
How to Build Your Best Ideas From Your Mistakes

When we make mistakes, new ideas emerge. We need to learn from our mistakes. There are always good ideas and bad ideas. The ideas that actually lead us to innovation don't appear yet. We need to work on it. When it does come (best ideas that lead to innovation) we hardly remember the dead ones. Such is life.

The Example of Wright Brothers

As an example, we have taken the case of Wright brothers who have invented the aeroplane in 1903. The brothers drew from the power of collaboration. It is indicated that, the brothers constantly exchanged new ideas, discussed and thought together. They even played together when they were kids.

We need to understand here that everything they did was a result of conversations and discussions between them. Through this collaboration they made several alterations and modifications to their invention and finally it all pieced together in 1903.

"They didn't experience a single moment of insight. Rather it was the culmination of many successive ideas over many months and years that resulted in their invention. One spark led to another and so on." 
There are many such examples. We need to understand and listen to the moments of interaction that we have with ourselves, our environment and with the world. The secret lies in the unraveling of such moments.

The 5 essential features

We have highlighted 5 essentials that any person or a group need to follow to unravel the best ideas from the worldly interactions and from our own past mistakes.

  1. Innovation emerges over time - Great innovation happens over time. We need to give it sufficient time for it to unfold itself. Small incremental ideas will eventually lead to bigger ideas.
  2. Practice observing and listening to others ideas - We need to have the patience and listen to others ideas and at the same time come up with our own ideas.
  3. Allow your ideas to be reinterpreted and re-applied - When you allow your ideas to be reinterpreted and re-applied that's when the ideas get full importance. They get importance only after they are taken up.
  4. Recognize that everybody has a role to play - Apply the approach of going bottoms up. Giving equal importance to everybody in the team serves the purpose. When an innovation does happen, it is always surprising that no one individual would have thought about it.
  5. Improvise, make many hits and errors - When we improvise there are always many hits and errors. The hits are amazing and astonishing. The hits (best ideas) would have never been noticed earlier.

When we collaborate and share, the whole is greater than the sum of parts. Creative groups are formed spontaneously and we started looking at the old problem in a new frame. Sparks fly.

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