
Logic Gets You From A to B, Imagination Gets You Everywhere

You can ask anybody, friends, family, or acquaintances, everyone wants to experience all the good things life has to offer. You want to achieve your greatest dreams, and live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. There is one little challenge however, most people have no idea how to achieve all these beautiful things. The transition, to take you from your current situation, to the one that you yearn for, can be mapped out as going from point A to point B, right? So what is so difficult? Point A... your present situation... point B... the hoped for dream lifestyle. Most people rely on logic to take them from one point to another. What they do not know, is the secret ingredient, to bridge the gap from point A to point B, which is right in their own mind.

What is that secret ingredient? It is your imagination! Your logical mind is like a vehicle, but it is your imagination that steers the ship. It is your imagination that creates the vision for your whole life. Your logical mind is the action plan, but your imagination sets the path to follow. It is important to be disciplined, and to commit yourself to the path, in order to be successful. As you move down the road, sooner or later you are bound to hit a wall. A roadblock, that was not part of the plan. Your logical mind is stuck, this was not supposed to happen. This is where most people give up. Now is time to fire up your imagination again. The imagination gives you the freedom to look beyond any challenge, and use your inborn creativity, to find a way around, over, or even right through that obstacle that is blocking your path.You are free to use your mind, your imagination to gain the freedom you desire. You, my friend, are destined for greatness! What is the one word you can think of, that calms you right down? How do you feel, when you are in that frame of mind? Do you feel like hugging people? Do you feel like hugging yourself? Do you feel a joy inside of you?

For some strange reason, some people get joy out of being rough and arrogant to others, perhaps they are trying to cover their own weaknesses. Real joy and satisfaction in life come from being calm and gentle. However angry you might be, or the challenges you face in life, be calm and feel the joy in your heart, thinking of that one word.

Never fight fire with fire. Two wrongs do not make a right. Don't even think of revenge, or being insensitive to others. The only personal satisfaction you will get is by handling people and situations by being calm and gentle, even when you are dealing with people that don't like you.

Some days you may be angry with yourself, or upset because you were betrayed by someone you hold close to your heart, keep calm, and be gentle with yourself, instead of having thoughts of revenge. If the situation is too much to handle by yourself, talk to a close friend or family member to help you calm down. And remembering that one word, will certainly help as well.

Appreciate the effort of other people, no matter how small their contribution may have been. Treat every person with respect, because everybody is unique in his or her own way. Using words like "excuse me", "please", or "thank you", will show your gentle side, and give you that quiet joy.

Promise yourself that you will always be gentle with yourself and others, regardless of the reaction that you may get. Some people will appreciate it, while others will take advantage of it, perhaps just to provoke you, to see how you will react. Your life journey may not be easy, but with dedication and commitment, and remembering that one word, you will have a life of joy and satisfaction. Oh... do you remember what that one word was? Love! Carrying love in your heart, for yourself and others, will give you the deepest joy, and satisfaction in life!,-Imagination-Gets-You-Everywhere&id=9380459

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