
What Are YOU Attracting in Your Life? Connecting New Age, Metaphysics and Quantum Physics

In an earlier article, I discussed how the philosophy of, 'we become what we attract' dates back thousands of years. That what you tell yourself becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy through the power of "I am" statements. And that most people are unaware that they continually attract exactly what they do not want through negative statements like "I think I'm getting sick," or "I'm too fat, too old, etc."

New Age thought often connects self-empowerment with Universal energies. Books like The Law of Attraction and The Secret are based on this philosophy of what you put out comes back to you. But to go beyond New Age thought we need to go into Metaphysics that can be explained through quantum physics.

Metaphysics is derived from the Greek word Meta meaning "beyond" or "after," and physics pertaining to the physical. Initially meaning beyond the physical, today it encompasses theories and explanations for phenomena not often explained by the physical sciences. Metaphysics can involve theories of the origins of the Universe, consciousness, the purpose of life, universal laws, and Karma. It can attempt to answer questions that the physical sciences cannot. Metaphysics attempts to explain phenomenon that traditional science does not attempt to explain. Concepts such as psychic phenomenon, telepathy, ESP, Out-of-Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences, Reincarnation and the spirit dimension science usually dismisses through "lack of evidence." However, quantum physics does in fact explain such Metaphysical phenomenon.

The field of quantum physics began in the early 1900's. It is a set of principles that describe the behavior of subatomic particles. Quantum theory provides accurate descriptions for many previously unexplained phenomena such as black body radiation and stable electron orbits. In the development of quantum theory, physicist Max Planck (1858-1947), considered the founder of quantum theory, proposed that energy waves could be described as consisting of small packets or quanta. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) further postulated that an electromagnetic wave such as light was composed of particles called photons. This led to a theory of unity between subatomic particles and electromagnetic waves called wave-particle duality in which particles and waves were neither one nor the other, but had properties of both. Quantum mechanics led to the development of the transistor, electron microscope, magnetic resonance imaging, the laser and semiconductors.

An interesting discovery of quantum physics is that of nonlocality, the phenomenon that when two particles interact, they continue to influence each other and transfer information between them instantly, no matter how distantly separated they become. They can be separated by inches, feet, or millions of miles, and the transfer of information is immediate, indicating instant communication. This transfer of information is not bound by the laws of the physical universe, such as traveling at the speed of light (186,282.4 miles per second). It is believed this nonlocal transfer of information operates in an unseen reality, one that connects all physical events with the universe.

Using theories in quantum physics, we can explain how Metaphysical principles such as energy healing, clairvoyance, and consciousness existing outside the body all function:

Light is composed of electromagnetic energy that has properties of both particles and waves.

These subatomic particles can transfer information as well and are not bound by properties of space or time.

Human thought/consciousness produces energy similar to that of light-energy with the same properties; consciousness is not bound by space and time.

Consciousness/thought is composed of energy that can affect matter near or far.

Science is now explaining how energy can leave the body and affect its surroundings, be it near or far (energy particles are nonlocal). Quantum physics is explaining how energy is composed of matter and can leave the body, affecting various energy layers around it. Science is now explaining what sages, mystics, and religious leaders have professed for thousands of years, that energy travels in

waves and can affect the physical world. Our consciousness is energy that can affect our lives by attracting other energy to it. When we project negative energy outward through self-debilitating thoughts and statements, that energy returns to us. As does positive and uplifting energies that will return better health, happiness and prosperity! It is all based in science!

Quantum physics also supports that our consciousness does not die when the physical body does. Our consciousness is energy that continues on when the body does not. What has been observed during NDE's and in past life regressions (reincarnation) is being explained by the "science' of quantum physics.

The science of quantum physics now explains that our consciousness is energy that can affect our lives, as in New Age thought and that our consciousness is universal energy that can transcend space, time and dimensions as in Metaphysical principles of karma, reincarnation, psychic phenomenon and connecting with those Universal energies. What you are attracting is based on science! What do you want to attract?

"Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it."~ Dr. Ernest Holmes.,-Metaphysics-and-Quantum-Physics&id=9424996

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