
Enjoy Life to the Fullest

Enjoy life to the fullest, it has an expiration date. Life today should mean pleasure, but our modern concept of living is often just the reverse; negative in concept and implying the resignation of one's self-image. Modern living often means abandoning satisfaction because of a phantom called "twentieth-century anxieties".

"Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think." ~Horace

Life should be a happy vocation. People should be useful to themselves and to others. Pleasure must be part of us; like our heart, our eyes, our hands, and our feet. It should know no race, no creed, no colour, no status, no age. The good feelings to life belong to us and there is no moral aspect to it except that it is immoral for people to fester in unhappiness. "Live life to the fullest because you only get to live once".

By forgetting the mistakes of the past, you can live each day to the full. You can find pleasure in working, in living, in friendship, and every other aspects of your life, if you feel that you have a right to enjoy yourself. I am not a great believer in sin, but if there is sin, it is for people who sit around, finding fault with themselves for the mistakes they have made; mistakes which are only human. "A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing" ~George Bernard Shaw

There are so many people who waste the wonderful power of their imaginations and torturing themselves with their past blunders. It is sad but true that many of us who blame ourselves so severely have in reality led lives characterized by hard effort and a constant attempt to be decent human beings; yet we give ourselves no rights.

When we criticize ourselves, we deny ourselves pleasure. Yet we have the right to feel free of fear, to feel free of guilt; to feel pleasure. In order to enjoy our lives to the fullest we have to find resolution within our minds to be happy. It is a victory of one's positive thinking-imagining forces over negative thinking-imagining forces. We prepare ourselves to enjoy our lives as we strengthen our images of ourselves each day. We live vitally, allowing ourselves pleasure because we feel that we deserve it. "I have decided that no matter what is happening in my life, I will choose to be happy! Not because everything is perfect, but because I deserve it".

Through strengthening your self-image, through seeing yourself at your best, through encouraging your success instincts, you can create pleasure for yourself. But the unfortunate fact is that many people do not feel that it would be fair for them to be happy. They do not feel they deserve it, and they use rationalizations to explain their misery:

If only they had money...

If not for that financial catastrophe...

If that accident hadn't happened...

If not for that childhood disease which only they had contracted...

A tragic event from the past is dredged up and used to explain all the pain, all the lack of their pleasure in life. But what they don't realize is that everyone knows tragedy, everyone knows pain; fate didn't single them out for punishment. Successful, happy people know pain, too, but they just keep pushing forward through pain to pleasure. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain".

Imagine a man sits at his desk; he is an executive for a large company. His desk is full of menus, letters, contracts, and other papers. Two lights on the side of his telephone flicker on and off, indicating people waiting to talk to him. He is in conference with two men who sit, waiting for his attention. He looks at his appointment book and notes that another vital conference is set for this day, and he must devote a few hours to a project which is behind schedule, and also he must dictate letters to A, B, C,...

The enormity of these pressures might overwhelm many of us. "It is too much for us" we'd say. But not this man. He feels pleasure and he enjoys doing it. He refuses to let a daunting imagination ruin his effectiveness. Instead he sees in his mind the successes that his day will bring. He Turns warmly to his visitors, listens attentively, does his best to respond to their needs and demands. He answers the phone, and getting to the heart of communicating instantly, returns to his visitors. He tells them what action he intends to take on the matters under discussion, dictates a message into a machine, turns back to them to ask if they are happy with his decisions. They are, and he ushers them to the door, shaking hands warmly. Nothing phony, simple pleasure in a direct, effective moving toward goals. This man projects his imaginations into action in a positive way. He accepts his right to feel happy and be successful. Many people fill their minds with destructive, depressing thoughts; and pleasure is caught in a squeeze in which it is crushed. They worry about disasters that never or rarely happen. The feelings of happiness and satisfaction from their work are not tolerated, and they obviously cannot function in the successful way that this executive does. They do not enjoy their work; they do not enjoy their life either. "We call pleasure the alpha and omega of a blessed life. Pleasure is our first and kindred good" ~ Epicuru

We must enjoy our lives to the fullest. We can feel pleasure in our every day of living. We can sing in the shower and feel musical thoughts in our minds and generosity in our hearts. It is a question, basically, of what we will allow ourselves. We must not block the attainment of our legitimate satisfactions. No years can be creative if we deny ourselves the principle of happiness and enjoying our lives to the fullest.

If you think positive, any sound becomes music, any move becomes dance, any smile becomes laughter, and the entire life becomes a huge celebration. So always think positive and live your life happy to its fullest

We all have been given one life to live. Live every moment of life because you don't know what is going to happen on the very next moment. Make the most of every opportunity that crosses your path. Reach out for newer, richer, deeper, life-changing experiences. And use those experiences as a means for personal growth and pushing the boundaries of yourself mentally, spirituality, and intellectually for the betterment of yourself and the world at large.

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