
16 Tips to Brighten Up a Dark Day

There are a great deal of things that can darken your day. Maybe storm clouds are covering up the sun or you simply learned that your son needs braces that will cost more than your last automobile. If you need fast relief, have a look at these fast and easy treats for your body and mind.

Quick Ways to Brighten up Your Mind

1. Count your blessings. Cultivating appreciation makes you happier. Draw up a long list of things that you're grateful for and post it someplace where you can see it throughout the day. Tell somebody how much they mean to you.

2. Hang out with good friends. Connect with others. Invite a bunch of friends over to view a movie and eat popcorn.

3. Volunteer in your neighborhood. Support a deserving cause while you take your mind off your problems. Pull weeds for elderly neighbors or do fundraising work for a local charity.

4. Invest in others. Studies show that money can purchase joy when you invest it in others. Surprise your mom with a heated mattress pad to help her sleep. Or, go to your local fast food restaurant and buy some meals for any of the homeless in your area. Trust me, that alone will brighten your day fast!

5. Head outside. Experiencing nature raises our spirits. Have a nice picnic lunch in the park.

6. Learn a new skill. Adding to your achievements offers lasting fulfillment. Sign up for an online course or ask your next-door neighbor to show you how they keep their yard so green.

7. Laugh aloud. Smile wide and think of something that makes you want to chuckle. Watch funny cat videos on YouTube or think about the funny thing that took place at your kid's school play.

8. Listen to some positive music. Positive music is contagious. Put together a playlist of songs that make you want to dance and be joyful. Sing along with the band and notice how happy you begin to feel.

9. Pet your dog if you have one. Your dog is an excellent role model for teaching you how to put aside your cares and just live in the moment. Let him or her cheer you up when you're feeling blue.

Quick Ways to Brighten up Your Body.

1. Breathe deeply. Breathing has an effect on how you feel. Focus on the flow of oxygen going into and leaving one nostril. Follow your breath down through your throat and chest. Feel your stomach rise and fall.

2. Lower your shoulders. Scan yourself from head to toe. Open up any areas of tightness and tension. Draw your shoulders back and down.

3. Massage your feet. You may be cranky because your shoes have actually been pinching your feet. Kick them off and dip your toes into a tub of warm water. Dry off and roll a tennis ball around under your arches.

4. Try aromatherapy. Choose an invigorating fragrance like grapefruit or peppermint. If you're agitated, select relaxing lavender or sandalwood.

5. Move around. Exercise is a natural and advantageous stimulant. Accelerate your heart beat with some laps around the track or ten minutes on an inclined treadmill. You might even play a game of catch with your children.

6. Stretch out. Want a yoga pose that will perk you up? Sun salutations will do the job. To calm down, rest on your back and extend your legs straight up against a wall.

7. Rest. On the other hand, maybe you're dragging because you need more rest. Take a short nap and go to bed early so you'll be bright-eyed and fresh tomorrow.

Some days are gloomier than others, but you can be prepared for conflicts and difficulties. Utilize these pick-me-ups or develop your very own techniques that keep you smiling and content no matter what's going on around you.

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