
Pains & Pleasures Make Our Life Meaningful

Life on our planet consists of many twins like Day and Night, Good and Bad, Birth and Death, Pains and Pleasures, etc. Lazy and easy-going people prefer pleasures forgetting the truth 'Pleasures are impossible without pains.' Nobody remembers the good work of road builders, when taking a smooth drive down the highways.

Pains are the feelings of discomfort that a person experiences internally. The pains of one person cannot be felt and explained by another like the taste of a chocolate which can be understood by anybody. Moreover, the intensity of pain varies depending on the physical strength and will power of the individual. Pain is also known as strain, tiredness, fatigue, and failure.

Pains are caused by the hard-work, Insults, Injuries, Illness and Loss of near and dear ones. They can be grouped into physical and mental types. A truck driver develops the body strain after a long trip whereas a scientist after a hectic research in the lab feels the stress or depression. Sometimes, a mix of mental and physical sufferings is possible when a person applies all the energies. A surgical operation is a good example for this. Sacrifice is the only pain that produces pleasures to all.

Pains should be not to be shared with others, but to be suffered alone without expressing outwardly. Because they cause inconvenience to other people through loss of time, strain, and money. The best thing of pains is that they remind the humans to be careful and not casual in their life.

Pleasures make our life rosy and happy. A small candy brings smile to a weeping kid. They become memorable when shared with others. However, most of us wish to share the problems and pains only enjoy the happiness privately. Sex is the only pleasure that culminates into a strain during pregnancy and a horrible pain during the birth.

The Excesses are risky. Too much of pain and failure upset the spirit of life itself. Chronic illness frustrates any person. Likewise, excessive pleasure makes us blind and to behave abnormally. However, Life gets charm if the grief and pain are alternating. No one can define the right mix of pains and pleasure because they are beyond the control of humans.

Hard work begins with pain but yields pleasure afterwards. Years of practice and learning alone bring success. Pains and pleasures are the two eyes of life. Treat them equally to seek bliss like Lord Buddha.

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