
Want Consistent Success? Ask Yourself Three Simple Questions

What are you doing that's working? What are you doing that's not working? What did you used to do that used to work that you have stopped doing?

I ask myself these three questions every month to help me ensure that I am effectively using my time and resources. I also ask these three questions of every audience asking them to consider effective changes that could or should be made and what they can continue doing that is contributing to their growth, improvement and success. Let me explain a bit further the process and incredible benefits of this simple approach.

What are you doing that's working?

You choose to define working but be careful that you don't let your ego, insecurity, the need for approval and old emotional baggage get in the way. Ask yourself - what am I doing in my - life, career, thoughts, beliefs, business, money management, relationships, health and personal development etc. that is working?

What should you do with the stuff that's working? Simple - keep doing it, thinking it or believing it. It's working.

What are you doing that's not working?

Ask yourself - what am I doing in my - life, career, thoughts, beliefs, business, money management, relationships, health and personal development etc. that is not working? I repeat you get to define - not working.

Why are you still doing it? Why can't you let it go? Why can't you change? Not easy questions but vital ones if you want to stay on the road to success, happiness and contentment. Let it go, change it, stop it, start something new.

What did you used to do that used to work that you have stopped doing? 
Ask yourself - what did I used to do that used to work that I have stopped doing?

Same topic areas as above.

Have you let technology replace the human connection? Have you lost relevance in the marketplace or your career? Have you started something new letting go of what has worked in the past because of fear, pressure or political correctness?

These three simple questions can have a dramatic impact on every area of your life if you will take the time to seriously consider your answers. As a side note if you run a business why not ask your employees to answer these questions - you might be amazed at what you learn.

If you fail to consider these simple questions routinely you will soon discover that you are wasting time, energy, resources and money.

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