
Message From the Universe: The Door to Opportunities Is Always Left Unlocked

"It's as if you're pounding on the massive doors of the kingdom of your wildest dreams. At first lightly, even respectfully, then, losing patience, louder and louder. You pray. You plead. You beg. You ask. You cry. You wail. And just on the other side of the door, your faithful, adoring subjects silently writhe, some quietly crying, all intensely feeling your frustration and loneliness.

Yet they remember all too well how, on the day you left, you made them swear not to ever open the door, so that you might discover for yourself...

... that it was left unlocked.

I hate when that happens, 
The Universe"

This is what we all live day in and day out. We sometimes fail to look further in a situation and miss out on something great. When we start something, we stop at the sight of the first challenge, the first obstacle and feel that maybe a better route is available. We are attracted to path of least resistance, but yet, nothing really great is on the other end of these paths. We feel like we are running but never arriving at destination, just like on a treadmill. We complicate things too much because simplicity may seem to be to good to be true. We look for problems where there are none, and because of our mindset, we miss out on some more opportunities that were right there, waiting for us. There is no mystery, no secrets, just a creation of your imagination that stops you from seeking bigger and better dreams. You have done so much so why let your mind stop you from going further? So deliberately stop yourself from reaching up to the summit of the mountain? You are just a few steps away from getting there, so just allow yourself to keep on looking up and enjoying the view from up there. You knew that the road to success wasn't going to be an easy one but you still kept on innovating, creating new ideas, allowing uncertainties, loneliness to take over your life. You are in the right track so when facing these massive walls stopping you from moving forward, BREAK THEM DOWN. You deserve that much.

Some say that the doors of real opportunities are never really locked, or even closed. It is up to you to discover which one will render the best results for you. Once you start walking a path, and you feel it is not what you expected, don't be afraid to turn back and change direction. It is fine to do that. Many just keep on walking straight even though they are aware of this path not being the most efficient for them. They feel it would be a big waste of time to turn back, so might as well continue on that same path. Nothing is a waste of time, it is just gained knowledge. When you are not happy in a relationship, why stick with that person? When not happy at your job, why keep on doing something that makes you miserable? Learn to embrace change and not be afraid of it. Change is good, it is healthy and exciting. Afraid of being single? Imagine the million of people out there still single but happy as hell. If your previous relationship didn't work out, I am sure you are now aware of what you are looking for when looking for someone else. Afraid of changes means afraid of learning. Why stay ignorant? You need to start looking at things differently so you can adopt a new approach to life. Again, changes are good, as long as you feel that your life needs it. If you are happy the way things are going, then don't change anything. Why fix something that is NOT broken? Otherwise, start surfing the wave of life instead of ducking your head under it and missing out on amazing opportunities.

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