feet and feel stable in the choices we make and never feel like we have to apologize for who we are and were meant to be and feel the need to lower our own standards just to please others or allow ourselves to be held hostage by someone else's incessant need for you to behave in a certain way to make them happy constantly.

Gandhi once said "Be the change you want to see in the world" and I couldn't agree more. That is something that we can all start with. Our very own self. Words do not teach, only life experience does and the only way you can attempt to teach love is through the clear demonstration of your own example and ability to do so for others.

Treat people the way you want to be treated because anything you put out there today, it will come right back to you. Whether it is right here and now or a day later or a year after. What goes around, comes around, remember?

We each are responsible for our own well-being and the only freedom you will find for yourself is the minute you let go of the need to control a person or a situation to achieve that. When you free someone of that burden and "obligation" to make you happy, whether it is your children, your lover, your spouses, you will be free.

If you want to be appreciated, appreciate. If you want to be loved, you must first love. If you want to have, you must know how to give. Be the person you want others to be for you. No double-standards or one-way streets.

You will feel lighter on the inside and look brighter on the outside when you practice unconditional love. Eventually, you won't feel the need to look at a "condition" that pleases you in order to feel happy anymore, because you'll come to realize, no one in this world was born to serve you for a lifetime with a sole purpose of making you happy, except for yourself. It is a job that only you should be undertaking and this challenging task belongs to you alone.

We sculpt and shape our character and conditions of our lives by what we think about every single day. Spend all your time, effort and focus to think about how you're able to bring value to this world or even to a single person each time you attempt to say or do something and you will never be too far off from being one step closer to understanding and sharing unconditional love with others around you.

Practice it everyday and choose your thoughts wisely.