
In Pursuit Of Success

Any of you that follow me on Facebook or Instagram will know that I'm a big fan of inspirational quotes. Some people love them and some people hate them, but I am firmly in the love them camp. Sometimes we all need a bit of motivation and a few simple words can sometimes encourage you to think about your life or your present situation. I once read somewhere that success in life such is 10% skill and 90% mindset. I think there is a lot of truth in that. I personally know some incredibly successful people - self made millionaires and people that have built up a successful business empire from scratch. Not all of them work in the same industry, not all of them do the same things but they all share one thing in common - a positive, focused, motivated mindset. Even when they first started their journeys, they all believed in themselves and had visions of their future success. It's not arrogance, it's confidence and self belief. These people inspire and attract others who want to emulate their success.

Being self employed and starting your own business is hard. I know because I'm currently doing it. It involves early mornings and late nights, seven days a week. You have to make personal sacrifices so that you can invest time and money into your business. In the beginning, the financial rewards are small compared with the amount of work that you are putting in. It would be so easy just to give up but unfortunately, that is what the road on the way looks like. The difference between people that are successful and the ones who are not is that the successful ones don't give up. You have to remind yourself why you are doing it. Whether you want to earn lots of money for expensive things, financial freedom, to travel or whether like me, you want time freedom. The freedom to use your time the way you want, to take days off and holidays when you want, to spend your weekends with your loved ones, to spend Christmas at home with your family - that is why I am building my business. Remind yourself of your 'why' motivation every single day. If you have visions of living in a beautiful home, owning an expensive car, being your own boss, travelling the world... Don't call it a dream, think of it as a plan. If you want nice things and the freedom to do what you want, you can pin your hopes on a lottery win (it won't happen), or instead you can try and build your own success.

Some people have an incredibly negative mindset. We all have bad days. And it's OK. That's life. It throws challenges, hurt, obstacles, sadness, tragedy... Downright horrible things at us that we have to deal with. But some people just go through life under a permanently dark cloud, constantly pessimistic, moaning, feeling sorry for themselves and dwelling on everything that has gone wrong and waiting for the next thing that will go wrong. It's almost as if they set themselves up for failure after failure. I believe that positive people attract positive things and that your life situation will be as good as your attitude towards it. If you have the right mindset, you will attract people to you who will lift you up rather than bring you down.

I love the quote 'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning how to dance in the rain'. It's been shared so many times on social media now that people ignore it but it's so true. A negative mind will never give you a positive life and you just have to learn how to deal with the rubbish life throws at you sometimes. In the past few years, I've had to deal with a lot of sadness, hurt and grief but I'm sure as hell not gonna let that defeat me. There are people no longer with me that I wish were, there are things people have done to me that I really wish they hadn't but I can't change any of them. All I can do is look forward, smile and keep living my life, doing the things that make me happy with people that make me happy. I don't think about what's wrong, I'm thankful for what's right. When something bad happens in your life, you have a choice. You can let it define you, let it destroy you or the one which I've chosen - let it strengthen you. If you can build a firm foundation with the bricks that have been thrown at you in life then you're onto a winner.

Think of a negative attitude like a flat tyre - you won't go anywhere until you change it :-)

These 25 Very powerful motivational quote will change attitude towards life. You can download them for free here 
Download Your 25 Motivational Quotes

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