
3 Simple Ways To Automate Your Lifestyle

You have heard of the term "automating your business" right?

This phrase basically means that as a business owner, you should set up systems to handle certain repeatable tasks so that you have more time and resources to handle other higher priorities.

Of course, you want to be smart with the investment. The money you put in automation should generate more return of investment (tangible or intangible) in the future for both of you and your business.

Anyhow, the whole idea revolves around the goal of increasing your productivity and scaling your output units.

An obvious example is how the electronics companies or old factories in the past used an automated assembly line to create products rather than doing it by hand.

This saves countless man-hours and means in theory that you can produce a hundred times more of products to sell and scale up your business growth ten times faster.

Have you ever considered using the same concept in your personal life to double, triple or even quadruple your free time?

Here are 3 simple ways on how you can do so:

Tip #1 Shop Online

Shopping online and setting up standing orders is a great way to save time that you would otherwise spend commuting to shopping malls, finding items you want, waiting in queues, and carrying the heavy stuff back home.

At the very least, you should use this for your regular grocery purchases so that you can get a weekly shop delivered directly to your door every day without leaving home at all.

Many people spend an average of 45 minutes per day buying fresh food and groceries. This switch to online shopping can save you 3-5 hours a week!

You can also set up standing orders for gifts.

Want to make sure your spouse gets sent flowers every year on your anniversary? Automate online!

How about restocking your shaving products every month? Automate online!

Or want to make sure the shops have the right size of the jeans and avoid queueing for fitting rooms in your favorite brand? Automate online!

There are plenty of examples of online shopping that can save you a ton of hunting and shopping.

Tip #2 Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

If you can't afford a cleaner, then consider hiring a robotic vacuum cleaner.

These little cute gadgets will move around your home all on their own making sure to reach every small patch of floor to vacuum up crumbs, dust, dirt and anything else that gets on your carpet or wooden floor.

You can also get robotic lawn mowers that do the same job outside the garden.

Yes, they may not guarantee 100% cleanliness. But you're saving a few hours every weekend so you can do more fun things you want!

Tip #3 Cooking

In the kitchen there are tons of things that can save you time.

A food processor for instance can automate the peeling process for you.

Or if you want an even more automated service, consider signing up to a company or farm that delivers healthy, organic, fresh meals to your door every day.

They exist online and they are there to save you hours while improving your health and energy levels, totally no brainer.

Do you feel much less stressful when you automate your life with just these 3 tips?

I do and I recommend you choosing one and starting improving your lifestyle this weekend.

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