
Making Things Happen - Moving Towards The Uncomfortable!

In order to make things happen, we often have to do something tangible to get what we want. In other words what you do gets done. But it's not just about completing what you start, it's about who you are becoming through what you are doing.

As you 'do' you define yourself. You and others will learn about you by how you 'do'. When you start to put yourself out there and begin moving towards what you want and who you want to become, others begin to see what you're about, they begin to understand you and get what you're about.

By the same token, you begin to see what you're about, you begin to understand you and you begin to get what you're about. But you have to do, you have to get busy to ultimately make it happen.

It's Not Happening!

This is, however, often easier said than done. If you ever find you've set your intention, meticulously planned and prepared to the best of your ability, got yourself revved up and yet you still don't get anything done, there may be one or more blocks you may be experiencing.

One thing to acknowledge is that the 'block' exists. A block can manifest as fear, fatigue, palpitations, sweaty palms, nausea and other physical and/or emotional responses. Because these responses are uncomfortable, we tend to avoid them, thereby also avoiding the activity associated with them. The upshot? Your best intentions come to nothing.

These responses represent your body trying to protect you from something it sees as a threat. This is known as the 'stress response'. Literally, your body thinks you are going to die. Getting things done therefore requires you to change the relationship you have with those stress responses. Instead of avoiding them you move towards them.

This can be done through:

1. Fully acknowledging the sensations, being 'with' them (ie avoiding trying to suppress them) and giving yourself time to allow them to subside. This will begin to put you back into control

2. Repeating positive statements such as: "I am safe. I am not under attack. I am not going to die." This may sound melodramatic, but you're speaking directly to your animal brain. This is your oldest brain which, when you're under stress, still thinks you are being hunted down and are facing certain death

3. You can also use Energy Therapy techniques such as Emotional Freedom ('Tapping') Therapy, which is based on acupuncture, to quell the responses even further. With EFT we tap the acupressure points on the body rather than put needles into them. This helps to move the energy in your body such that you begin to feel more centred, balanced and in control

So with time and patience it is possible to begin to lessen the unpleasant sensations that go with those tasks you dislike, and those you automatically avoid. Once these sensations start to diminish, you begin to put yourself back in the driving seat, and once again start to make things happen.!&id=9350076

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