
Message From the Universe: The "How It Will Happen" Is NONE of Your Business!

"By embracing uncertainty with regard to the "hows" of dream manifestation, and allowing it, not fearing it, you actually increase my options for blowing your dear, sweet mind.

Yeah, this is good. Really good.

The Universe"

Why not delegate the task of the HOW things will happen. The Universe is ready to take that role. Why bother getting worried about how this will happen, or how long it will take to make it work, or how the hell am I going to go through this challenge? The Universe is your personal assistant for all the "how's" you have in your mind. Let it take care of the complexity behind this very difficult process to let things manifest themselves to you. You want your project to come to reality, you work hard, long hours behind the computer and then, just like that, you start stressing about HOW should you do this or HOW will it all happen for you. You allow negativity to enter because your mind can't accept that the process is rolling and that an external force, also called the Universe, is participating in the makings of your promising future.

It can be hard do grasp that concept as your mind is creating obstacles every time you think big dreams. The same questions lurk in your mind and leave doubts about the potential of your dream coming to fruition. You can't help it as you think that wealth and prosperity is reserved to only a few people on this planet. Questions like: "Why me?" or "Do I deserve this wealth and happiness?" or "Can I be among the rich and famous people on this planet?". The answer is YESSSSSSSS. There is enough abundance out there for 100,000,000 times Earth population. The problem is that people are too afraid to get their piece of the pie. They are adding more difficulties to their daily obligations to focus on what can be theirs when time comes. Abundance is right around the corner, so go out there and take your share. There is a lot left for everyone!!&id=9489200

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