
What Psychologists Have to Say About the Science of Positive Thinking

Thinking one's way to success is an art that any individual can practice but only if they knew how. Hear out what psychologists have to say.

1. Richard Boyatzis:

Simple physical and mental exercises are capable of engaging a person's parasympathetic nervous system which is the anatomical part responsible for slowing the heart rate due to relaxation. As a result, a renewed optimism is attained thus leading to a better working relationship. A professor in psychology and cognitive science at the Case Western Reserve University, Boyatzis attests that engaging these parasympathetic systems via regular leisure and physical activities has proven to be recipes for stoking compassion together with creativity.

He proceeds to state that strain together with stress leads an individual to be emotionally, cognitively and ultimately perceptual impairment. He further goes ahead to say that a person who is stressed at their work place will never be capable of thinking outside the box. The reason is clear; they can't see the box in the first place.

Chronic stress is a hindrance for professionals together with those in leadership responsibilities to perform optimally. Prof. Richard argues that stress is an important aspect in our lives and it's the one that makes us to function. However, when the stress ends up being chronic, the body will always make good use of its defensive mechanism and that's to close down thus stopping the mind from functioning well.

2. Sarah Lewis, psychologist of a chartered organization.

According to a report by Lewis, bad management together with workplace bullying ends up being some of the best recipes for a damaged mental and physical health on both sides of the bullying activities.

This therefore implies that if a person in a leadership position is suffering from chronic stress or is fond of bullying, the entire organization will never think outside the box thus it will fail to achieve its optimum potential. In addition, the effects may be channeled back to the children at home thus killing a whole generation as far as positivity is concerned.

Is it possible for positivity together with happiness to result into success?

There has always been a notion that success has always and will always lead to happiness. This is never true as the inverse is the only true fact about the subject. No matter how successful you are financially, if you don't like what you are doing, you will never be happy. On the contra wise, as long as you are happy in your field of interest, you will always want to do your best to achieve something within this area thus leading you to a success. It is happiness that results in to success but not vice versa.

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