
Powerful Spiritual Words - These Words Will Change Your Life!

'This is my day', the day to live, love and enjoy! As you rise, get dressed and eat your breakfast say 'This is my day!'

If you are facing difficulties and feeling afraid or anxious about the day say,

'This is the day I express strength and courage'

If you find yourself dwelling on the past and long for the good old days, affirm these words, 'This is my day of joy and happiness'

Repeat these words many times and welcome with open arms the good that is running to meet you. The gifts of spirit are always good. They draw health and peace towards you. What you see with your five senses, essentially the thoughts of others, may be helpful or may be harmful. The practice of connecting with the indwelling spirit will help you determine what is true and what is false. Turn your attention within, let all thoughts of disappointment drop away and replace them with ideas of love, joy and prosperity. Allow a new energy to enter your body.

When we know what we want we usually find a way to achieve it. Give yourself time for meditation and reflection. Give yourself time to sit quietly and listen to the still quiet voice within. What do you need to fulfill your desires? Do you need a different attitude? Are you willing to do the very best? Is your attention on your inner voice? Are you moving forward with courage and confidence?

If your need is for more courage, then be happy that spirit provides you with the unlimited life and strength to assist you in doing what is required. For it is through spirit that the life flow in you increases and prompts you to fulfill that which is required. By going within and connecting with your spiritual self, you will be led to outwardly express your true self.

If you feel that you carry a heavy burden then say,

'I release all seeming burdens to Spirit. I am free and at peace'

If your body needs health then say, 'I am renewed, healthy and whole'

Remember, this is your day! Do not be concerned about yesterday or tomorrow. Invite love, joy and happiness into your life now. Give thanks for the blessings you have received and for those not that have not yet been bestowed upon you. Open your arms, have courage, live fully and freely, this is your day!!&id=9124374

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