
How To Wake Up Successfully

The mere title of this article makes me chuckle.

But yes, we all are really good at hitting the snooze button when the clock strikes and telling ourselves "just 5 more minutes". Before you know it, you either are 30 minutes late for work or have completely overslept for 3 hours and missed your Sunday morning's fellowship session.

Not quite productive huh?

Here are 3 quick tips for you to defeat the evil Snooze Monster that's residing within us so that you can finally start your day in the right way.

Tip #1 Use a fitness band or sleep timer app

Yes, technologies can help you track how well you sleep, how rigorous you move, and how you want to be awakened in the morning.

Fitbit and Jawbone are some of the most popular sleep tracking devices in the market.

Alternatively, if you have an iPhone, apps like Sleep Time, Sleep Cycle or Sleepbot can come in handy. These iOS apps use the accelerometer to monitor your movements and will give you data on how your rest has been.

With these gadgets, you can play around your sleeping schedule and see what fits your physiology well. They can also wake you up when you're in your lightest sleep so you struggle less getting out of bed.

If a hundred buck can kill the snooze monster forever, that's a no-brainer investment for yourself.

Tip #2 Turn On The Lights!

We sleep well in darkness, but natural or artificial lights stimulate the light receptors in our brain which will produce serotonin to wake us up.

So once the alarm clock roars, get up and open your curtains or blinds and let some lights in.

For bonus hack, go do your bed and fold your blankets nicely.

This not only requires you to start moving your body but also helps you accomplish a small win in your first minute of the day.

Navy SEAL Admiral William H. McRaven suggested that making our bed gives us a small sense of pride, which will encourage us to complete another task after another.

It's a simple productive trick to make sure you really live fully every day.

Tip #3 Get Out Of Your Room And Have A Cold Water Splash!

If you don't leave your room after a minute, it's very likely you're going to crawl back to your bed.

So once you've done your bed, get your butt out of the bedroom and have a cold shower. Not only it's for your hygiene purposes, but it's also a guaranteed way to fully wake your body up! 
(Of course, consult your doctor if you are uncertain about your health condition.)

To make it more enjoyable, turn up your favorite music and sing along. Make your first 15 minutes of the day awesome, happy and fun so you look forward to it every night you sleep.

With only these 3 tips, you're ready to rock your morning and have an awesome day.

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