
Sharks Are Born Swimming - Story Of a Cock, a Cockerel and a Layer

A Cock, a Cockerel, and a Layer

All three are birds. Call them fowls, chickens or whatever suits you but the fact stands, all three are birds. Where I come from, the domestic birds are mostly left to fend for themselves, the owner only calls the cock to the pot during festive periods, watches the cockerel grow, and deals with the layer when it lays eggs or when it hatches the egg. 
All are birds, same responsibilities, but different expectations.

There was a day I sat outside the house, still in the compound though. The pedestrian gate was a little bit open, wide enough for a Cock, a Cockerel and a layer to come in. Immediately the birds got in, I closed the gate; I didn't want more to come in, and also I was in want of company.

I closed the gate, went back to my seat and watched all three find alternative escape routes...

The cockerel immediately went to the gate I closed, found an opening below the pedestrian gate and left the compound.

One look at the cockerel's escape route was enough for the layer to know it wouldn't quite fit into the space, not even if it tried to wriggle its way through. Forcing itself through would lead to injuries, and maybe, death! Therefore, it went about, searching frantically. After all hope seemed lost, it went to the big gate and passed the opening beneath it.

The Cock went up and about. It tried following the layer's footstep but the gate just wouldn't fit it. Therefore, it just kept strolling round the compound. After it finished its tour, it got back to the search. It stood beside the fence, confused. I don't know the thoughts running in its mind at that time but all I know is that I threw a stick at it, and immediately it jumped. It jumped so high that microseconds later, it was standing on the fence. And hence it went!


We are bound to have neighbours, since we are not Robinson Crusoe.

"If you want to go fast, move alone, but if you want to go far, move with people."

The above quote is good, but then it does not state the rudiments of moving with people. You exert much caution, action and inaction.

Everyone with unique abilities, you should not fill in another person's shoes; you fit yours perfectly.

Like the Cock, Cockerel and Layer, ability gives us diverse escape routes.

"Sharks are born swimming."- Tower Heist.,-a-Cockerel-and-a-Layer&id=9424960

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